Colorado Supreme Court disqualifies Trump from state’s 2024 ballot

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Colorado is just the first state to have its decision to keep Trump off the ballot upheld by its Supreme Court. It will be interesting to see just how broad or narrow the decision ends up being. If the Court upholds the state's ruling by saying the Constitution bars Trump from the presidency then all states would have remove him from ballot and his campaign would be over, and his hold over the Republican party would likely end.
Yeah as the powers that be continue to run hit pieces on Nikki Haley and Desantis.

The best hope is for the conservative Supreme court to over turn these states and for him to remain on the ballot. I am not sure how much faith you can have in the election results anyway unless Dominion was barred form our elections and paper ballots reinstated with only votes from legalized identification tax paying Americans. Welcome to the new America were Banana Republic rules apply.
I think the best result for the Court would be to make a very narrow, technical ruling that keeps Trump on the ballots but leaves the major issues of the 14th Amendment insurrection clause for another day. The Court will be criticized as political no matter what ruling it issues in this case, but at least this solution would at least mean the Court would not be accused of picking its favored candidates or making any major change that would inflame one side or the other.

Let Trump run. He'll likely win the Republican nomination as things stand now but I doubt he'd win the general election, at least if it were held today. I've not seen him yet do much to bring back the moderate voters who swung over the Biden camp in 2020. And it's those votes he'll need to get elected. Only on president has done what Trump is trying to do: regain the White House 4 years after the voters kicked him out. With modern media, it may be harder to pull that off today than it was for Grover Cleveland in the late 1800s. Today any gaffe, mistake, or error a candidate makes is instantly shared with millions of people on social media. If Trump loses a second general election that may be what the party needs to finally purge out the MAGA elements and regain some sanity. Running younger candidates that are more in tune with what the majority of Americans want is something both parties desperately need to do for long term success.
We all enjoy many rights.

For illustrative purposes only, the right to due process, as well as, the presumption of innocence come to mind.

Forget for a moment, who finds himself portraying the "monkey in a barrel".

Donald Trump appears to be playing such a role.

He's been convicted of felonies in the minds of millions, things for which due process has not transpired.

Bottom line, the Supremes will overturn these unconstitutional manifestations.

That ruling will cause the plethora of "Trump Trials" to ignomously crash to a whimpering end.

He'll end up as a candidate in all 50 states.

In the meantime, I'll sit quietly on the sidelines enjoying the many shenanigans of those obsessed with purported antics of the ALLEGED "Abominable ORANGEMAN".

As mother often said, "Time will one day tell, son".
We are at a turning point in the judicial and political institutions in this country. And if the Supreme Court doesn't get this right, you can forget about free and fair elections in this country for good. It's a Pandora's box that will never be closed.

I don't care whether you love or hate Trump. But the corruption that has taken over the courts has done more harm to our democracy than anything Trump has ever done.
We are at a turning point in the judicial and political institutions in this country. And if the Supreme Court doesn't get this right, you can forget about free and fair elections in this country for good. It's a Pandora's box that will never be closed.

I don't care whether you love or hate Trump. But the corruption that has taken over the courts has done more harm to our democracy than anything Trump has ever done.

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I don't care whether you love or hate Trump. But the corruption that has taken over the courts has done more harm to our democracy than anything Trump has ever done.

I've lived in a number of states and have seen how their courts operate. Few of them were actually corrupt (although a select were very corrupt, like certain Philadelphia judges back in the 1980s). We have laws to deal with corruption and every year some officials somewhere get in trouble for it.

What worries me more is the politicization of the courts. We don't have much in the legal tool kit to deter that. If the politicization trends keeps going, the courts will steadily lose the confidence of the public that the courts are neutral arbiters of disputes. It doesn't take long to destroy the public's trust. But it takes a lot of time and effort to regain that trust once it is lost.

Interestingly, Trump appointed many more judges to the federal bench in his four years in office than any other president had done in four years. That reshaped the federal bench considerably, especially his large number of appointment to the Courts of Appeal. If corruption is wide spread in the federal courts then Trump bears a good bit of responsibility for that as a great number of current federal judges were appointed on his watch. If you want honest courts, then find honest people to fill the judge positions.

But, as Trump demonstrated, recent presidential court appointments have been more about politics and whether the judge will rule the way the president wants than the integrity of the judges. Trump is not the only president that has resorted to political court appointments. I just mention him as the example because he appointed more judges in four years than any other. Presidents of both parties have long sought to shape a federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, that follows their particular philosophy. What's changing is that the political nature of some of these appointments is much more blatant now than had been the case in earlier decades.
They have politicized everything which is very toxic. I use to think that Alex Jones is a kook but everything that crazy fool has said has been true. I am not sure about the Sandy Hook thing but the skull and bones thing and Blidenberg island stuff is spot on.
They have politicized everything which is very toxic. I use to think that Alex Jones is a kook but everything that crazy fool has said has been true. I am not sure about the Sandy Hook thing but the skull and bones thing and Blidenberg island stuff is spot on.

Really? You're not sure that the Sandy Hook school shooting happened? You think that people made up this?

I can assure you it did happen.
What worries me more is the politicization of the courts

This article appeared in the Daily Mail yesterday.

Donald Trump 'fears Supreme Court could BACK Colorado's decision to take him off the ballot and that three conservative justices he appointed won't want to be seen as political'

What has happened to the rule of law, the constitution, and Stare Decisis? Even the thought of the Supreme Court deciding a case on appearances is very worrisome, but it could happen. We see unconstitutional gage orders and a judge so corrupt and biased in the Trump New York fraud case that evidence is not even considered and a verdict rendered before a trial. There was no victim and no fraud.

Jack Smith illegally appointed Special Council and accessing Trumps cell phone data while he was president. The list just keeps going on and on.


Well, I am always a bit skeptical of things I see in the Daily Mail as it is more of a tabloid type paper. That said, it would not surprise that this possibility may keep Trump awake some nights. It is impossible to predict how the court will rule. Only the justices themselves, after reading all the briefs and hearing oral argument, will know that until the Court's opinion is publicly released. It is possible the court may uphold the Colorado decision in its entirety, though IMO that is not the most likely outcome.

I haven't seen where Trump has been abused by the courts anywhere close to the extent he complains about it. For Trump, anything that does not go his way must be due to some kind of fraud, corruption, or other wrong doing because Trump seems to really believe that he can do no wrong and is something akin to God.

IMO the best result politically would be for Trump to be able to run but lose in the general election. That should result in the Republican party finally dumping the MAGA madness and return to a more traditional conservative political stance.

Trump being found guilty in one or more of the cases pending against him won't keep him off the ballot. It'll be up to the voters to decide what they think of the verdicts. That's preferable than the courts keeping him off the ballot altogether. This country was founded in the idea of the right to vote and for the majority of voters to decide who wins elections, not the courts or any government agency.
Really? You're not sure that the Sandy Hook school shooting happened? You think that people made up this?

I can assure you it did happen.

Reading comprehension is not your specialty is it? AJ said that Sandy Hook was a Hoax I said I do not agree with what he said. However, the descendants of Geronimo are suing Yale university for his remains so that is very true, along with the island Epstein and Bliderburg stuff.
Well, I am always a bit skeptical of things I see in the Daily Mail as it is more of a tabloid type paper. That said, it would not surprise that this possibility may keep Trump awake some nights. It is impossible to predict how the court will rule. Only the justices themselves, after reading all the briefs and hearing oral argument, will know that until the Court's opinion is publicly released. It is possible the court may uphold the Colorado decision in its entirety, though IMO that is not the most likely outcome.

I haven't seen where Trump has been abused by the courts anywhere close to the extent he complains about it. For Trump, anything that does not go his way must be due to some kind of fraud, corruption, or other wrong doing because Trump seems to really believe that he can do no wrong and is something akin to God.

IMO the best result politically would be for Trump to be able to run but lose in the general election. That should result in the Republican party finally dumping the MAGA madness and return to a more traditional conservative political stance.

Trump being found guilty in one or more of the cases pending against him won't keep him off the ballot. It'll be up to the voters to decide what they think of the verdicts. That's preferable than the courts keeping him off the ballot altogether. This country was founded in the idea of the right to vote and for the majority of voters to decide who wins elections, not the courts or any government agency.

Yet we are supposed to believe in a system where Joe Biden received 81 million votes? The most unpopular president since Jimmy Carter and one by where ever he goes, he draws flies. Whether you suffer Trump Derangement Syndrome or not the way they have polarized and weaponized the political system is toxic. Locking up political opponents is Marxism. The modern democrat party shares so many values of the Nazi regime it is pathetic.

Accusing the opposite political party of the actual things they commit.
Arresting and putting on trial opposing political parties
Making up chargers and violations to accuse the opposing parties of being the aggressor
State run control of corrupted and cooped media which gives favorable coverage in all situations

Look at California, businesses and residents are fleeing everyday. The left and RINOs support a system by which made all of them RICH beyond belief. Pelosi makes better investment decisions and rates of return greater than Warren Buffet or George Soros. Trump faced financial ruin and loss of his empire to take a job no one wants to try and stop all the payments from lobbyists buying our politicians. He did this from day one, only issue is the lobbyists then went to his cabinet people and made them rich to buy influence for Trump. This put defectors and people Trump couldn't trust willing to sell out Trump to the highest bidder. He is a threat to their ongoing Ponzi scheme and fleecing of the American populace. Make no mistake that Hussein O'Bama has weekly meetings with Joe Biden and his cabinet to lay out the narratives and direction we wants the country to go. Trump isn't a threat to democracy he is a threat to Democrats and RINOS continued ongoing criminal enterprise with get out of free jail cards and the ability to sell out the American people to the highest bidder.

Sounds like someone's fallen deep down the hole. Get help. Really.
Yet we are supposed to believe in a system where Joe Biden received 81 million votes?

Yes, because that's the votes that were counted and Trump, despite his legion of attorneys never got anywhere close to proving his claim that the election was "stolen" from him. Every case they brought to try to some traction on their claim they lost. The 2016 and 2020 elections were not about which candidate the people really liked, but rather voting for the candidate they least hated. After seeing Trump in office many decided that between the two, Biden was the least worst option. I'm not a fan of either of them, but our poltics have been much more stable with Biden than with Trump. Trump is the one who is the RINO; his policies were not those of the traditional Republican party. He hadn't shown much interest in poltics before he ran, and when he did, he chose the Republican part not because he shared the beliefs of traditional Republicans but because he thought, as it turned out correctly, that running as a Republican would be his best chance to win. His problem was that he did the actual job of president poorly. For most of his presidency he polled poorly. A lot of the people he chose for his adminstration jumped ship when they couldn't take his reckless, inconsistent, and narcissistic style of making policy anymore. The only ones that stayed were people like Guiliani, who was himself a mess and had become a shadow of the lawyer he had once been. A majority of voters decided in 2020 that they had seen enough and wanted him out. Is that so hard to believe? That's how democracy works. The election results were not a Marxist or Facist plot. Trump is today the closest candidate we have to a racist.

You have the right to support Trump if you want. And I have the right to oppose him if I want. That's the idea behind a free society. Claiming all kinds of conspiracy without any proof after your guy loses is nothing more than sour grapes. Is it so hard to believe that after 4 years of Trumps antics that the majority would be tired of him? If he hadn't tried to make himself constantly the center of attention and actually tried to do a competent job he may have done well enough to win a second term. That's what his advisors tried to get him to do. But Trump doesn't listen to his advisors. He only listens to the voice in his head an immediately does what that voice says without stopping to think first if it's really a good idea. That may be the type of person you want for president, but I don't. He'll likely win the Republican nomination. I think come the general election the party will regret making that choice.
Yes, because that's the votes that were counted and Trump, despite his legion of attorneys never got anywhere close to proving his claim that the election was "stolen" from him. Every case they brought to try to some traction on their claim they lost. The 2016 and 2020 elections were not about which candidate the people really liked, but rather voting for the candidate they least hated. After seeing Trump in office many decided that between the two, Biden was the least worst option. I'm not a fan of either of them, but our poltics have been much more stable with Biden than with Trump. Trump is the one who is the RINO; his policies were not those of the traditional Republican party. He hadn't shown much interest in poltics before he ran, and when he did, he chose the Republican part not because he shared the beliefs of traditional Republicans but because he thought, as it turned out correctly, that running as a Republican would be his best chance to win. His problem was that he did the actual job of president poorly. For most of his presidency he polled poorly. A lot of the people he chose for his adminstration jumped ship when they couldn't take his reckless, inconsistent, and narcissistic style of making policy anymore. The only ones that stayed were people like Guiliani, who was himself a mess and had become a shadow of the lawyer he had once been. A majority of voters decided in 2020 that they had seen enough and wanted him out. Is that so hard to believe? That's how democracy works. The election results were not a Marxist or Facist plot. Trump is today the closest candidate we have to a racist.

You have the right to support Trump if you want. And I have the right to oppose him if I want. That's the idea behind a free society. Claiming all kinds of conspiracy without any proof after your guy loses is nothing more than sour grapes. Is it so hard to believe that after 4 years of Trumps antics that the majority would be tired of him? If he hadn't tried to make himself constantly the center of attention and actually tried to do a competent job he may have done well enough to win a second term. That's what his advisors tried to get him to do. But Trump doesn't listen to his advisors. He only listens to the voice in his head an immediately does what that voice says without stopping to think first if it's really a good idea. That may be the type of person you want for president, but I don't. He'll likely win the Republican nomination. I think come the general election the party will regret making that choice.

You just prove by your ignorant post that you believe the main stream media propaganda. It is obvious one sided that the Epstein files which come out in a day or so, CBS news already has discredited them as propaganda. Trump never said the election was stolen, he said time and time again that he wanted to investigate ballot stuffing, and why Republican poll auditors were not allowed to watch counts in inner city democrat ran communities. Trump was up big until magically in the middle of the night the Democrats magically found boxes and boxes of mail in ballots so then they knew what they had to make up. These counts happened in the middle of the night as if by a plan. Things in our elections have been mixed up before see baby Bush's 2000 election which Al Gore came out on the wrong end. Also O'Bama's second election in 2016 is in question. I suggest you listen to people like former Green Beret Shawn Ryan or even Joe Rogan try to represent the news and fact check claims. They have been running hit pieces on Nikki Haley (her dad wears a turban) and Desantis on all the major networks to make people accept that we are better under Democrat leadership. We definitely are not, see Afghanistan, Israel Hamas and Ukraine Russia.

The only racists are Joe Biden and his KKK democrat ran party, they love dividing people into groups and tribes instead of a centralized American philosophy. Have been for centuries since they are the party of David Duke and invented it. You see if they can cause chaos and make people believe that they should weld constant power then they are guaranteed to remain in power. Which party controls the narrative, used a virus regain power, and exert full and utter control over who you vote for? when they don't want you on the ballot then they go to their state supreme courts. It is as if there is two Americas, one where moral decay and excess decadence leads to decay and destruction and one whereby the general rule of law applies and people practice moral and spiritual peace comes from the realization that we are a nation under god and our founding was recognized by the fact that all men are created equal and given inalienable rights.

You just proved you have not a clue as to what is happening...
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You lost all credit at Huff post, :eek:

and if you research you will find that the government conveniently calls anything it does not agree with a conspiracy theory. Like the JFK and MLK assassinations, the powers that be doesn't have to kill anyone any longer. They have X, Facebook and the main stream media to do it for them. No longer have to spill that blood if you will.
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