Statute of Limitations contesting inherited money

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What happens if you were not contacted when someone dies?? and the properties and estate gets given to one child and not the other??

Just found out that the last court action was in 2002 but the father died in 1997.Has the statue of limitations time past??? :confused: Yes get a lawyer etc,etc..... but if the statute of limitations is over, then its over.??????

Apartment on 67th on three floors,plus so much more++++++ inherited when the father died but given to only one child the other not a dime!....No will ??? Would the tax office have to be notifed of new ownership of property and taxes paid. If the property has been sold or signed over to another person would the tax office have this information??? is this public information??

Have tried to make contact and conversation regarding this matter but "No comment" or just no reply silence!!! This is not something that can be allowed to continue just to drift............ into another year wihout any action of any kind!

So TAXES everyone has to be clear with the tax man.
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