Victim rights abuse by government agencies

Shauna Miller

New Member
I was the victim of, what I consider, a disability hate crime perpetrated by management of an extended stay hotel.

The incident is very complex and too lengthy to detail but some of the charges include:
At least 7 ADA violations ( failing to provide proper ADA accommodations, retaliation and threats when I stood up for my rights (threatening a fine for my service dog for not using the pet area. I gave advance notice of needing to be near an exit to walk my service dog. Hotel situated me next to an exit on opposite side of a very long hotel, too far for me to walk. Offered to switch rooms. They took 5 weeks to authorize room switch in an EMPTY HOTEL. In the mean time harassed me daily. Lied to me for 3 weeks about providing shower chair and refused to switch me to an ADA ROOM IN AN EMPTY HOTEL). Those are 2 out of 9 or more. Locked me out of my room because my key card deactivated and refused to re-issue me another. Blocking me from accessing my medication, medical supplies, PPE (Covid) and service dog.

found out management had been spying on me to learn my routine (their words caught on audio recording) sneaking into my room once they saw me leave to walk my dog. This went on for 75 days.
Illegal eviction because I caught them sneaking into my room and refused access. Management stated to police there was no legal reason for my eviction yet police carried it out despite my legal protection. ( I was supposed to be provided 7 day written notice to vacate, I made an ADA accommodation request for 4 days so my friend could help me move (my disability prevents me from most physical activities including lifting/carrying heavy objects, the Covid eviction freeze was in place making all evictions be addressed in court, they admitted to police I had done NOTHING to warrant an eviction)
Management forged my documents, which I showed proof of to the police at the moment of the incident. management used threats and abuse of power to control and manipulate me.
I was retaliated against because the attorney general's office phoned and ordered the hotel staff to stop ALL actions against me. Instead of listening they locked me out of my room and forced me out of the building blocking (again) access to my medication, medical supplies, money, ID. Credit cards etc. I was forced to spend the night in my car. My calls and requests to be allowed access to my medication and medical supplies lead to significant health decline and injuries.
On police request hotel agreed to allow me access to my belongings the next morning but, again physically mishandled me, forcing me out of my room when I argued because they started ignoring the police order. I was again removed but I was able to get supplies for my dog and my car keys. I had movers arrive 12 hours later to find management had destroyed all my belongings even after the police ordered management to not enter my room for 48 hours. This was one threat management made multiple times during the ordeal because I offered to leave if they would secure my belongings for 2 days so I could have my friend (who lived 2 hours away) help move my stuff. Management basically held me emotional hostage by saying if I left the property without my stuff he would trash it. That he did and I have video proof.
I have separate charges against police but am undecided whether to pursue. But after the incident I called the sheriff PD to request an investigation into the incident and into police behavior and refusal to write reports despite me proving criminal activity. Later discovered the hotel may be a part of police initiative to establish alliance with the community and businesses. This created an environment of the officers being obligated to back up the hotel despite numerous crimes being committed. I was anonymously contacted by one of the officers after who urged me to pursue corruption within this PD.
I am also looking into legal action against the government for violation of victim rights and negligence/breech of duty. The government has had knowledge of multiple federal crimes and violations of the corporation for over 15 years but has failed to get involved. These are NUMEROUS federal and international crimes.
Why would you stay there for 5 weeks if all this started happening from day 1?

multiple reasons. As a disabled person, we face discrimination and unfair treatment daily. Over time, I've learned that it's easier to remain focused on mutual resolution rather than creating issues.
Basically, I am used to being "mistreated". Such as the dog potty area. I stated I made my needs clear, I stated I offered a reasonable resolution and I stated my ADA rights. For me, case settled, move on.
I treated each incident as a separate, isolated issue (compartmentalizations) so I did not recognize the animosity and retaliation until it was too late. I missed a lot of factors, this was probably also due to the fact that I was recovering from a brain abscess and two injuries. some of the major details didn't become apparent until after the fact. You know what they say about hindsight.
but I do have an issue with people making those types of statements (not harping on you, I've been asked multiple times). This is victim blaming and it leads to attention being put on the wrong issue. I did nothing wrong and was operating within my rights. I was quiet, contentious, always paid upfront, management stated to police that I was a good guest and caused zero issues. Why would it be my responsibility to leave? Why is it NOT the responsibility of the hotel to operate ethically?
I have a conversation, recorded, if me discussing the ADA violations with the assistant manager and she brought up the fact that I never spoke up about the issues. I had actually spoken up numerous times, I didn't make any threats, at that point. I explained that, at that moment, I had no intention of taking further action but I wanted her to be aware of the issues so she could ensure it doesn't re-occur or happen to others.
I felt this should have been sufficient. As it should have been. the fault lies with the perpetrators.
I have numerous health issues that prevent me from walking even short distances. My friend lives two hours away and less than 2 weeks prior, the hotel screwed him over. After 5 weeks, I was finally told I could move rooms. My friend showed up early that morning, took a day off work etc. unfortunately, management had neglected to update the staff of the room change and was not working that day. So my friend lost a day of work and drove over 4 hours for nothing. It was not my fault but he was certainly not willing to drop everything and come running again.
I also had to make the move myself (all the while being harassed by the manager that I was taking too long.
That was the moment I clued in to her animosity. I did speak with my friend that night about moving but we decided to wait and see if things calmed down. Move was done, I didn't foresee any more issues. There would not have been any further issues if management wasn't holding such a retaliatory grudge. It took over two weeks, as it was, to recovery from the strain of having to move myself. I was bed-bound the first few days. It would have been physically impossible for me to make another move. I was also under doctor orders to rest and keep stress low so my brain could recover.

on the eve of being forced out, out of desperation (I believed, with good reason, managements threat to destroy my property) I desperately tried to move my fiancées belongings (he had passed away the previous July). The strain was too much and I ended up passing out and injuring my ankle, leaving me unable to walk.
unfortunately, I could not hold the hotel accountable for my stupidity.
Again, I acted within my rights.

no management or employee should EVER violate a guest's right to privacy or security. I was not aware they had been sneaking into my room and watching me through video surveillance until they bragged about it to police. I can't act on what I didn't know. I should not have to make adjustments because someone is mistreating me. That's like asking someone who was robbed and shot why they didn't run from the scene.
Why would you stay there for 5 weeks if all this started happening from day 1?

i was actually there for 75 days. It took 5 weeks to authorize a room change, in a hotel operating at 30% capacity due to the Covid stay-in-place order. In fact all evictions were put on a freeze at the time. I apologize for the confusion
I am also looking into legal action against the government for violation of victim rights and negligence/breech of duty. The government has had knowledge of multiple federal crimes and violations of the corporation for over 15 years but has failed to get involved. These are NUMEROUS federal and international crimes.

Sorry, but I'm not seeing any good claim against the government here. You certainly cannot successfully sue the government over its failure to address various violations of the laws for years before you even arrived there. All you can do is sue the government for specific wrongful actions it takes against YOU. The only government action I see here that is directed at you is the police involvement in kicking you out of the hotel you were staying in. It's not clear to me that the police acted wrongly there, but you'd want to see a local civil litigation lawyer ASAP about that. There will be only a limited time to start the process to sue the police if you do have any good claim against them to pursue.

Mainly I'm seeing the potential ADA claims against the hotel. See a lawyer who litigates ADA claims against places of public accommodation about that.
Sorry it's a formatting error. I tried to break it up because it's so complicated.
What you read was a very brief overall of the situation. The allegations both civil and criminal against the hotel and franchise are quite long.

as for the police, I am very undecided on how to move forward, in a significant part due to the threats I have received, mostly by on "major".

so, I involved the police from the start because I recognized that the situation escalated very quickly. I caught management trying to sneak into my room, I stopped them, they tried to claim I needed to allow them immediate access for "inspection". I knew this was not right so I denied stating I wanted time to learn my rights. The hotel evicted me in the spot. I immediately requested ADA accommodation because everyone was well aware me getting out within an hour was impossible due to disability. Management threatened to have me arrested. I requested the police. The first incident went great, the police mediated, I allowed management to "inspect" (as expected it was just them covering their butts. PS since that time we have proven management had been entering my room but not to inspect)
They got their "inspection" I agreed to allow "inspection" every two weeks WITH Notice.
Police left, I was called to the front, yelled at, intimidated and they tried to force me to verbally agree that management could go into my room at any time and for any reason. I stated I would listen to what he has to say but I did not agree. I was evicted again.
To condense the rest. The next 3 days involved constant intimidation, lies, threats (which they carried out) and manipulation any time I disagreed.
I knew my rights to be provided 7 day written notice, I knew the Covid eviction ban was in place and I was aware of my protection under the ADA.
I requested the second call be placed by management because of their retaliation of me calling them. During this request the assistant manager stated that they go into my room without my knowledge all the time.
I had management repeat this, in front of the officer. She openly bragged about it to the point the officer laughed. I was deeply offended.
During that same visit, I requested my paperwork because they tried to tell me I signed away my legal rights. Which I didn't. But management misunderstood what I said about the eviction ban. Due to their misinterpretation management forged my paperwork. They forgot I originally booked through Expedia. So police have ON RECORDING this conversation of me proving the forgery, management refusing to provide signed copies of my documents, the police requesting the proper documents. The officer disappeared with management but didn't get the documents and refused to discuss it further.
So the officers (the sheriff department) completely ignored the law, refused to look at the law (I had it pulled up on my phone) ignored the fact that the eviction was illegal, ignored the stay in place order (Covid memorandum halting all evictions and officers from enforcing evictions) and the ADA violation regarding my accommodation request. Knew management forged my documents and violated my civil rights to safety and security.
Management and police violated my constitution rights by acquiring my personal information from hotel computers without a warrant. (I found this out after the fact). I shut down after management admitted to police they had been sneaking into my room for the entire length of my stay. I firmly but politely explained my business is in jeopardy, they needed to figure out the issue and closed my door. I spent the next 24 hours fighting to save my business (I was "working from home" due to Covid and had sensitive info that was possibly breeched. I couldn't save the business unfortunately. We were bringing new tech from overseas and it was decided I should drop out. We couldn't risk exposing the breech.
Later that evening I talked with management and stated I would leave if they could store my belongings for two days until I could have someone help me move. Management stated that if I step off the property without my belongings, they would trash everything. Which they ended up carrying through with.
I again contacted the police, who dismissed my concern over the threat stating they have rules and laws they need to follow. I brought up the issue again when the police had to return because management continually shortened the time I was given to vacate; a whole 24 hours. How can police so blatantly ignore my rights? They knew I was entitled to 7 DAYS. I only asked for 4.
During all of this, I was in contact with Choice hotels customer service who had promised to resolve the issue. That also turned out to be a lie. I had reached out numerous agencies for help. A lady from the ATTORNEY GENERAL's office returned my call, was very upset and ordered the hotel to halt all actions against me.
instead of complying they locked me out of my room. Police arrived (again) and I was told I had 2 hours to vacate. In retaliation of the AG ordering all action to stop.
Can police ignore a direct order from the attorney general?!?
Out of desperation, knowing I could not get my belongings out and everything was going to be destroyed, I tried to move my fiancées box, that was really the only thing that was irreplaceable. I knew I couldn't, I knew it was dumb and dangerous but I felt trapped. It was too heavy, I strained too much and fainted. I injured my ankle so I couldn't even walk.

it took 4 months for me to finally get a head CT and it showed I did suffer a brain injury. Up to that point my symptoms were brushed off as PTSD and stress. But after I got up from fainting, I was not right. I could feel I was not okay. I tried to explain this when the officers arrived later. I kept saying that I needed to get my stuff but I can't. They asked me what I needed and I said medication and medical supplies. Should have taken less than 10 minutes but an hour had passed and I was lost in stacking toilet paper by the door. I knew it was screwy but I couldn't get my thinking straight. I spent over 1/2 hour trying to open a lock that I open multiple times a day. I tried so hard to communicate the issue to the officers but, I don't know, I couldn't. Really, they should have picked up on my odd behaviour and distress and called paramedics. My brain was swelling due to the stress and my earlier attempt to lift the box. (ASI explained I was recovering from brain surgery and a week long coma)
Police ignored it, forced me out under threat of arrest. I don't blame them TOO much for this, my behavior was definitely odd. I never created a disturbance but was crying uncontrollably (if you knew me you'd know how weird that was) and begging for help. They got frustrated and forced me out. I stated over and over that I desperately needed my medication and medical supplies. I also had not been able to keep anything down in 3 days (gastroparesis, I tube feed sometimes) was extremely dehydrated. the officers promised to bring out what I needed but instead got in their car and drive off. Left me sitting in the parking lot, in the cold (it snowed that night) without anything. I called and requested they return to help me get my medical needs taken care of but they refused.
this contributed to the worsening of my head injury and kidney failure. One of my meds was a steroid which would have reduced the brain swelling.
There was further incident with management the following morning but I won't go into it.
I was supposed to be let back in to get my things that morning. We can guess how that went. Let's just say charges are being pressed for assault and some type of illegal entrapment or something. Restricting my freedom of movement.
Cops were called again. This was after a few conversations where officers had to force the hotel to allow me entrance to my room. They agreed in front of police but refused to carry out the order and physically forced me out of the room (didn't actually get in through the doorway) because I reminded them the agreement with police.
Officers arrive and force me out of the building again. They had just ordered staff to let me in my room which staff agreed to then ignored, I was physically forced out of trying to enter because I dared to argue with management because they lied to police.
Again, I was in the right. I still held legal rights to that room. NO ONE should have been allowed to restrict my access. The attorney general ordered all actions, evictions, retaliation against me STOPPED, I was showing severe signs of mental decline, at that point I was almost out of my mind. The swelling in my brain was likely life threatening. I can't even walk and resorted to pushing myself around on a rolling desk chair.

the police arrive and under threat of arrest and taking my SERVICE DOG to the pound. I was forced to get in my car and drive.

thank God these officers had body cameras and it recorded me begging the officers for over 1/2 an hour not to force me to drive. I was clearly hysterical and out of my mind and I was saying I was not well enough to drive, yet they did it anyway

I want to point out that my story sounds crazy and unbelievable. I am totally aware of that and even had one lawyer suggest I was crazy and needed to get my head checked. Until I sent him the proof. He was very disappointed that I rejected his offer to prosecute. He was also the first to hint at what happened was way more serious than a simple discrimination case.
I would have no case, because of how unbelievable it is, except for the fact that I have worked in the business sector and knew the importance of documentation.
Between what I recorded and the audio +. Body cam evidence close to 90% of the entire 4 days has been recorded. Police refuse to release their evidence for obvious reasons but we will subpoena it if necessary.

so, that wasn't even the worst.

I get sketchy on timeline and details here due to the head injury but quite a bit of proof and relevant facts have been recorded.

everything I owned, that was in that room was destroyed, including mementos and memories of my late fiancée. I was crushed, still am. It was absolutely unnecessary.

I allowed some cool off time before contacting the Sheriffs office to launch a complaint and request an investigation. My first call landed with some officer who was extremely rude and outright said he didn't have time to listen to my complaint. Fair enough but he didn't have to be a jerk. I asked him to return my call at a later date and asked him to ID. Of course he refused and told him to refer to him as "major". I asked again for his name but he refused and hung up.
I waited a week then called the office and asked for the "major". They asked, "which one". I wasn't surprised. We couldn't figure who it was. I went to their website and emailed the only major listed in which I politely but firmly stated I didn't appreciate his attitude and refusal to ID during the phone conversation. Turns out he also lied about his rank and the email ended up on his boss's desk.
He was furious and later I realized he had called after that and left a threatening voice mail and said he was going to sue….. ??? I am just as confused. I also found out he went to where I had been staying and basically forced the people to admit I had left. We literally missed each other by a few hours. This upset him even more. I believe he phoned me again (not sure who called who) but he basically threatened me and tried to force me to say I lied (which I did not) then inferred he was going to arrest me and tried to force me to give him my new address. I refused and actually, that day moved over two hours away. This guy scared the crap out of me.
after much consideration and my parents begging me, I decided for my safety, to close the case against the Sheriff department. I have since decided to prosecute after the lawsuit is settled and I can move somewhere I am more protected.
Since that day, I have significant proof (pictures, video and his shoes) that someone is stalking and intentionally trying to intimidate me. This person has entered my place multiple times, turning on my oven light (I don't use the stove), opening cabinets, microwave door and once even leaving an old broken vacuum?!?
My dog has also alerted to a presence outside and moving around my home more times then I can count.

the government. I admit my approach to reporting all of this was horrible. I was functioning with an undiagnosed brain injury so my thinking was skewed and I don't even remember the majority of it. Nevertheless I am a victim and have rights.
What I remember, calling the FBI to make a report, being asked if I had previously submitted a report. I said I didn't know, I was struggling with cognitive deficits and memory problems and I was reaching out for assistance to write and submit a report. She basically asked what happened. Well how do you summarize everything I was put through in a single sentence?!? I explained it was complicated and that I was struggling to present the main issues or facts and was requesting her help in breaking it down by asking more specific questions. Basically she humiliated me, laughed at me and hung up on me. I have made numerous attempts to report this and request a review of the taped conversations. I am continually ignored and hung up on.

I am also fighting the DOJ and civil rights division because they continue to ignore my request to submit a typed statement because I can't write legibly due to my hands shaking and my sight being poor I can't see what I am writing. The government violations of my victim rights are ongoing. After my case settles I will be launching a massive campaign to change protections afforded governmental employees and agencies.

if it is intentional, willfull misconduct the government agencies should be held to a higher standard AND face harsher penalties due to the potential to abuse their power. Including emotional/psychological abuse. The way I was treated by the FBI, after everything else I was subjected to, put me into a major depression. They do it because they know they can get away with it. This is not okay and I will not stop fighting until the laws are changed.

Regret asking yet? LOL

I am sorry it's so long and complicated but I really appreciate the time you have given to hear me. Thank you

Sorry, but I'm not seeing any good claim against the government here. You certainly cannot successfully sue the government over its failure to address various violations of the laws for years before you even arrived there. All you can do is sue the government for specific wrongful actions it takes against YOU. The only government action I see here that is directed at you is the police involvement in kicking you out of the hotel you were staying in. It's not clear to me that the police acted wrongly there, but you'd want to see a local civil litigation lawyer ASAP about that. There will be only a limited time to start the process to sue the police if you do have any good claim against them to pursue.

Mainly I'm seeing the potential ADA claims against the hotel. See a lawyer who litigates ADA claims against places of public accommodation about that.
How can you expect any of the volunteers here to read that huge, rambling piece of text?

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