Slander; Defamation; Harrasment And Violation of Civil Rights

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This matter is a lawsuit AGAINST the FBI. These people are despicable and morally corrupt. For quite a number of years now they have slandered my name by hurling slanderous imputations, despite the obvious fact that they are dead wrong. If that isn't bad enough, I'm under constance surveillance, they harrass me and invade my privacy. The impetus of their persecutory operation is based strictly on rumor and innuendo, which has been disproved by events that have occured over the years The bottome line is that they must be held accountable for their actions, and I am on a crusade to ensure that they are. Meanwhile, what can be done to put an IMMEDIATE stop to the harrassment, privacy invasion, and their egregious disregard to my basic right to peaceful living?
Originally posted by feelmywrath:
This matter is a lawsuit AGAINST the FBI. These people are despicable and morally corrupt. For quite a number of years now they have slandered my name by hurling slanderous imputations, despite the obvious fact that they are dead wrong. If that isn't bad enough, I'm under constance surveillance, they harrass me and invade my privacy. The impetus of their persecutory operation is based strictly on rumor and innuendo, which has been disproved by events that have occured over the years The bottome line is that they must be held accountable for their actions, and I am on a crusade to ensure that they are. Meanwhile, what can be done to put an IMMEDIATE stop to the harrassment, privacy invasion, and their egregious disregard to my basic right to peaceful living?
To begin, what is the problem? I've found that many in law enforcement are not corrupt although there definitely are problems and more in some areas than others. To begin, I would gather proof of all the problems and, if unwanted and significantly harassing, there are remedies including suing a government agency under several causes of action, e.g. slander, consititutional/civil rights violations and federal causes of action. But without more it's difficult to say. Attorneys have been known to take cases like this on contingency but much of it is based upon whether the proof is solid as opposed to just one person's word versus another's in a manner that cannot be proven. I think this makes sense... I'm sorry to hear about your problem.
sounds simular

This sounds simular to my situation .only i dont think it involves the fbi .it involves some old enemies and alot of people who either dont like the way i look or something .i believe my neighbors have been using the police tip line to harrass me every time i go out of the house police follow me and intimidate me .you might think this sounds paranoid of me and it does i admit but this is no dillusion .my neighbors are constantly in the hallways or outside my door trying to evesdrop everyday i catch them doing this.i would not care but if im on the phone i dont want my neighbors to get my ss# or other personal information
.one day i was resting and i heard a light tapping on my door and then it turned to a normal knock i didnt feel like getting it so i ignored it my manager opened the door and i said what hell are you doing he said oh sorry wrong apartment .how would it be possable for me to document such a thing and if i did what can be done about it??i feel like im living in the U.S.S.R .
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