Yes, because that's the votes that were counted and Trump, despite his legion of attorneys never got anywhere close to proving his claim that the election was "stolen" from him. Every case they brought to try to some traction on their claim they lost. The 2016 and 2020 elections were not about which candidate the people really liked, but rather voting for the candidate they least hated. After seeing Trump in office many decided that between the two, Biden was the least worst option. I'm not a fan of either of them, but our poltics have been much more stable with Biden than with Trump. Trump is the one who is the RINO; his policies were not those of the traditional Republican party. He hadn't shown much interest in poltics before he ran, and when he did, he chose the Republican part not because he shared the beliefs of traditional Republicans but because he thought, as it turned out correctly, that running as a Republican would be his best chance to win. His problem was that he did the actual job of president poorly. For most of his presidency he polled poorly. A lot of the people he chose for his adminstration jumped ship when they couldn't take his reckless, inconsistent, and narcissistic style of making policy anymore. The only ones that stayed were people like Guiliani, who was himself a mess and had become a shadow of the lawyer he had once been. A majority of voters decided in 2020 that they had seen enough and wanted him out. Is that so hard to believe? That's how democracy works. The election results were not a Marxist or Facist plot. Trump is today the closest candidate we have to a racist.
You have the right to support Trump if you want. And I have the right to oppose him if I want. That's the idea behind a free society. Claiming all kinds of conspiracy without any proof after your guy loses is nothing more than sour grapes. Is it so hard to believe that after 4 years of Trumps antics that the majority would be tired of him? If he hadn't tried to make himself constantly the center of attention and actually tried to do a competent job he may have done well enough to win a second term. That's what his advisors tried to get him to do. But Trump doesn't listen to his advisors. He only listens to the voice in his head an immediately does what that voice says without stopping to think first if it's really a good idea. That may be the type of person you want for president, but I don't. He'll likely win the Republican nomination. I think come the general election the party will regret making that choice.