when False Arrest costs you everying, including the ability to defend your self.

Tyler A Lofall

New Member
I recently did a remodel where the homeowner died owing me over $100,000... the heirs destroyed my property, said i committed fraud and used their fiduciary power to intercept my Assignment of Benefits from the mortgage company when it was getting indorsed after the insurance company. then while they had my bankinformation swapped it for theirs, and evicted me without pay after the work was complete.

I filed a civil suit, and before trial i was false arrested and spent four months in jail due to catching covid and some other shinanigans...... fired my attorney, caught covid in went pro se again, and got everything dropped at trial, but not before i missed trial, was let out in my t shirt to catch hyperthermia (so cold all my toe nails fell off) and ended up instantly in the hospital...

im so over the way this shit is ran, I just filed a $2.4m lawsuit against the police and county, and im scared im going to mess this up... i lost everything i own when i was in jail because of these events its over $300,000 and a bunch of of my life... and fighting things from the street is terrible
anyone want a a super easy pro bonon case in Clackamas County Oregon.
I recently did a remodel where the homeowner died owing me over $100,000... the heirs destroyed my property, said i committed fraud and used their fiduciary power to intercept my Assignment of Benefits from the mortgage company when it was getting indorsed after the insurance company. then while they had my bankinformation swapped it for theirs, and evicted me without pay after the work was complete.

I filed a civil suit, and before trial i was false arrested and spent four months in jail due to catching covid and some other shinanigans...... fired my attorney, caught covid in went pro se again, and got everything dropped at trial, but not before i missed trial, was let out in my t shirt to catch hyperthermia (so cold all my toe nails fell off) and ended up instantly in the hospital...

im so over the way this shit is ran, I just filed a $2.4m lawsuit against the police and county, and im scared im going to mess this up... i lost everything i own when i was in jail because of these events its over $300,000 and a bunch of of my life... and fighting things from the street is terrible
anyone want a a super easy pro bonon case in Clackamas County Oregon.

I highly recommend you do not hire an attorney that sleazes around advice sites looking for clients. Call your state Bar Association and ask for several referrals. Interview them all and then decide who you like best.

I also suggest you edit out your personal information before some nut job gets a hold of it.
I just filed a $2.4m lawsuit against the police and county, and im scared im going to mess this up...

Nothing in your post suggests the police did anything wrong. Just getting an acquittal at trial doesn't prove there was a "false arrest". Suing the government involves extra steps you may not be aware of and that can cost you to lose the case, if you have one. It may be your lawyer, perhaps, who you need to sue.

By the way, false arrest means that the police didn't have the probable cause needed to arrest you. Probable cause is a much lower standard than what the state has to prove at trial, which is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. So it is quite possible to be lawfully arrested and still win your case in court.
Nothing in your post suggests the police did anything wrong. Just getting an acquittal at trial doesn't prove there was a "false arrest". Suing the government involves extra steps you may not be aware of and that can cost you to lose the case, if you have one. It may be your lawyer, perhaps, who you need to sue.

By the way, false arrest means that the police didn't have the probable cause needed to arrest you. Probable cause is a much lower standard than what the state has to prove at trial, which is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. So it is quite possible to be lawfully arrested and still win your case in court.

they didn't have probable cause. They knew the elements were missing, they tried to leverage someone's kids custody against my freedom, and thy had the exculpatory evidence since before my arrest… they went to someone and said they needed to come up with another incident after they arrested me… and they did it to circumvent tenant law…. They did so much… and I did nothing for it … it was my ex who went o the store bought 5 gallons of gasoline threatened to burn down the house, took a hammer out and pounded out he windows sprayed my property with a hose and went to the store bought 30 pounds of flour and gooped all my stuff 2 days in a row and on the third day I literally grabbed the hose,when she was spraying my computers inside when she wouldn't stop I let the hose go maybe 15 seconds later… she wasn't hurt, I did nothing but stop her from spraying my property. The cops made up testimony and my ex the alleged victim even came into court file a motion to waive thee no contact and told the judge the testimony was twisted… yes they continued to leverage her kids custody overt freedom so my gf went Io Mexico for a month… so they used the excuse I had Covid because they had no witness and moves my trial back 6 more weeks.

They denied all of my evidence and discovery demands, there's a ton of things they did.. they dug a hole and then when I didn't take their deal kept trying to bury me.they cost me everything I own….

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