school work for profit

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Can a public school have kids do artwork during school hours and have a (for profit) company create merchandise from their work so the school can sell it to bring in money for the school?I can understand if this is a voluntary project,but it was still done during regular school hours and this is a public school...
So long as the "artwork" isn't making Nikes... ;)

I would speculate that it's not illegal, but it might be against some public policy. I admit it smells funny to me to, but I'm curious what it is you object to? Kids doing artwork during school is a good thing. Schools bringing in funds is (at least generally) a good thing. I imagine the for-profit company brings manufacturing and distribution capabilities to the table.
I guess my main objection is the hypocracy of the public school system.No celebrating halloween,christmas etc...because that might infringe on someones (civil rights).But having 6-11 yr olds do an art project to create revenue for the school and an outside eterprise is OK...ITS A MONEY TRAIL THING!!..I wonder what would of happened if our daughter(6)drew a picture of a christmas tree!!!
I don't particularly view it as hypocrisy, but I take your point.

I think the administrators' heads would explode from the contradiction of making money off a religious celebration. You might want to encourage your daughter to draw a Christmas tree. :)
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