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Thanks...for all the help
I called the 800 number they gave me that day and spoke to them, they said if police weren't involved n I prompltly respond to the letter they won't do anything else.
What is the limit in Texas that they can charge me?
The recovery service does not know whether or not store will file criminal complaint. They have nothing to do with that decision unless they tell retailer you did not pay and then store makes that choice.
They probably will charge between $300 to $500 - you will have to wait for the letter & see.
There are guidelines they attempt to follow however things can change if circumstances change or theft is not just a "simple" theft. If there is nothing special about the incident the figure given is a fair estimate
Thanks but could u tell me what u mean by if cirumstances change?
Also I was asking if the store decides the amount or the law firm.
Shrinkmaster...thanks a lot you have been a great help but could u just answer my last question about what you meant by if circumstances change? and who decides the law firm or store?
Also is it ok for me to call the 800 number and make the payment and get it over with? I'm really terrified each day and would really like to get the matter over with.
Thanks could you elaborate a little more like what is fight, flight or tools...
I dint fight with them I resisted a bit but did as they said in fact I told them to check my purse if they want but the guy said he won't.
You have no real worries based on everything you have posted. Call the 800 number they can give you the info on dollar figure
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