SWITCH happening tonight

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
OK guys... the long overdue switchover will take place tonight. You will need to change your passwords. I will try to have new temporary passwords sent out to you. At the very worst, you can always recover your password by requesting a new password in email.

If you have any problems, feel free to email support or use the live support link. I will make sure to have extra hours so that any issue that arises can be dealt with immediately. :)

You'll see the reason for the change in the login system immediately. It will allow us to separate users into different categories and help them find what they want with greater ease. It will also enable us to provide a better service to each member and it's much cleaner than the current registration system.
Ah, great ... I sense impending confusion and frustration by the masses ... of the uninformed! :)

It's going to be interesting for the next few days, I suspect.
Ah, great ... I sense impending confusion and frustration by the masses ... of the uninformed! :)

It's going to be interesting for the next few days, I suspect.

Interesting, exciting, thrilling, and entertaining; you know you love it!!!
ROFL!!!! :D I'm hoping that the interesting parts will be only with regard to the iPhone app and Android app that are available as of today in both the Apple iTunes store and the Android Market. Details to be provided tonight. Hopefully the login confusion will be avoided, which is why testing is going on late tonight for the switch. So far everything works... but we'll see how well it does when you've got a few hundred thousand accounts to manage...

For the most active users I'll be personally emailing you a password which works. All you'll need to do is login to the new system, change your password, and it should stick there like on the forums. You can actually login directly to the forums once you've reset the password and it will work like it does now and virtually forget about being signed out.
So far I have not had any problems ... so, I guess the switch did not happen?

As for the iPhone App, what's it called?
You seem to having as many problems as my husband is with his site right now lol

Actually, the site is working VERY well - no complaints! I'm trying to do something that few others have dared to try and it's far more difficult to deal with issues that arise out of having allowed users to register one way for almost 10 years and then realizing that it wasn't such a good idea given a desire to do something later. All I can say is that if you have an underline in your user name... well... you won't after tonight!!! Most will be converted properly to dashes and it only affects users who are small posters and not active.

Army Judge is one of those who has a generally "invalid" user name in general since spaces don't make for proper URLs. I am working to ensure that the spaces don't conflict with the dashes, which is yet another fun exercise. Essentially you are not allowed to register with spaces and dashes any more so, if I can ensure all the user names are unique now, there won't be conflicts going forward.

The benefit of having these new user names is several fold. In addition to them being compatible with new add-ons that I've installed (Jobs, resumes, expert directory, etc.) they also will provide a vanity URL for everyone's pages, e.g. members/jacksgal and the like.
My husband says I dont need a reason to be vain
Tell him ... Phhhht!!! ... :)

Vanity pages ... hmmm ... I wonder if I can link back to any embarrassing pics that he has sent me. ;)

Oh, and I downloaded the iPhone APP - I'll have to give it a run later. I wonder if I can run an app as I drive my patrol car around???
LOL... I hope you like the app. It's pretty cool and also will give you a nice mobile skin to access the site as well.

Ah well... 500 more users to go to convert the site... This may be a Thanksgiving project... so close yet still so much work...
I'm still logged in....

I'm postponing the switch until Wednesday or probably Thanksgiving day when nobody is on. No question that Thursday will be the latest this occurs. We'll have the weekend to troubleshoot. Thanks for the info.
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