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I had an account with adultfriendfinder.I used my credit card and gave my information. When contacting a couple about meeting up, I gave them pictures that were not of me.The picture that I used was one that I took myself and it was not copyrighted.I did not post pictures on my profile.They were sent through the messenger on site. I did use my real name and gave them my real # so we could meet in public.She searched my number n look online n saw who I was on the internet.I said here are my pics in the message and asked if they would like to meet.Is this illegal? She accused me of identity theft and fraud. SHe then messaged me constantly saying if I did not give her real pics of me she was going to go to the FBI and she asked for full nude shots of me as well as my face pic. SHe said I had 30 seconds to give her each one and had to answer all her questions if I did not want to be turned into the FBI. SHe said if I asked who she was, she was going to turn me in.Did I do anything illegal?
I had an account with adultfriendfinder.I used my credit card and gave my information. When contacting a couple about meeting up, I gave them pictures that were not of me.The picture that I used was one that I took myself and it was not copyrighted.I did not post pictures on my profile.They were sent through the messenger on site. I did use my real name and gave them my real # so we could meet in public.She searched my number n look online n saw who I was on the internet.I said here are my pics in the message and asked if they would like to meet.Is this illegal? She accused me of identity theft and fraud. SHe then messaged me constantly saying if I did not give her real pics of me she was going to go to the FBI and she asked for full nude shots of me as well as my face pic. SHe said I had 30 seconds to give her each one and had to answer all her questions if I did not want to be turned into the FBI. SHe said if I asked who she was, she was going to turn me in.Did I do anything illegal?
While I am not an attorney in your state and can not represent you, I can help you with the forms. Email me.
Contact me and I can show you how to do your petition to the courts. Erase my email when you get this.
Hey man try to hang in there and keep it off of your mind. I know thats easy for me to say but just last year I was somewhat in your boat, I thought there was noway I could win my case...they had me dead to rights, but somehow my lawyer got me found innocent of my felony and convicted of a simple misd. I stole about 6,000 from the power company and they wanted my head. i know its not 80,000 but have faith in our judicial system and remember you are innocent until proven guilty, remember OJ hell he got off so can you. whatever you do dont say nothing i mean nothing at all until you and your lawyer discuss the path you want to go, he may be able to work out a plea deal or something. Good luck and keep me/us posted I am pulling for you. Sometimes GOOD people do stupid things and the scare of this will make you never do anything like it again......Just wish the judges really knew that.
I understand, no problem here.

It is because of the debate that I join these sites. Not for the debate, but for the chance to challenge what I know or think I know and to research it a little more.

I am with you, I would not want to take any action and would act to mediate it if I could. Generally that can be done. It is just that given the right fact set our OP can be booted out unceremoniously and even charged with a crime. But, all that will depend on the owner. What I would not want to see is the OP blindsided by the owner's sudden arrival.

I saw these all the time when I was assigned to civil duties with the Sacramento Sheriff's Department many years ago. And in the city where I currently work, the economy has resulted in a lot of rental issues and people are leaving or going to jail and leaving derelict friends in the home ... we have seen a great many of these cases recently and they make for awkward moments for all involved.
I think you should pose a question in the general labor forum about the privacy of FMLA information. That is probably more applicable since this isn't sounding like a HIPAA issue.
I'm sure you know I'm just debating an issue... not just arguing for the sake of arguing with you ;)
I run in to these landlord/tenant disputes all the time too. Debating it and finding out the end results (hopefully) help to sort out future issues.
I. for one, would not touch this situation with a ten mile pole if the owner contacted me. I would emphatically attempt to dissuade a citizen arrest, which is almost in all circumstances a bad idea, and encourage a solution through the court. I'm pretty confident that others would as well.
If a person will not leave a residence willingly, and I don't have an eviction order, I need to have some pretty strong evidence that the person is present unlawfully... and the scenario offered here tells me that they are legally present even without the owner's knowledge.
So far the owner has not even contacted them, so at this point this is all moot.
Hi Moose. You responded to one of my posts regarding a 3Day pay or quit and the landloard(property owner) moving back in. The people we had our agreement with and made payments to moved out without saying anything more to us or even asking for the keys back when they left. Now we have the police telling us that we are trasspassing. We still have not spoken to the actual property owner and would be more than willing to make arrangements with them to give us some time to move out, but we don't know who they are (the roommates wouldn't tell us). Are we really considered to be trasspassing now?
Unfortunately, I don't have a clear law to cite, but I do know that it is the practice. I do see that 83.67 explains the things that you can't do to force someone out. As for why eviction is required, my best guess is that it has to do with something along the lines of waiver/estoppel. Mom is trying to put a sudden end to the agreement without giving the son any recourse.
We, as police, are not the ones that draw the line. That is very much why it gets referred to a judge through the eviction process. We aren't in the habit of throwing people into the street when they have nowhere else to go. However, say you allow someone into your home for a week and on day 3 you have had enough of them and want them out... by all means we can help you out. If on day 112 you finally decide you had enough... sorry, you have a civil dispute and need a judge to get the person out if they won't go willingly.
You wouldn't get arrested for changing the locks... you would get a citation. You would get to explain to the judge why you didn't evict... maybe you could sell it, I dunno.
Again Moose I wouldn't be surprised at anything that is true in CA. I would totally agree about the property thing, she can't destroy or put his property on the street because she has a due care duty, but the fact that she let him stay there for some imaginary amount of time is not enough to trigger constructive eviction if she put him out.

Where do you draw the line? 1 week? 2weeks? 1 month? 6 months? And who gave you, a cop, the authority to draw that line? I can assure you if I was in her position and I threw a guest out of my house and you arrested me, there would be consequences, and not for me. The only grounds I can think of that you might have is if you were locking him away from his things in a manner that would make it difficult for him to care for himself. But you simply can not make law up and arrest people, that's insane.