Student-to-Student Network at University

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I am entertaining the idea of starting a student-to-student book network at the University I attend. This would not be for personal profit, but would be more a service to connect students selling with students buying directly, as compared to going through the campus bookstore. I tried to check the school policy's on something of this nature, but the only thing I could find was under "Solicitation Guidelines" and read: No student or person representing any company is permitted to offer any product or service for purchase on the campus or in the residence halls. I really am not sure how to proceed- does this rule even apply to what I am trying to do? What are the guidelines for something like this when it is being done on the property of a private institution? Are you aware of any legal precedents either supporting or banning this sort of thing? I just want to make sure I have my bases covered before seriously persuing this idea. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Originally posted by FfieldStag06:
I am entertaining the idea of starting a student-to-student book network at the University I attend. This would not be for personal profit, but would be more a service to connect students selling with students buying directly, as compared to going through the campus bookstore. I tried to check the school policy's on something of this nature, but the only thing I could find was under "Solicitation Guidelines" and read: No student or person representing any company is permitted to offer any product or service for purchase on the campus or in the residence halls. I really am not sure how to proceed- does this rule even apply to what I am trying to do? What are the guidelines for something like this when it is being done on the property of a private institution? Are you aware of any legal precedents either supporting or banning this sort of thing? I just want to make sure I have my bases covered before seriously persuing this idea. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Good question. It might be something you would want to check with the university. Note, they may have a bookstore that sells used books and they might not appreciate an effort that may take away from their business.
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