We Be the Powerful Rutgers University Overlords & We Ban UNVAXXED VERMIN Even Virtual Varmints!

It has become WAY more than a safety net. I'd call it more of a safety web because when it catches many people they are stuck in it.

I agree that it doesn't work well as currently designed. I believe that we need to help out those who are in dire need of help — as a prosperous society we should not ignore those facing hunger, homelessness, etc through no fault of their own. Indeed, Christianity teaches giving to the less fortunate as central tenet of the faith. So I would say we ought to offer help when it's needed. But that help should be effective in both results and cost. Our rather disjointed set of federal and state aid programs today don't meet either test. They are not particularly effective at lifting people out of poverty or very cost effective at what they do. There is a lot of room for improvement here.
The only reason he missed the start of classes is that he handed in his exemption request late. And the reason he handed it in late? He ignored (didn't open) the emails he received from the U on the topic.
And those that do teach their children about responsibility and common sense see their work countered by leftist teachers.
This assumes that only parents on your end of the political spectrum teach their children these things. Which is wrong. And that all of those children taught by (global) "you" cannot think for themselves. Also, hopefully, wrong. Maybe (again global) "your" kids finally see there is more to the world than the narrow view they were brought up with?
On the banks of the old Raritan,
I sent my son to old RU 'cause it only cost a grand.

Disclaimer: Thirty years ago I was a Rutgers administrator.
This assumes that only parents on your end of the political spectrum teach their children these things. Which is wrong. And that all of those children taught by (global) "you" cannot think for themselves. Also, hopefully, wrong. Maybe (again global) "your" kids finally see there is more to the world than the narrow view they were brought up with?

You have no idea how my child was raised. And no I see the hypocrisy of the left every day.
And those that do teach their children about responsibility and common sense see their work countered by leftist teachers.

Umm, at least by inference, yes you did.

No, there are parents on the left that teach their children responsibility and common sense but if they are on the left they don't support it on a macro level.
And you can speak definitively of all parents on "the left". Each and every one of them.

Who gave you that authority?
No, there are parents on the left that teach their children responsibility and common sense but if they are on the left they don't support it on a macro level.
Really? Site your source.

It seems your very conservative, very red state of Arkansas has very high murder/violent crime rates...almost the worst in the country. But MA., one of the bluest/most liberal states in the country has much lower murder/violent crime rates.

Crime in the US: All 50 states ranked by murder, violent crime rates
Really? Site your source.

It seems your very conservative, very red state of Arkansas has very high murder/violent crime rates...almost the worst in the country. But MA., one of the bluest/most liberal states in the country has much lower murder/violent crime rates.

Crime in the US: All 50 states ranked by murder, violent crime rates
From that article...

"Arkansas's violent crime rate is due in no small part to the concentration of violence in a handful of cities. For example, in Pine Bluff there were 1,609.2 violent crimes for every 100,000 people in 2018. In West Memphis, the most dangerous city in the state, there were 1,970.2 per 100,000."

And guess what the cities have in common. Democrat mayors.
But you're not damning the "parents on the left" only in Arkansas with your statements above. You're painting all "parents on the left" in all fifty states with the same brush.
Arkansas's violent crime rate is due in no small part to the concentration of violence in a handful of cities. For example, in Pine Bluff there were 1,609.2 violent crimes for every 100,000 people in 2018. In West Memphis, the most dangerous city in the state, there were 1,970.2 per 100,000."

And guess what the cities have in common. Democrat mayors.

THIS is a pretty small sampling on which to be basing this:

there are parents on the left that teach their children responsibility and common sense but if they are on the left they don't support it on a macro level.

And I don't believe for one moment that you didn't know what I was referring to.

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