I find it interesting how we perceive time.
The future is so far away but the past flew by in an instant.
It only appears that way, but we live it one day at a time (just 24 hours).
"Tomorrow" refers to the day following today, symbolizing future potential, while "Yesterday" indicates the day preceding today, representing past events. Key Differences "Tomorrow" embodies the concept of the future, a time yet to come, offering new opportunities and experiences.
But tomorrow never comes because today takes its place. Before you know it, 365 todays have come and gone but no tomorrow.
I've been climbing my way through the sky
Searching for answers that I'll never find
Losing my breath as I fall
Learning to fly, letting go of it all
Learning to fly, letting go of it all
I've been trying to open my eyes
Take it all in as the world passes by
Getting lost in the twists and the turn
Finding these questions inside me still burn
Finding these questions inside me still burn
I'm gonna live
Like tomorrow never comes
There's no end in sight
Tonight we black out the sun
Better hold on tight
Before you know it's gone
And live like tomorrow never comes
I keep looking for some kind of sign
Trying to hold on in this race against time
I can't say where the next bend might be
That is the beauty in life's mystery
That is the beauty in life's mystery
I'm gonna live
Like tomorrow never comes
There's no end in sight
Tonight we black out the sun
Better hold on tight
Before you know it's gone
And live like tomorrow never comes
There's no end in sight
For tonight we black out the sun