Michael Wechsler

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  • I was at a party and the cops detained me and some of my friends we were all drinking. They didn't read us our miranda rights and i gave them my brothers name because he is almost 21 so i wouldn't get in trouble and the other kids also gave them false information saying that they were older. But then 10 minutes went by and we all confessed to our lies but then i was the only one who was taking to the police station and put to the holding cell. So i charged with false info and mip. So is there any way that the miranda warning could help me and also what is the average penality for both i don't have any prior convictions for any type of priors.
    My question is that I subletted a room in the home (which is in California) that I rent with verbal consent from the manager but not written consent of the owner. Does this make the lease void to the tenant? And now the owner wants the tenant out so do I need to give written notice (30) days or not? The tenant has been living here for approximately 3 months and wants to pay this month's rent. Do I accept it? Or how do I proceed?...

    Please advise

    My ex husband and his wife I feel are harrassing my husband and I. They send us an email last year implying my husband was sexually abusing our daughter that my exhusband and I share. Then he sent me an email jumping my case about getting my daughters ears pierced (she is 7) so he let them grow shut while she was with him. He has now called dfs on us bc my daughter and my 10 year old son walk to the end of the driveway by themselves in the morning to get on the bus and they are trying to imply that either I or my husband are beating my daughter. She had a dark marking on her that is a scar from a boil she had several months ago. She said she even told him that and he said she was lying. My daughter was dignosed as adhd awhile back and when we went to the doctors appt to put her on the meds she needs he blew up on the doctor and I saying that she is not adhd that the problem is I am a bad mom and don't pay any attention to her.
    He has also been calling and emailing her teachers constantly wanting to know if I have been mistreating her.
    DFS said that my kids are great kids and I am doing a wonderful job with them and to keep the good work up. I am at my wits ends though. I can't afford an attorney but I need to know if I have legal rights to get them on harrassment so this will end.
    if you know anything about non-profit organizations and receiving donations your help would be greatly appreciated. I need to know what to do in order to receive donations and have a raffle to sell blankets for our organization.
    My son in law recently switched jobs, gave his boss a two week notice but did not give him his last pay check, pay period ended.... other employees were paid but not him, how long can he hold the pay check before sending it.... he has called his boss several occassions and said that she had sent it but has never sent it and now wont return his calls, any advice?
    Hi thelawprofessor, love your fish and your tae kwondo kick....btw, many thanks for answering my question re: looking for german lawyer. Olivia.
    Hello thelawprofessor,,,sorry didn't realize you weren't giving legal advice on thelaw.com. OOOPPS>
    hi...can you PLEASE help me! I'm a college student who made a STUPID mistake and don't know what to do!!!
    Wow... I've got 28 pages of visitor messages but only a handful are personal!!! Has anyone noticed that I'm not responding to legal questions here? These are visitor messages like MySpace wall comments and not anyone's private forum! We have forums with topics for people to place their posts! Please think before you post! Just say hi here... tell me you miss me or something personal. :)
    I have found by getting a divorce that my husband has co-mingled funds in the corporation, buying numerous personal things with company money. Can I use co-mingling of funds as a way to pierce the corporate veil so that I and our six children ages 8 to 24 may be entitled to half of the corporation? If so, please tell me how to go about it. My six kids need for me to be smart in this. It's the rest of our lives I'm talking about...and we only get one chance.
    My Ex and I purchased a car together approximately 3 or 4 months ago. When doing so, we are both on the loan, however I am primary signer. On the title we are both listed as owners, My self first then him. Is there any way that I can either transfer everything into his name or have everything transfered into my name? I would like to take the car away from him, so that neither of us get botched credit. I know I can afford the car, but he can't since we have split up. However, I am not sure how Kentucky law works as I am from Michagan, and we are only allowed to have one person on a title there.

    PLease assist!
    Please give me some advice regarding landlord's right to make repairs at end of lease. I had a rental agreement on a condo througha private renter. our lease was paid through the end of August and we moved out the first week of August which we had given her written notice that we would be out by the end of the month. We had let her know that some repairs would not be able to be made until this time. She contacted me stating she was going to begin some of the repairs such as a screen,blind replacement and carpet cleaning on 8/29. I said that is fine but please provide me with quotes prior to having the work done in case I have cheaper ones. She never let me know the costs on the repairs and is now deducting these from my deposit which the quotes are higher then her original estimates. We also had someone out on 8/30 to make carpet repairs in which the landlord stated she had brought down the replacement carpet to use. However when we arrived to have the repair done it was not a matching carpet. So the prep work was done and a service charge was paid. Now she is telling us we are responsible for the carpet guy to come out a second time please advise
    can i prevent my parents from seeing their grandchildren for any reason? do they have any given rights as grandparents?
    It is an injury I had at my former place of employment and now is bothering me.
    What are my rights in a legal separation?
    Hi i have a legal question regarding an anullment
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