Unfair CT car tax lien

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I,m in the same situation - $3,125 with interest accrued for vehicle registered for 0ne year in 2003. The car has been registered in the state I moved to since 2004. I wasn't aware I owed taxes on the vehicle and wasn't notified until the interest grew larger than the original bill. I own no property in CT, and have no plans of ever returning to the state. So,what happens if I do not pay? Does anyone know?
Advice I got from an attorney is just ignore the collection agency letters. Especially if you are no longer living in CT. If they ever want to go to court they may simply lose (unfair tax collection practices from cities) - which would set a precedent and prevent them from collecting any more tax. They just rely on scaring some people who will pay taxes. Which certainly works.
I just got a bill from "TaxServ Capital Services, LLC" (a bill collector) for the car tax on a 2001 civic I don't even own anymore. It's claiming it's for the year 2002, but I moved out of CT in June of 02, and was never given any type of bill. They're trying to say I owe them $1574.38, $827.91 of which is INTEREST on a bill I had no idea existed. $205.35 for "collection fees".

I believe this might be going into the circular file.
Highway Robbery in CT

Sounds like this is where the term "highway robbery" came from. I am in the same situation as most of you. Just got off the phone with a very snarky, condescending woman from a collections agency. I moved home to another state after living in CT for 5 months. My car broke down shortly after and was inoperable. I didn't even think of turning in the plates as I figured I was going to have to sell or dump the car in its condition. My parents gave me the money to get it fixed about 10 months later and I got it registered. I now have a tax bill for almost $600 for a year that I wasn't even there. I guess I can say lesson learned and should have turned the plates in?? But really, if I'm not present in the state and registered to vote in another, what right do they have to bill me? Just like the man who posted here who had an income property in CT but lived in NY. They wanted his "repair records"? And DMV has no record of him dropping the plates off. How convenient for them. I'm so upset over this and still don't have $600 to dish out. It's hard enough making my rent, paying gas and having money for food. Sorry for the sob story, I'm just frustrated and upset at seeing others in this unfair situation.

About the question "what can they really do?". Well, I know a few friends who were in a similar situation-but theirs were more along the lines of they didn't pay a fix-it ticket. One was from VA and had a warrant in NJ because of this. He just stayed away from there until he could pay the bill.

I have to get this collections bill off my credit, or else I probably would tell them to shove the bill up their arse.

They are slimy over there in CT and that says a lot from someone coming from a broke, mess of a state called CA.
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This demand must be complied with by 03/31/2012
City of Bridgeport
325 Congress Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604

This bill was sent to my mother who died 6/6/2009. Her car was then parked in her driveway on her private property in Bridgeport. About a year later a Garage came onto the property, as my brother watched them hook up the car onto a flatbed truck and take it away. They said the city of Bridgeport gave them authority to take the car. The car has been gone ever since then. Now the city want taxes paid thru 3/31/12 from a deceased estate where there is no car.

This is BIZARRE!!
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Ok, so it just gets better. My husband had a truck that he turned in the plates for so he could buy a new truck. When he went to pick up the new truck we were notified of the taxes owed by the old truck. He pays them, then was able to pick up the new truck. The dealer registered the truck. Well we just got a letter in the mail from the motor vehicle, generic, no letterhead. Basically dot matrix type letter stating that his registration is cancelled and plates returned. He goes to the motor vehicle and they tell him he was cancelled due to non payment of taxes. So now he has to go down to tax office to prove he paid them. Then he has to pay for his registration all over again which was taken out of the downpayment for picking up the car. Also, not only have I just hear of 3 of these situations the same as ours. They also randomly monitor shopping centers and boot your car if you turn up owing taxes. Either I think is dirty pool. None of which can be ignored when it happens. What to do with this?
I haven't lived in CT for over 12 years. Last week I received a tax bill in the mail for $3,465.33 !!!!!!! One of the years I didn't even live in the state, I lived in Ohio. What is wrong with this state? I don't have any records or receipts anymore. How could I have been driving these cars without having paid the property tax? This is just so wrong that they can just make up deliquent bills and then hire a collection agency to go after you. This seems illegal to me. Has anyone succesfully fought this?
Has anyone actually had repercussions from recieving an Alias Tax Warrant for a vehicle in Waterbury? I'm one of those people who have been disagreeing with the collection agency about vehicles from 1998. I live out of state and just recieved the warrant and want to understand the implications?
we received a bill from CT about supposed car taxes we owe from 2004...so it's 9 years later. surely they have to be sued one day.......
has anything come to pass over your Tax warrent? I just recived one yesterday, I have been fighting with the tax dept in Waterebury about these taxes. and have gotten no where. 1st it takes them 10 years to say I owe this crazy amount of money, and refuse to listen to reason. I paid car taxes in morris where i moved with my mom, and because my car was spotted at my fathers house in waterbury that I am considered fraudulent and should have to pay waterbury taxes because my vehicle spent conciderable time there.
this is rediculous. I need advice . did you get a lawyer?
Several people have received this type of delinquent notices 10+ years later, however, has anyone been able to resolve this issue? Do I ignore my letter or do I really need a lawyer? I have no proof that I paid this, I don't keep records for more than 7 years.
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