Michael Wechsler

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    I went off the road in my truck and hit some fence post, my gas pedal stuck After I got stopped I talked to the homeowner and went home 2 hors later the cops came and arressted me for dui,ho ins. and driving on susp.Is that legal.
    I went off the road and hit some fence post my gas pedal stuck I stopped and talked to home owner ,and then came home .I took some nerve pills and 2 hours latter cops came to my door and arressted me for dwi.driving on susp. and no ins. Can they do that? Also I can't afford an attorney and the clerk said I have to defend myself due to budget cuts.
    What you do when bank falsely accuses you on money fraud? thanks
    -----------------------------------PLEASE HELP---------------------------------------------

    I Went To A New Car Dealership To See If I Can Get Financed For A New Car. I Needed To Trade In My Current Car Because It Is Junk And I Owe Way More Than It Is Worth. To Make A Very Long Story Short, The Sales Manager Told Me No On The Trade, But I Could Turn My Current Car Back Over To The Buy Here Pay Here And Risk No Repo To My Nor My Co-signers Credit Because They Are Not Reporting Any Payments I've Made To The Credit Bureau And The Car Is In House "mouse House" Financed. So My Questions Are:

    1) What Is In House "mouse House" Financing?

    2) Will There Be Any Repo Or Negitive Actions To The Credit Of Myself Or The Co-signer Of My Current Car If I Turn It In?

    Thank You For Your Help.
    If an owner signed off on an vehicle that her property was foreclosed on and I was hired to clean out the house and wanted that vehicle how would I do that? The junk yard towed it off and we went to the junk yard and recieved the vehicle after paying the towing fee. We need a title but there was a lien on the vehicle thru the bank of about 9,000.00 I am not paying for someone elses car, especially if she had no further legal rights to it. what should I do??
    I was wondering if you could tell me what to do my ex maxed out my credit card without my consent and he wont pay I was told to send an itemized letter to him then i was told not to then I was told just to file a police report. I dont know what to do can you help?
    Hello, I was hoping you could help me I just got sited for failing to come to a complete stop when leaving a private drive. I was leaving a parking lot and there was a car about 100 yards away and i just went it was about midnight and road was clear there was no stop sign and I was just wondering the law on that...? thanks, Jeff
    Hi, I am a British Citizen and I would like to go to New York get married and live there with my fiancee who has a permanent recident. What do we need to do??
    hi sir
    we have started a business in partnership
    and taken a loan for machinery from a bank
    now business is not running well, cant repay EMIs
    what to do? what action can bank take?
    I was heading to a gas station on my left side at a large intersection, with a traffic light; when I saw the green light, I made the U turn.- At the time I couldn't see the NO U TURN sign because of the glare:confused:, the posted "NO U TURN" has black and white letters only; not the traditional "U" and a RED circle and line on it. I proceeded safely, (no traffic at the time), I took pictures of the opposite traffic, they don't have neither of the "NO U TURN" signs:eek:, so it means that they are allowed to make a U turn (is this a double standard ?); how can I win my case at my hearing ?:angel
    Yesterday I was caught shoplifting at a store. The items were worth 128$. I wasn't arrested and the cop wrote up the report as a misdemeanor and I was allowed to leave. I have a court date for 21st October. This is my first offense, and I've never been arrested, ticketed, or been in any trouble at all.

    I would like to know how serious my charge is, also what could happen in court.
    I do not have a lawyer, they are very expensive and i cannot afford one. Will i be able to speak to the public defender before i meet the judge?
    What happens if i plead guilty, will the judge be more harsh on me then?

    What do probation and community service exactly mean. I just want to avoid jail.?

    I would like to say that im truly sorry and ashamed of what ive done.
    I am a caregiver for an individual that recently was deposed. The patient was deposed about two hours. Patient seen attorney once (initial consultation) prior too being deposed. Received letter of deposition date, and was advised too show up an hour prior too being deposed. Was briefed with difficulty for approx 40 - 50 minutes.
    Attorney for my patient that i am caregiver for knew patient was on narcotic medication (several) as well as antidepressants during deposition and has been on a half year treatment for liver disease (interferon/ribavarnin-side effects for these drugs also is very nasty- also promoting mental disturbances along with other side effects) The patient has never done a deposition before. Has memory, and narcotic medication, as well as underlying medical issues and mental issues.
    Can a person be deposed that has mental issues and is on several heavy narcotic medications and also a form of chemo for a underlying disease? How can this be a fair thing too do when the person cant appropriately respond the way you or I perhaps would? I didnt think that was right nor fair.
    Secondly, I am a wittness as too what occured - dr blurted out private serious disease patient has in lobby doorway area and patients were in the lobby (2 chairs within arms reach of dr when blurted out) and in the hallway coming out of the examine rooms and also could hear what was said. Being the patient was seeing this dr for about 3 years patient had come too know some of the patients their, and one of them was someone that lives in the patients area and interacts with neighbors where patient lives, and now neighboring neighbors know of a disease patient didnt want knowing.
    Something just doesnt seem right here, and i dont see how someone with this sort of background can be deposed. Again the way the patient explains things is NOT the way you or i would describe things.
    Patient left dr office after being insulted for two hours because he couldnt recall things dr wanted him too recall. Patients that came in at same time and way after patient had been seen, and long gone, my patient could be heard begging the dr too understand and was clearly frusterated and dr refused too speak too caregiver.

    I do not know what all happened while patient was deposed, but i do know i heard patient yelling a few times from the room patient was deposed in - patient doesnt know how too compose anger, frustration, and can not explain matters and has dementia. In closure too this mess - patient comes from a very unhappy background - and did serve time in prison for a non violent crime.
    Am i helping patient too cover all basis for fairness and understanding of condition/s and receiving good legal advise from attorney? Patients attorney was very angry because patient couldnt explain what occured in an exact matter, mind wanders and cant stay on task - not patients fault. I am due too be deposed in a few weeks in regard too what happened that day i guess.

    Patient has been seen by a Licensed psychologist/certified Addictions Counselor,and is nationally certified. board certified in trauma, certified brain injury specialist. Patient suffers from the below diagnosis/s:

    Impressions: not capable of handling own financial matters due too polymorbid problems of dementia and strong psychiatric overlay. not able too work. This is seen as ongoing and indefinite. Diagnosis: Dementia from multiple sources: TBI/concussions, seizure, remote history of polysubstance dependence. Major depressive disorder, severe with psychotic features and suicide ideations, intermittent explosive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, personality changes secondary to general medical conditions, disinhibited aggressive type. Personality disorder NOS with features of depression and antisocial character traits, learning disorder NOS with history of special education. Current physical concerns:liver disease, chronic back and head pain, endocarditis, circulation problems, vision problems, rule out other. Psychosocial and environmental stressors: disability adjustment problems, financial problems, independence problems, non intensive treatment, relationship and support group problems.Prognosis: Poor.

    Note: patient was currently being treated with a form of chemo for the liver and also was showing bad side effects w/the narcotic medication patient was taking and on at time of deposition then as well as having all the above medically impaired.

    should i go too that deposition, was the patient deposed fairly? what do i do?
    i let a freind get a car loan in my name . they did not pay. i got a court sumons. if i dont apear will they put a warrant out on me?
    my nephew and I purchased property in verbal agreement that i will help him 50% of the down payment and I will pay half of the negative in teh mortgage. The loan is under his name. After few months, I noticed that we didn't do the quit claim so my name is the title to protect my invest. I told him that when we gets the money to pay me for what I put in, he can do so becase I don't wan to have long term partnership with him. A soon as my name was in the title, then he start asking me for the half of the escrow money that he paid. Our agreemetn is that I will only help him for the 50% of teh down payment because he does not have all the money to buy it him self. In short term, okay, we agreed to go ahead and split it into half and we agreed that I will pay all the negative, in the beginning, he was paying me his half. Now, every time there's a expenses like HOA and property tax, he will ask us to pay for it, I disagree on that because I'm already paying all the negative in which what we agreed already in order to equal the escrow money he claims I should pay. He keeps pushing all the expenses to us inspite that we already have an agreement that I will pay all the negative. He is not paying his half of teh HOA for 4 months now, my half paymetn is being cash by the HOA and that's when I was notify that my nephew hasn't been paying his other half. I would like to depart from this situation and don't want to do more than I should because managing this property for him for free and not appreciate it is not acceptable. Please advise and thank very much.

    Rose R. S.
    I have been on this site before but this is for a different reason. My first reason was about 4 acres my boyfriend and I bought. Just the land. But we have these neighbors from hell and I'm not sure I want to live there and develop the land . Both of our names are on the property with rights to survivorship. We are just trying to clean up the land but these neighbors destroyed our no trespassing signs. They destroyed a fence post we put up. The police have been called on both ocassions. At first Mike wanted to sell out and I said okay, really hoping he would change his mind. Now he wants to keep the land and I don't. Those neighbors are hell and have a lot of traffic and pit bulls and guns. Mike and I have been dating 4 years. We each are buying our own home. And we were planning to clean and build on this land. And get married.
    To get to the point.....what are my rights to this property? Can he just buy me out? What if he won't? Can he build on it and I'm just up the creek? Mike got the loan for the property in his name but my name is on the deed also. Mike and Jayne , with rights to survivorship. I researched the land and it took 10 months to get it. There were liens. A lot of mess. I did all the paperwork and working also with an attorney. What looked like a dream for us is turning into a nightmare. I don't think I want to live there. I am now in a nice respectable neighborhood and is nice and quiet. I want to sell that land. He doesn't. Any help please????? Any options??? :blush
    Im asking this question on behalf of my sister. I will call her Jane. Jane shares two children with John, and they are dating again. John has three girls with mary, and they are claiming they are abused and neglected. all girls are over the age of 14 to my understanding. Social services has been contacted, but they always call first and then visit and nothing happens until they are gone and then the girls are abuse more. The mother told them to get out and take nothing with them but if they go to their fathers house she will make them come back through the legal system. These gils visit jane to visit their brothers, and they tell Jane what is going on. what can be done. This woman took away clothing that their father and Jane bought for them, and she degrades them daily. they are suicidal because of her abuse but social services is doing nothing to intervene. Please help. Thank you for your time.
    I have been cited for contributing to the delinquency of a minor and providing alcohol to a minor. I intend to plead guilty on both counts.
    I am scheduled to appear in court this week. I have been finger printed, I have fines, of course, and am told that I will be on probation for three years as well as the charge will be on my permanent record.
    If I do plead guilty
    Is this a felony?
    What does the probation entail?
    I have heard I will be drug tested on a monthly basis. Why? Is this at my cost? What else is typically involved in "probation"?
    Will I need an attorney to have fines changed to community service?
    Is there any way to keep it off my permanent record?
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