Michael Wechsler

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    I have a legal question I would like to ask you.
    Hi,my 17 yr.old got a mip for alcohol? i live in michigan i guess she is an adult here she already hs 4 points on her license ,speeding and an accident.no misdemeanors no crimanal back ground.what do we expect for her to happen at court?
    A little over three years ago I purchased a Champion Titan 14' x 16' mobile home form Coach Country LLC. for $2,300.00. A month, after I had made over two thousand dollars in repairs and upgrades, I was informed by the mobile home park manager that there was an issue involving the title, and that they would be responsible of all the property taxes as well as all fines/fees that resulted in their efforts to acquire of the title. Last week, after making several inquiries regarding the status of the title, I was informed that the mobile home in question is titled/owned by the U.S. Government, and that they have been having a great deal of difficulty getting the government to sign off over the title.
    As a possible resolution, if they are unable to acquire the title, I have been informed I may be offered a 1968 BUDGR 20' x 57', double wide mobile home that has been legally seized for back rent. The person how made this statement is also the person who falsely sold me the trailer I and my family now live in.
    I live in Washington state. Can you tell me if I have any legal options available to me to insure I and my family do not end up homeless as a result of the illegal actions of this company?
    Can you answer a legal question for me?
    At the beginning of July I was given a 60 day notice to leave my apartment. There was no reason stated on the letter, becuase it stated since the property is not rent controled they dont have to provide a reason. I talked to the manager and he said that the owners were not happy with some complaints of other neighbors and the fact that we put in 6 trouble calls for a backed up tiolet. Can they do that? Do i have any renters right? What are my options?
    My husband is in prison right now in the state of California, he wants to know if you Can get a 5 year enhancement on second degree robbery?
    Is it ever to late to file a Habeas Corpus Petition?

    His questions are to much for me.Years ago, not sure of the date, my husband pled guilty to Robbery 2nd but the court messed up when they sentenced him and gave him more time than the statute allowed so they took him back and resentenced him but they also changed his plea, they made the mistake of calling it Robbery 1st. This is what he said to me, I can go dig out his files if I need dates. It makes a big difference because he is currently spending 17 years in prison because he pled to a deal because he was facing 25 to life for a third strike. He has a little under 5 years left. Any help would be great! Maybe someone can direct me or him in the right direction.
    Thank You,
    My husband and I recently purchased a vehicle and when we went in to make a payment, the owner, then, signed the title over to us and we then took it to the bmv to get transfered. we still owed the owner some money but he signed over the title to us. according to the bmv, the title is registered as my husband and I as being the owners and it states that the title has a lien on it. I am not quite sure how he could have a lien on something that is no longer his. today, he came and repossesed our vehicle and the police took his side wihout even taking into consideration that we are the lawful owners of the vehicle. what can we do about this?
    Use of member dues - private club


    I have long wanted to start a travel club that would be funded by member dues. Each quarter, I would like to use part of the dues to offer free travel for selected members of the club as enticement for membership as well as just to have a good time. I have also thought about having a substantial money award as well.
    I am confused about: 1) whether this constitutes a lottery?
    2) if selection of winner is not random - say done
    alphabetically, etc. does this avoid conflict?
    My friend is going threw a divorce and needed a car. She had an older van that she traded in on a used tarus that is in my name(the tarus) because she has fallen on hard times. Her father wrote here a check for $1500.00 for the attorney retainer fee. They have since got in to a big fight and her father is threating to sue her for the $1500.00 and is saying that she used her van as collateral but she didn't sign anything stating that and didn't verbally agree either. He is now threating to sue me and her and put a lean on my tarus that I letting his daughter drive. He some how has my vin# and knows the trade in value she got for her van. Her father has threaten us 3 or 4 times now and has never served her or I. My question is can I be sued and can her father but a lean on my car? She also has a bankrupcy claim too with her house due to the divorce. What should I do to prepare just in case?
    what are the legal ramifications of claiming to be on retainer when you are not a lawyer
    im a police officer in ct and was contacted by the school recourse officer to see if my daughter was missing an ipod i had my wife call my daughter and see she is 13 and told my wife yes she was the school recourse officer took a statement from the girl that stole the ipod and she did admitt she took it from my daughters hand bag my wife printed out a price from apple store that sells the ipod for 370.00 the thiefs mother gave my department a check a week later and they gave it to me several weeks later the same girl gave a smaller ipod to my department and said this was the one she stole not the more expencive one i claimed (i had the person who gave my daughter the ipod give a sworn statement to where when and how much he paid for it and it was engraved with my daughters name on it my department gave all this to the state police in ct and i spoke to a state detective and had an argument with him in my lawyers office and he left the ipod the thief turn in was traced back to my wife which she bought in 2006 from ebay we never knew it was gone as we didnt know the more expencive one was gone my daughter was affraid to tell me since i told her to lock her things at cheerleading practice the smaller ipod we had that the state now has i always knew it to be pink we have the receipt for the pink case from 2006 and the thief must have left the case in my daughters book bag so we always thaught it was there the state detactive arrested me for larceny 5th for the price of the ipod i have been an officer for more than 20 years and never had issues i do have a criminal lawyer but what do you think please let me know thanks
    I am a first year part-time student of common law section of one law school. One professor of that law school who teaches ADR course brought an academic fraud allegation against me. The allegation indicates that I copied legal principles without giving citations in a legal memo assignment I submitted for that course from assigned reading for this exercise.

    I attended the hearing held by the committee of inquiry appointed by that law school pertaining to the allegation. During the hearing, I explained the reasons why I copied directly from the reading material assigned by the professor for the legal memo assignment in question. I honestly believed that by doing so, I was fulfilling the assignment requirement otherwise I would not have copied the legal principles from the reading material the professor assigned to us for the assignment. Although the committee of inquiry has accepted that I made an innocent mistake about the legal memo assignment, it recommended the sanction of zero mark for the memo itself because the committee's understanding is that it has no discretion to recommend anything short of one of the sanctions listed in that university's regulation. This recommendation has been upheld by the Executive Committee of that law school. Although this sanction is the mildest one according to the academic fraud regulation, I think it is very harsh on me given that it is an honest and innocent mistake. My mistake is explained by the confusion concerning the expectations and instructions of that course's professor and by the fact that I am a first year law school student from another country who is still learning to adapt to the North American education system.

    The original source document which the Professor alleged that I conducted academic fraud with was included in the course materials distributed to students of that ADR course. Moreover, it was assigned reading for the legal memo assignment itself. If I conduct fraud, why do I use the distributed course material and assigned reading for the assignment? I used the legal principles summarized in the assigned reading textbook in my assignment because I honestly believed that is what I need to do for this assignment. For this legal memo, the professor did not teach the legal principles and indicated that we needed to read the assigned materials to learn the principles on our own. My understanding of the legal memo assignment was that I needed to teach myself the legal principles by reading the assigned materials and identify the relevant principles to answer the questions in the assignment instruction. Because the instruction to that legal memo assignment is only half page and very unclear, I even specifically asked that professor what she wanted us to do since it was my first legal memo in law school. She told me that I need to use the relevant legal principle to answer the legal issues she asked in the instruction. So my understanding is that the legal principles are summarized in the assigned materials to help us understand the legal rules and for this assignment purpose the students should use those principles to answer the four questions asked. I really did not think that copying from the material assigned by the professor was fraud since the professor designed the course knowing the course materials inside out and expecting us to remember and know the legal principles stated in this material.
    Also some students asked that Professor in the class whether we needed to provide footnote citation for the assignment. Two other students and myself heard the professor say in the class that we could do footnoted citations but that we were not required to do so. This is why I did not give footnoted citations in my assignments.

    Another issue is that I voluntarily informed the Committee of Inquiry during the hearing that I made the same mistake for another assignment in that professor's class. This assignment was a client letter. That professor has already marked that assignment without noticing that I made the same mistake with this client letter assignment. I voluntarily informed the Committee of Inquiry about this because I am as honest as possible with the school and was willing to rectify this mistake in order to meet the professor's expectation. I did this also out of the respect for the academic nature of the University, a place where people can learn and are encouraged to admit their mistakes so that they can improve. It is only after having received the report from the Committee of Inquiry that professor realized that I had made the same mistake in the client letter assignment. Following this, that professor informed me via email that she will bring another allegation of academic fraud against me.

    I am totally confused and lost. The professor might want to follow the university rules no matter the circumstances but I will be punished for telling the truth! Does the western university regulation intend to penalize students who told the truth or try to help the students to learn from their mistakes when they come to school for education?

    I have submitted my appeal to the Senate Committee of that University and Right now, I am preparing for the appeal hearing. I believe the purpose of a sanction in the university's regulation is to punish students who viciously plagiarize rather than to be used in punishing morally innocent students. I should not be punished by making innocent mistake during my learning curve. I cannot afford to hire a legal counsel to represent me in the hearing. So I really hope that in this forum, some legal experts can provide me some suggestions and advice about how I should defend myself and win this case.
    I live in FL and am having problems with some coworkers stating stuff that is not true to other coworkers, is it ok to audio tape them(not to take to court or anything, just to let my boss know what is going on in the office) please help asap.
    i was arrested for dui, first offense, bac was .12, my question is that, can you be put on the ARD program twice, i was arrested 7 1/2 years ago for a retail theft and my record was expunged, do i have to tell them of my prior arrest, the officer said to go to the hearing and talk to the DA to see if he will agree to lower my bac to .99 so my cost would be less and then ask for ard, officer was not aware of my prior arrest, and will i have to spend 48 hours in jail
    I was served a bench warrant, but it had the wrong name on it. Would this be honored in court.
    An 84 yr old lady had bought a dog.2 months later she had a stroke.Ive been taking care of the dog for 3 years now!Now all of the sudden her power of attorney is saying he wants me to give the dog to her friend.Is the dog mine or theres now?
    I signed a 1-yr lease last Aug 28, 2007. My landlord set up an appointment for July 29, 2008 of this year for me to sign a renewal lease, one month before my lease was up. I started looking for another apt because I didn't want to sign a renewal lease and not be able to get out of it without undue stress. I found an apt, so I told my landlord that I would be moving. I told her on Tues, July 29, 2008 that I was moving on Fri., Aug 1, 2008. I didn't give her 30 days notice because I had just found out about the apt on that same tues that I notified my landlord. Now, she's trying to charge me for August's rent, even though I'm not there. There wasn't anything in the lease that said I would have to pay the remaining month(s) amount of rent if I moved before my lease was up. If it wasn't in the lease and my landlord was having me sign a renewal lease one month early, how can hold me to that last month's rent?
    I have a quick question. I do not have custody of my son. I have visitation in place. I want to know if my order states that should my son need medical treatment while in my care that I can provide that care to him, and his father copies an invalid order and send it with a letter ordering physicians not to treat my son, is that legal? I mean is it legal that he is what appears to be threatening the medical physicians with court orders that are not the most current and are no longer valid?
    I'm involved in a landlord-tenant dispute in which I'm a former resident at an apartment complex in Gwinnet Co., and was in a lease agreement for 1 year. Few months into the lease, as I decided to move out, an associate agrees to take over the lease responsibilities by changing the lease into his name. As we approached the management in order to do that, we were required to notarize a statement indicating that both parties agree to a transfer of lease responsibilities and rent payments starting on the chosen date at a given address. The management then kept the original copy of the notarized statement, assured me that it ended my responsibility with them and did not require any additional paperwork.
    Few more months into the lease the new resident failed to pay rent which caused a breach of contract that had my signature on it. The notarized document was not classified as an amendment to lease as it was promised by management.
    The charges (concessions, rent owed, lack of giving notice) stemming from breaching the contract, added up to $4,384, but according to the lease, were miscalculated and can be questioned in court.
    Are misleading actions of management sufficient enough to build a case against them? (other person will support the case as a witness if needed)

    Or can I take action against the guy based on that notarized document that he signed? If so, if there will be a judgment against him, will it be ample enough to request a removal of collection or it will only obligate him to repay me, which will take a long time and further action?

    Thank you for your time.
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