action against political leaders

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US Federal Law
Is there any way US citizens can bring suite against the President and Vise President for not doing the job they took an oath to uphold. i.e. the border. There are already laws to close the border but they are being ignored. There has to be some recourse for the people that are paying for the job not being done. This is just one example. Thanks Paul
Is there any way US citizens can bring suite against the President and Vise President for not doing the job they took an oath to uphold. i.e. the border. There are already laws to close the border but they are being ignored. There has to be some recourse for the people that are paying for the job not being done. This is just one example. Thanks Paul
You think the borders of the United States should be shut down?
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Is there any way US citizens can bring suite against the President and Vise President for not doing the job they took an oath to uphold. i.e. the border.

No. You cannot successfully sue the President or any other federal official for his/her for acts that they have the discretion to do or not do. How much resources to allocate to border control actually starts with Congress as it is the body that hands out the money. The President and the Department of Homeland Security then decide what things to pay for in border patrol out of the money Congress allocated. The law allows them the discretion to make those decisions. As a result, a lawsuit to force them to allocate the money differently and put more into southern border patrol would fail.

Note that a suit against the Vice President would be pointless. The Vice President has no official role in making policy. The Constitution gives the Vice President only two tasks: acting as President of the Senate and taking over for the President should the President die or become incompetent while in office. Our first Vice President, John Adams, hated the role and described it as "the most insignificant office that ever the Invention of man contrived or his Imagination conceived." Note that at that time the Vice President was the person who received the second most electoral votes for President in the election. The president and vice did not run as a team like they do today. The Constitution was changed to make that possible.

Your recourse is at the ballot box. Elect Presidents and members of Congress who will make border patrol more of a priority.
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