Virgil, quick, come see. There goes the Robert E. Lee

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Redemptionman either doesn't know history on this well or is deliberately trying to make Black involvement in the Confederate military seem more than it really was. You'll find a nice explanation of the truth of it here:
Black Confederates: Truth and Legend
Quick read, thanks. Why am I not surprised to find that there were not hordes of slaves prepared to defend "their way of life" against the big bad meanies in blue?
You copy and paste liberal re wrote Google media. There was indeed a southern regiment of Black soldiers who were not cooped into fighting for the South.Towards the end of the war.

The liberal brainwashed media likes to rewrite to fit their narrative. The best source of information is not google but old history books, encyclopedias, and written works from the time period.

You all are just being used in the useful idiot sense.
You copy and paste liberal re wrote Google media. There was indeed a southern regiment of Black soldiers who were not cooped into fighting for the South.Towards the end of the war.

The liberal brainwashed media likes to rewrite to fit their narrative. The best source of information is not google but old history books, encyclopedias, and written works from the time period.

You all are just being used in the useful idiot sense.
Ooooh, I see. Well, you could at least provide a title that I could look for. Please & thank you.
Ooooh, I see. Well, you could at least provide a title that I could look for. Please & thank you.

Confederacy approves black soldiers

this is written with a liberal spin but captures the jest of it. History is part of the OWN group so these troops were not forced into anything. Again, the main causation of the WAR was NOT SLAVERY. It more had to do with taxation and appropriations of wealth similar to today's issues.

Some of the old writings have pictures of the regiments and writings from those who participated. It is even expounded upon in old encyclopedias.
Your link says much the same as the one I posted. Seems as though it was in the waning days of the war and a rather grudging decision. Is it possible that the Blacks who mustered up did so because of the promise of freedom, rather than any love for the Confederacy? Kind of a "give me liberty or give me death" sort of movement?
No, they changed it when they were mad at Bush for something. Years ago.

No back during the Bush administration they made some comment that I don't remember that was negative about the War on Terror when they were playing in the UK and took a lot of backlash for it.
Then you might want to read what the real Lee was like, not the Southern reformist view of him that is meant to make the Confederate cause seem just. Read how he really treated Blacks, both before and after the war, to get a real sense of the man:
The Myth of the Kindly General Lee

Nothing in Adam Serwer's resume shows that he knows dick about history. Looking at his other articles he seems to be yet another leftist writer.
Nothing in Adam Serwer's resume shows that he knows dick about history. Looking at his other articles he seems to be yet another leftist writer.

You dispute the information he provides in the article, do you? Then how about providing some source that says he's wrong. I'm a bit disappointed to see you too are apparently a believer in the "General Lee as hero" myth. He had tactical ability on the battlefield, but his treatment of Blacks was abhorrent.
Nothing in Adam Serwer's resume shows that he knows dick about history. Looking at his other articles he seems to be yet another leftist writer.

True, that was my opinion when I opened the link. I rather read time period commentary from books of that era. Most of what I read published in the 1800s and early 1900s, Lincoln had much harsher words on Black people then anything I read from Lee. I am sure Lee was a man of his era but anything since the invention of the internet can be made up or summarized/ interpreted a certain way depending upon the writers political opinion.

Again, IMO Black people are just being used as a tool yet again by the larger elites to shape and mold a future that they want us to have. They masquerade it as equality when in reality it is much darker and sinister.
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