take ssi


New Member
I am 62--still working--25,000 a year--my husband is 58 --still working--100,000 a year-- found out my husband only has 6 mos to a year to live--cancer--my question is --should I start drawing my ssi now or wait and draw his- then mine at age 65. his is much higher
The only way to get the proper answer to that question is for both of you to visit an SSA office and have them run the figures for you.
I am 62--still working--25,000 a year--my husband is 58 --still working--100,000 a year-- found out my husband only has 6 mos to a year to live--cancer--my question is --should I start drawing my ssi now or wait and draw his- then mine at age 65. his is much higher

As long as you're working you'll get social security, too, after your set retirement age.
You'll get the higher of the two benefits, his as spouse versus yours.
You can call the SS 800 number and you'll have your questions answered.

There is no guarantee any of us will live to a certain age.
Your husband is only 58 and he might not survive.
I'd take it one day at a time.
I hope your husband defies the diagnosis and survives.

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