Michael Wechsler

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  • Dear Law Professor:

    Our hoa will not pass on financial information to any homeowner per our request via email as they have stated. Its been 2 weeks and we still request via follow up the information. We have also cc'd the property manager's boss as he hasn't responded either.

    Do we need legal counsel to help us represent homeowners? We're frustrated and losing money faster than it goes into reserves.

    Please help!!

    Dear Lawprofessor, here's the whole story: In '92 I was charged w/Indecency a child. I went to trial and was found guilty of a lesser charge included of class c misdemeanor assault (22.01 texas penal code) and got a $500 fine. In '94 I was railroaded on a Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle charge and given a 15 year term for a car I helped buy. I spent 6 1/2 years in prison and during that time nothing was ever said about the indecency charge. However, after 2 years of regular parole, the parole board put me on a sex offender caseload and expected me to abide by the conditions thereof. They could not make me register as such since there was no conviction. I have never committed a sex crime so I am not about to let anyone treat me as such. I have been in and out of jail and prison on parole violations because I refuse to sit in a therapy group with people that have committed such heinous acts. Parole tells me the "Colman Law" is there authority but I've tried to look it up and can't find it. Nor can I understand how a state can pass a law that goes against the constitution. I am currently trying to file a Habeas Corpus in my own behalf because I cannot afford legal counsel. I need all the help I can get and will appreciate any you can provide. You can email me at yyz12@juno.com
    TLP - what happened to my kitties' pics? Can I have them back or are they gone for good?
    Thanks for re-instating me. Is there any way you can allow us to edit our own posts? If I was allowed to edit posts, I would have realized I was being an idiot and deleted/edited them.
    I've been going to a particular college for 4 + years now, and I am on the verge of graduated this December. However there is some doubt floating about. Origanlly when I enrolled students were required to take the class ADART as a step towards graduation. During this last Summer term the administration took ADART off the required curriculum and as a offered class. It's Fall term now and the ADART class was not offered in the catalog for the term. However, later in this term I come to find out that a classmate is taking the ADART class.

    I have been trying to get a straight answer from the school administration, but the employment overturn is so bad no one seems to know anything. My problem is that this will be the last term i can afford financially and therefore I anticipated my graduation in December. I would assume the same graduation status applies to me, as those of my classmates who graduated last term without ADART.

    The school administration seems to be leaning towards the idea that this situation never happened, but I know it did happen. My proof is my classmates who graduated without the ADART class and a former employee of the college. The former employee had been my admissions/ student service advisor for the college up until he resigned last term. That employee had come to a solid verbal agreement with me that I and other current students were to longer required to take the class ADART and that it had been abolished from the school. Of course i wish I had documentation of this now and I am in the process of tracking down the former employee.

    Ive had to fight with this school before about financial records and my Minors. Ive won those arguments thus far and we've come to favorable agreements on my part. This current situation, however, is so convoluted in my opinion.

    I'd like to know your and others professional opinions on this and any advice as to what I should do. I can provide additional information if I have left anything out or am unclear.

    Thank You in advance!
    You're right to restrict my account. I'm sorry, I was really in a screwed up mood Tuesday and Wednesday. I apologize for the inconvenience.
    My fiance was on probation for reckless homicide. Just recently he was caught driving and had court for violating his probation. He is currently being held with no bond since Oct. 3rd his next court date is on Oct. 31st and his lawyer is 80% sure that he will be coming home. Do you have any advise?
    thanks for nothing! dont respond to give your uninformed opinion! i am looking for advice, all you did was repeat the information that i provided! you are just like the rest of your colleagues in that you have lost your way! the question is who can i contact to gather the details of my case? dont pretend you know what is going on with my case just answer the question posed to you if you cannot then say so but dont pretend you know whats going on with this because if you did know you wouldnt have responded like an idiot!
    from: biggame18

    may 08 i was told by the state bar to contact the court to retrieve the details of the case. after speaking to the prosecutors supervisor i was told that he would look into it and he would call me in a week. after 10 days i called the court and was unable to get the supervisor after leaving a couple of messages i contacted the state bar who told me to speak to my public defender. i have called him 5 or 6 times and he refuses to return my calls. the dna evidence was gathered in may 0f 07 where it was sent to the experts, the results were provided in april 08. i just need to know my rights as far as being provided information. is there some one i can have look into this or should i just hire a lawyer? who should i contact to gather the details?
    Sorry professor, I saw your comment below, so I move my post (auto finance) here, to the forums.
    I have a 2nd floor condo of a 3 story building in Seminole County Florida. My 3rd floor neighbor had a leak from their shower valve that damaged the sheet rock in my bathroom and the neighbor's bathroom on the 1st floor as well. The cause of the leak has been documented by the plumber that arrived on site and management company. I do not have property insurance but the party who started the flood has. How can I get reinbursed for all the clean-up and to restore my bathroom? Can I make a claim on their insurance company or do I have to sue my neighbor?
    Can a spouse who has signed a prenup for the business be legally allowed to work on the overall finances of that business.
    8 of us were getting a 12min lunch break out of in 8 hour shift on third shift.while first and secound shift were getting there 1/2 hour lunch break plus 12min coffee break.i ask everybody on third shift to sign a paper requesting more break time, cause 12min wasnt enough.....it was aproved.....but a week later we all got laidoff.....6 whites and 2 hispanics....following day of the layoff 6 whites got re-hired..2 hispanics had senority over 4 of the whites that were re-hired.....whatcha think.
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