I've been going to a particular college for 4 + years now, and I am on the verge of graduated this December. However there is some doubt floating about. Origanlly when I enrolled students were required to take the class ADART as a step towards graduation. During this last Summer term the administration took ADART off the required curriculum and as a offered class. It's Fall term now and the ADART class was not offered in the catalog for the term. However, later in this term I come to find out that a classmate is taking the ADART class.
I have been trying to get a straight answer from the school administration, but the employment overturn is so bad no one seems to know anything. My problem is that this will be the last term i can afford financially and therefore I anticipated my graduation in December. I would assume the same graduation status applies to me, as those of my classmates who graduated last term without ADART.
The school administration seems to be leaning towards the idea that this situation never happened, but I know it did happen. My proof is my classmates who graduated without the ADART class and a former employee of the college. The former employee had been my admissions/ student service advisor for the college up until he resigned last term. That employee had come to a solid verbal agreement with me that I and other current students were to longer required to take the class ADART and that it had been abolished from the school. Of course i wish I had documentation of this now and I am in the process of tracking down the former employee.
Ive had to fight with this school before about financial records and my Minors. Ive won those arguments thus far and we've come to favorable agreements on my part. This current situation, however, is so convoluted in my opinion.
I'd like to know your and others professional opinions on this and any advice as to what I should do. I can provide additional information if I have left anything out or am unclear.
Thank You in advance!