widow's med benefits

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I lost my vet husband 7 yrs ago. I am now turning 63 on Nov 26th. I collect his ss widow benefits. Is it possible for me to get any health insurance from the gov't. I can't afford a private insurance and am afraid to wait another almost 2 yrs.
thanks, Janis
I lost my vet husband 7 yrs ago. I am now turning 63 on Nov 26th. I collect his ss widow benefits. Is it possible for me to get any health insurance from the gov't. I can't afford a private insurance and am afraid to wait another almost 2 yrs.
thanks, Janis

Sorry, madam, unless you deceased husband was a retired veteran (time of service or medical disability RETIRED), there is no insurance offering for widows or widowers.
They tell me that Obamacare is available for people without health care.
Your state has mandatory healthcare, thanks to Romney and his Romneycare.
Those are two options, and you could retire early and pursue social security's medicare.

Sorry for your loss, Happy Holidays, Happy new Year, and I do wish you the best.
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