OK guys... the long overdue switchover will take place tonight. You will need to change your passwords. I will try to have new temporary passwords sent out to you. At the very worst, you can always recover your password by requesting a new password in email.
If you have any problems, feel free to email support or use the live support link. I will make sure to have extra hours so that any issue that arises can be dealt with immediately.
You'll see the reason for the change in the login system immediately. It will allow us to separate users into different categories and help them find what they want with greater ease. It will also enable us to provide a better service to each member and it's much cleaner than the current registration system.
If you have any problems, feel free to email support or use the live support link. I will make sure to have extra hours so that any issue that arises can be dealt with immediately.

You'll see the reason for the change in the login system immediately. It will allow us to separate users into different categories and help them find what they want with greater ease. It will also enable us to provide a better service to each member and it's much cleaner than the current registration system.