Translation of government documents


New Member
Dear Mr/Mrs,

Is it allowed to translate a government documents to non-English language?
If it is not, if there is any law that talks about this.

Thanks a lot in advance,
Dear Mr/Mrs,

Is it allowed to translate a government documents to non-English language?
If it is not, if there is any law that talks about this.

Thanks a lot in advance,
For what purpose?
Where are YOU located?
You can translate any document you like. If it is a form it will not be usable.

If you are doing this to allow someone to understand something, especially in a commercial capacity and you make an error in the translation you are opening yourself to liability and possibly charges of practicing law without a license.
I'm not aware of any law in any state that prohibits anyone from translating any "government document" into any other language.
Is it allowed to translate a government documents to non-English language?

Depends on the documents and why you want to do this.

Your IP address is the Ukraine. If you are a spy translating classified government documents, yeah, that would be frowned upon.
Your IP address is the Ukraine. If you are a spy translating classified government documents, yeah, that would be frowned upon.

If the person is a spy, she is not likely to be too concerned with the translation law issue when the spying itself is already a crime and a very serious one at that. :D
Is it allowed to translate a government documents to non-English language?

That depends. What government documents do you wish to translate, e.g. U.S. federal agency publications, state agency materials, etc? If you wish to translate government documents of some country other than the United States then this forum cannot help you. This forum only addresses issues of law in the U.S.

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