S.S.D. Deniability Problems


New Member
Can someone tellme if there are any online instructions that deal with how to navigate the legal process of S.S.D. appeals? Specifically at the Federal level.

I have had a bad time with getting competent attorneys and really have no choice but to proceed alone in what amounts to my last chance.

When I could not get my Worker's Compensation attorney's office to get back to me on initiating the original S.S.D. application I proceeded on my own. Now knowing the process, I was denied and had to appeal. So I found another attorney office to handle it.

Unfortunately, at the last hearing it did not seem like all pertinent questions were addressed, and looking at the transcript of that hearing there are errors concerning the amount of money I received from Worker's Compensation and the identity of my primary care physician.

The attorney's office also failed to tell me that I was supposed to submit medical records on a regular basis, so the subsequent denial was based on incomplete medical records.

At present, I have to respond to the Defendant's (Commissioner of Social Security) "Notice of Motion".



I reside in Staten Island, New York and was wondering if there are any online instructions that deal with how to navigate the legal process of S.S.D. appeals? Specifically at the Federal level.

I have had a bad time with getting competent attorneys and really have no choice but to proceed alone in what amounts to my last chance.

When I could not get my Worker's Compensation attorney's office to get back to me on initiating the original S.S.D. application I proceeded on my own. Now knowing the process, I was denied and had to appeal. So I found another attorney office to handle it.

Unfortunately, at the last hearing it did not seem like all pertinent questions were addressed, and looking at the transcript of that hearing there are errors concerning the amount of money I received from Worker's Compensation and the identity of my primary care physician.

The attorney's office also failed to tell me that I was supposed to submit medical records on a regular basis, so the subsequent denial was based on incomplete medical records.

At present, I have to respond to the Defendant's (Commissioner of Social Security) "Notice of Motion".



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This is your only warning.
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Can someone tellme if there are any online instructions that deal with how to navigate the legal process of S.S.D. appeals? Specifically at the Federal level.

I have had a bad time with getting competent attorneys and really have no choice but to proceed alone in what amounts to my last chance.

When I could not get my Worker's Compensation attorney's office to get back to me on initiating the original S.S.D. application I proceeded on my own. Now knowing the process, I was denied and had to appeal. So I found another attorney office to handle it.

Unfortunately, at the last hearing it did not seem like all pertinent questions were addressed, and looking at the transcript of that hearing there are errors concerning the amount of money I received from Worker's Compensation and the identity of my primary care physician.

The attorney's office also failed to tell me that I was supposed to submit medical records on a regular basis, so the subsequent denial was based on incomplete medical records.

At present, I have to respond to the Defendant's (Commissioner of Social Security) "Notice of Motion".



I suggest you keep looking for a better attorney.
Social security denies people to discourage the scammers.
the people who really are disabled are persistent.
They keep coming back, like that battery bunny.
Just keep filing, even if you are denied.
You can always file a new claim.
You also must illustrate that you have sought, and continue to seek medical help, by hospital and medical records.
There are certain things SS looks for, and I won't reveal those.
You have to figure that out.
I have found that 99% of the administrative law judges are fair.
You want to eventually get your case before an ALJ.
In most cases, your successful ruling will be received of what you write about your suffering and the medical documentation you provide.
WC attorneys handle WC. Expecting them to handle your SSD case is not realistic unless they specialize in that also and you are paying them for those services. I've been through the process with my Dad. Submitting full medical reports is absolutely needed and reiterated umpteen times in the course of the materials. I'm not sure how you expect SSA to evaluate your claim without them.

You don't mention is, but is your WC claim fully settled? Were you found to be PTD?

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