School Confusion


New Member
I finished school 6 MONTHS ago, our school only graduates once a year, so I just recently graduated May 19, 2018. What I don't understand is how you allow me to graduate and when it's over, I don't have a diploma. They say check with my school on Monday so I did and left. So my question is this: How can you allow me to graduate if I need another class and why did it take you 6 months to give me this information. I could have taken that class and still be done in time to graduate. I get a call 2 or 3 days AFTER graduation to tell me I don't have a diploma because I need another class. What kind of stuff is that and why you didn't notify earlier. Somebody somewhere is not properly handling their job right and just dropped the ball.I feel This is total negligence. It should not have taken them 6 MONTHS to notify and tell me about it. What kind of legal actions can I take against this school for not paying better attention to my school paperwork. This was supposed to be my happiest graduation because this would have been my second straight time graduating from this school. Please help me. I am 56 years old and trying to better myself. School took a lot out of me and none of this is fair...
If you are 56 years old, you should have realized by now that life is not fair. Did you not check the degree requirements? Did you not keep up with the classes you took and the ones you needed to finish? Look in the mirror if you want to assign blame to something or someone. It's not the school's fault.
If you are 56 years old, you should have realized by now that life is not fair. Did you not check the degree requirements? Did you not keep up with the classes you took and the ones you needed to finish? Look in the mirror if you want to assign blame to something or someone. It's not the school's fault.
Well first of all thank u for replying to my comment. But first of all it's not my job to handle paperwork. I am there to be a student. That is what the school pay the staff to do. I know for certain that I completed ALL my classes. AGAIN: Where did this class come from and why did it take so long to get the info to me..It's been 6 months. I hope you saw that. And for the record, age has nothing to do with what u suppose to know at a certain time..Thank u again for responding..
Nonetheless, the fact remains that legally, which is what you are asking about here, you have as much if not more responsibility for keeping track of your classes and knowing what you need to take as the school does. Legally, if you come up short it's too bad so sad see you next year.

It may be poor management and it may be unfair. But legally, your option is to take the course and get your diploma next year.
In 6 months time you should have been able to review your own transcripts and ensure you had taken all courses required for your degree.
This isn't negligence you can pin on the school. It was an oversight on your part, their part, or both.
did your school not have an "application for graduation"? If so, when did you complete it? When you finished your classes early or right before the walking graduation.

I have to agree with the others though that you bear some responsiblity. I've been through college as have my 2 daughters and we each made sure during that last year to speak with our academic advisor to review our transcripts. If you did so and were assured you were done, that's another matter.

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