Wife attempting to force me into writing a will

Willy Fischer

New Member
Wife is trying to force me into writing a will giving half of what we have to her her son in addition to all the cars I work on that I had placed in her name that I bought. Threats, intimidation have been used. In addition, she wants that half of the property placed in his name now. Can't afford a divorce, I am disabled.
Wife is trying to force me into writing a will giving half of what we have to her her son in addition to all the cars I work on that I had placed in her name that I bought. Threats, intimidation have been used. In addition, she wants that half of the property placed in his name now. Can't afford a divorce, I am disabled.
Just say no.
The only thing I have to add is that your attempt to hide your assets is coming back to bite you in the rump.
Unfortunately, her will gives half of the land and all the cars to him. What happened to the spouse getting everything and the children are next in line? Her son is happy with getting everything but refuses to take of me what a sweetheart.
The only thing I have to add is that your attempt to hide your assets is coming back to bite you in the rump.
It turns out my medical insurance paid for everything; what hurts is trusting my wife and her taking advantage of that trust. This was just after I gave her son a new loaded truck, repaired their beaters cars and sold them for their profit. And top it off, they are bible reading, church going Christens.

18 years ago I bought a GTO and placed the title in my wife's name to protect her from my medical bills. I am healthy now and want the title in my name, she refuses and has told her son she is giving the car to him. So I cannot insure it or sell it. She wants me to repair it and make it nice to drive but I can't sell or trade it so I would just be fixing up for her son and I already have given him other cars; greed has no boundary. What are my options?

1966 convertible. I am not a lawyer and I was desperate to protect my goat and my wife in that order.

Response from Justblue:

Please clarify: How did placing the GTO (sweet ride...what year is it?) in her name protect HER from your medical bills? Wouldn't it just protect the car from a potential lien?

Response from Zigner:

18 years ago, you bought a car for your wife. If your wife doesn't want to give you her car, then she doesn't have to give you her car. Similarly, if you don't want to put work in to her car so it can be given to her son, then you don't have to.
Options? Divorce comes to mind...or you can simply let it go.
Willy, please keep all your marital problems to this thread and don't open any new ones. It's all the same topic. I've moved the other thread's comments here and deleted that one. Thanks for your cooperation.
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Unfortunately, her will gives half of the land and all the cars to him. What happened to the spouse getting everything and the children are next in line?
That only applies when a person dies without a will. In this case, she has a will. Lucky for you that Tennessee has what's called a spouse's elective share of an estate. Regardless of what the will says, you can choose to take 40% of the value of her estate instead of what is in the will. That doesn't mean you get the cars necessarily, but you can certainly attempt to recover the 40% share of the estate.

Don't bash the son too much - if your wife gives him stuff, he isn't a bad guy for refusing to give that stuff to you.
You just have to hope that your wife doesn't get wise and put her son on title as a co-owner...
You didn't ask a question, so I'm unsure what the purpose of your post is.

Wife is trying to force me into writing a will

"Force"? Force you how?

in addition to all the cars I work on that I had placed in her name that I bought.

If they're in her name, then they're her cars and not subject to your will.

Such as?

I am disabled.

So are lots of people. Telling us that you're "disabled," by itself, is meaningless. Many "disabled" people hold high paying jobs.

What happened to the spouse getting everything and the children are next in line?

I don't really understand this question. Under the intestate succession laws in Tennessee (i.e., the laws that dictate who gets what if a person dies without a will), if a person is survived by a spouse and descendants, the spouse and descendants share the (net) estate equally (with the spouse's share not being less than 1/3). A person may make a will that says otherwise, and a surviving spouse can "elect against the will" if the will shortchanges the surviving spouse.
Can't afford a divorce, I am disabled.

You can't afford NOT to seek a divorce, if you're being mistreated.

When spouses begin to squabble and quibble over getting the STUFF of the deceased spouse, circumstances lead to one conclusion. That conclusion is its time to get a divorce.

No one knows which spouse will outlive the other, unless of course, one spouse us plotting the demise of the other.

The same goes for your wife's son.
He could die first.
All anyone can say with certainty is, every human being will die.

Tennessee Marital Property Laws - FindLaw

Unfortunately, her will gives half of the land and all the cars to him. What happened to the spouse getting everything and the children are next in line? Her son is happy with getting everything but refuses to take of me what a sweetheart.

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