Trespassing sub-landlord, room ownership & sloppy contract


New Member
Hi all. I have some questions regarding a trespassing sub-landlord. Please note that I am a non-citizen international student, so I'm not sure how much of these rights I have.

I am currently sub-renting the master bedroom of a house. The other bedrooms in the said house are being rented by 3 other sub-tenants. The contract dictates that I am renting the room from May 12 to August 12, and that the rent is "$1000 per month for the three months... paid monthly on the 20th of each month." It also dictates that I pay the money via check or Venmo (a money transfer app that's connected to bank accounts). I paid the money via Venmo on May 17 with the comment "first month rent". The house's ownership is shared by 4 sub-landlords, but my contract is only signed by one of them (hereafter referred to as B). B's also the person I pay my rent to.

I was out of town from May 12 to May 26, and during that period, my friend, who's sub-renting the room right next to mine, told me that B had been entering and sleeping in the room I rented as well as moving new furniture in. B did not inform me about her stay in my room, and absolutely did not have my consent.

Right afterward, I sent B an email regarding her trespassing behaviors, demanding an apology and a compensation/fine for contract violation. In response, B made excuses that she thought I would only move in June, and that she was moving in decorations and cleaning the room. B also seems to think that I don't technically have the room until the start of June, and that I had only paid June's rent. This might be due to the sloppiness of our contract:

Before signing the subleasing contract, I was aware that another one of the 4 sublandlords (hereafter referred to as S), would be living in the room until May 12, the day my contract started, and had already paid May's rent to the master landlord. I think that it is because of this technicality that B thinks I don't own the room until June 1, even if the contract signed between me and B dictates that my tenancy starts on May 12.

I have only seen the master contract (contract between the 4 sublandlords and the actual landlord) that will be effective after June 1, and it dictates that the 4 sublandlords live as a family unit and pay the house's rent as a single unit. I do not have access to the master contract that's effective before June 1.

My questions are these:

1. Do I have the ownership of the room I rented from May 12 to June 1, and is the contract between me and B enforcible? I think two technicalities might screw my claim up. First, if the pre-June 1 master contract dictates that the 4 sub-landlords are a family unit, is my contract enforcible if it's only signed by me and B, and none of the other 3 sub-landlords? Second, if the pre-June 1 master contract assigns each room to each sub-landlord, is my contract enforcible if it turns out that B does not have the ownership of the room until June 1?

2. Can B make the claim that I did not pay rent from May 12 to June 1, and that the rent I paid on May 17 titled "first month rent" is for the month of June, instead of the month of May 12 to June 12, as I intended?

3. Can I legally withhold a portion of my next-month rent from B as a punishment for her trespassing?

4. Is my friend/neighbor a credible witness of the trespassing, or can B make the argument that, because it's my friend, the testimony is biased and unusable in court? Other than that, I have a voicemail by B admitting that she came into my room and slept there. Is the voicemail credible evidence, too?

5. Does my non-citizen status affect my rights in this situation? I am a foreigner on a F-1 student visa.

Thank you very much for reading all of that!
Be smart, rent a 1 bedroom or studio apartment and live alone.

You're being SCAMMED.

You'll be safer living alone.
Your citizenship has nothing to do with it.

Without reading your contract in full it is impossible to answer your questions accurately.

However, rent is usually paid on the 1st of the month unless started differently in the lease. It is reasonable that the landlord believed you had paid rent for June only.

You have a miscommunication. It seems you have no damages. It is not likely to be worthwhile seeking a remedy in court over something trivial.

You probably should have paid first month rest for June PLUS a prorated amount for May, but again if the lease wasn't clear then it was just miscommunication.

If you want to live in this home don't ruin it by starting off with legal action. You will only incinv more problems and a desire to quickly remove you.
Your citizenship has nothing to do with it.

Without reading your contract in full it is impossible to answer your questions accurately.

However, rent is usually paid on the 1st of the month unless started differently in the lease. It is reasonable that the landlord believed you had paid rent for June only.

You have a miscommunication. It seems you have no damages. It is not likely to be worthwhile seeking a remedy in court over something trivial.

You probably should have paid first month rest for June PLUS a prorated amount for May, but again if the lease wasn't clear then it was just miscommunication.

If you want to live in this home don't ruin it by starting off with legal action. You will only incinv more problems and a desire to quickly remove you.

First of all, thank you very much for your answer.

The rent clause in my contract is as written below:

4. The subtenant agrees to sublet beginning from May 12, 2018 to August 12, 2018. The rent is
$875 + utilities estimated at $125, per month, for a total of $1000 per month. For the three
months sublease in total, the estimated cost for rent + utilities will be $3000. Rent and utilities
will be paid monthly on the 20th of each month. The rent + utilities will be paid by check or
Venmo to Sublessor, [Name].

I think this clause is fairly clear, and since my payment was a full month's rent ($1000), made on May 17, and was captioned "first month rent", I don't think my sub-landlord can reasonably dispute that I only paid for June. Please let me know if I'm wrong.

I do not intend on employing legal actions on this matter. Me and my sub-landlord are both college students and I do not have the time or resources to go to court for this. It's just that, in the messages she left me regarding this issue, my sub-landlord came really strongly as a spoiled rich brat who thinks she can do anything she wants. She even threatened me with "my mother's boyfriend is an attorney". I simply wish to make it clear that such actions will have consequences if she continues. But first I need to make sure that the law is on my side.

It did cross my mind that such aggressive actions against my sub-landlord might bite me in the hind in the future, but I don't think that's very probable. Due to a few details in the master contract, my sub-landlord is only allowed to sublet to a specific group of people during summer vacation, so it'll be very hard for her to find a new legal sub-tenant if she evicts me. Furthermore, I am only living in her room for the short period of three months, and I don't see myself committing any serious eviction-worthy violations.

This is my first time renting a property and also my first time dealing with legal issues. So any information you can share will be helpful!
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If you have no damages to speak of then I suggest you let this go. Your lease will have expired and you will have moved away before any action you might try to pursue ever takes place.
Yes, you are right, she should not have been in your space. You have nothing to gain from telling her, "I told you so."

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