Trying to serve my wife

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Well, what else did you ask for in your petition?
I asked for alimony, as well as compensation for everything she disposed of, as well as compensation for Food, shelter and clothing costs for about ~6 months. She was the sole provider for about 6 months as i was recovering from a severe back injury. Threw out everything I owned, literally. She left me homeless with nothing but a tshirt, a pair of sweatpants and my boots. Not even an exaggeration. I slept on the sidewalk in front of a homeless shelter for about 2 months, with all the mentally ill and junkies.

Long story short, it was our dream to have a camper and travel the country in our free time. Sadly, the camper we had broke down beyond repair, and we were staying at an extended stay hotel while we were looking at condos, houses, apartments or another camper. During that time, well... there's a lot going on. At the end, she left for three days, came home. Told me she cheated with her coworker, I left for the night. When I came back to our room the next day, she had checked out, and there was nothing left in the room. I asked hotel management and they said they had taken nothing but trash and a small handful of cookware out of the room (as they had a kitchen). They had it in storage. All my clothes, my electronics such as game consoles, a iPhone. A very expensive pair of headphones amongst other items as well as standard household items/goods. Every article of clothing I had, they didn't have. Said they didn't remove anything like that as there was very little left in the room. And we had quite a bit... a camper full worth. They even showed me the storage area, where I found a bag of very few belongings. So she either threw everything away or took everything. She proceeded to refuse to talk to me or work anything out. I begged her for Marriage counseling as well as other services, even church. She refused. She had obtained feelings for someone else and instead of working on the marriage she completely obliterated the marriage and proceeded to start a relationship with her coworker immediately. Day one. Leaving, trashing everything. Taking all our money. Refusing to speak to me or see me or anything. I had my wife, a home. All my belongings one day, and the next day it was all gone. Literally overnight. She hasn't looked back since. She's given me very little money, and she... it's just.... idc. I just want to be free. Asking for compensation is more of a F U to her than anything else. Money is something i literally do not care about. But I know that what will hurt her most because that's literally all she cares about. After everything she did.... idk, I just feel she needs to be taught a lesson not to treat people like this. Cause I'm not the first one she's done exactly this to. Right hand to God. I could go on for days, but I'll end it here. If you got this far, thanks for listening.... or reading rather.
Update. Judge declined to sign findings of Facts and something else. What's my next steps?

I emailed the courts asked them what that means and all they said was they could see some things that needed to be update and refined, but they've not told me what that is.
Update. Judge declined to sign findings of Facts and something else.

No surprise there. You were warned that you were unlikely to get what you wanted by default.

What's my next steps?

Couple of options come to mind. Might be others.

Revise the document to request ONLY a divorce and nothing else.

Or, ask for a hearing to have an opportunity to present EVIDENCE, not just sayso, in support of your allegations.

I emailed the courts asked them what that means and all they said was they could see some things that needed to be update and refined, but they've not told me what that is.

No surprise there either. Court personnel do not give legal advice. Courts expect pro se litigants to know as much about what they are doing as a lawyer would know.
. I just want to be free. Asking for compensation is more of a F U to her than anything else. Money is something i literally do not care about. But I know that what will hurt her most because that's literally all she cares about. After everything she did.... idk, I just feel she needs to be taught a lesson not to treat people like this. Cause I'm not the first one she's done exactly this to.

Um. Yeah. Color me unimpressed with your nonexistent moral high ground.

You married the damsel, and you were fine with her being a ***** until she was a ***** to you.

You cannot afford NOT to have a lawyer, because even if you have a case, your attitude is going to tank your credibility.
I asked for alimony, as well as compensation for everything she disposed of, as well as compensation for Food, shelter and clothing costs for about ~6 months. She was the sole provider for about 6 months as i was recovering from a severe back injury. Threw out everything I owned, literally. She left me homeless with nothing but a tshirt, a pair of sweatpants and my boots. Not even an exaggeration. I slept on the sidewalk in front of a homeless shelter for about 2 months, with all the mentally ill and junkies.

Long story short, it was our dream to have a camper and travel the country in our free time. Sadly, the camper we had broke down beyond repair, and we were staying at an extended stay hotel while we were looking at condos, houses, apartments or another camper. During that time, well... there's a lot going on. At the end, she left for three days, came home. Told me she cheated with her coworker, I left for the night. When I came back to our room the next day, she had checked out, and there was nothing left in the room. I asked hotel management and they said they had taken nothing but trash and a small handful of cookware out of the room (as they had a kitchen). They had it in storage. All my clothes, my electronics such as game consoles, a iPhone. A very expensive pair of headphones amongst other items as well as standard household items/goods. Every article of clothing I had, they didn't have. Said they didn't remove anything like that as there was very little left in the room. And we had quite a bit... a camper full worth. They even showed me the storage area, where I found a bag of very few belongings. So she either threw everything away or took everything. She proceeded to refuse to talk to me or work anything out. I begged her for Marriage counseling as well as other services, even church. She refused. She had obtained feelings for someone else and instead of working on the marriage she completely obliterated the marriage and proceeded to start a relationship with her coworker immediately. Day one. Leaving, trashing everything. Taking all our money. Refusing to speak to me or see me or anything. I had my wife, a home. All my belongings one day, and the next day it was all gone. Literally overnight. She hasn't looked back since. She's given me very little money, and she... it's just.... idc. I just want to be free. Asking for compensation is more of a F U to her than anything else. Money is something i literally do not care about. But I know that what will hurt her most because that's literally all she cares about. After everything she did.... idk, I just feel she needs to be taught a lesson not to treat people like this. Cause I'm not the first one she's done exactly this to. Right hand to God. I could go on for days, but I'll end it here. If you got this far, thanks for listening.... or reading rather.

So you married her knowing she's "done this before" but that was ok. But when it happened to you it's not cool? Hmm. Just file for divorce and be done with her and chalk the rest up as a loss.
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