she is a new-age man hating feminist.
as a conservative i am no longer fit to be in her presence. She expressed a desire to be "liberated" from my oppressive existence. Also wife wants to take vehicle back. I am aware of the ethical dilemma (and i am conflicted by it). just wanted some input on the legal aspect.
Dad, are you sure that this is something you even want to consider at all? Politics are fracturing families all over this country but there is always the possibility that those relationships can be repaired over time. I find the way that you describe your daughter, disturbing.
Do something that is in my opinion is this dishonorable/spiteful? Count on losing your daughter for good...and along with her, any future grandchildren.
In my opinion one of the stupidest moves that parents of adult children make is to try to force their will (or their spite) on those adult children via financial means. Please don't be one of those parents.