Youth Indiana

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I'm not debating, I'm not interested in debating, nor am I trying to win a debate. I believe I've already made that clear. You, however.... well, you just sound jealous.

You attempt to combat me in another manner?

You made everything clear,you don't want to debate,it is not worth the effort,it is as you say beating dead horse.

But,coming here again to tell me I sound jealous is worthy
of your effort?:D
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Thank You mightymoose.I did.As I said before,I would be foolish to comment on Case Law decisions.

I could,I can,but I don't want to do that.Apropos,I am not a lawyer,I said that many times.

In my old country in Europe we had Codified Law,based upon Roman Law (based upon,not copied) .

Judge made Law does not exist there.

I respect the Judge made Law. While I respect it,IMO it makes lawyers job easy.

Many times,instead of argumentation and persuasion,invoking what another Court decided in similar case wins.

So,ok I saw the decision,thank you for the link.It should be respected.It is law.
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This is no more than a 16 year old getting in an accident and there was a question about the officer looking at his phone because of possible texting while driving. The minor was not arrested, not in custody and found not a fault. I don't understand why this is a great debate???
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KCGIRL....I"m sorry and no disrespect, but unless you have some constructive comments?????? Sorry everyone, this gets really irritating when I see posting like yours
"Arab Festival 2010: Dearborn Police Defending Islam against the Constitution"

I'm sorry but this is about a 16 year old and car accident. If your from another country and don't understand the laws of the USA...educate yourself.
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