Ebay Fraud

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Well, bad people have existed sense Adam!

So each of us can do a little to break down scamers house of cards.

Just know that it is a life time effort.


Besides ... put yourself in the police's shoes ... Crime is all over the place and one can only put their limited resources where they can do the most good.

That is why we all have to take responsibly and try to help. Besides, I do enjoy disrupting the scammers. And yes I get frustrated when the hosting sites don't do much to help and the ISP providers move to slow also. But if enough of us just keep dogging the police, ISP, Hosting companies then we will see results.

Always try to put yourself into the other guy's shoes and then try to do what you can to help.

Thank you

HI i just like to send you alla BIG THANK YOU i was just about to send this romanian guy $300 USD i searched for his address and ended up on this site this is the converstion ive been having with this person till today
p.s you will have to read from the bottom up thanks again all of you!!!!!! :)

> Hello,
> I`m a serious business man.
> I have family, 2 childrens , a god job and i don`t
> want lose my family or my job or go to jail for some
> money.
> I promise you, after i receive your confirmation of
> payment with the MTCN# (Money Transfer Control
> Number) i will start the delivery and i will give
> you the tracking number for you can pick up your
> phone.
> If you want i give you my pic and if you see this is
> a scam you can go with my details and with my pic
> and reclame me at POLICE & FBI etc. but is not the
> case because i`m honest.
> Please complete this:
> First Name:
> Last Name:
> Address:
> City:
> County/State:
> Zip Code:
> Country:
> Contact phone # :
> Reply me a.s.a.p.
> Thank You !
> Best regards,
> assim khan wrote:
> i agree to your terms but i need to make sure i can
> trust you because i can send you the money thats no
> problem but what garantee is there that ill receive
> the phone
> asim
> --- Toma Florin
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Sir, i don`t use Escrow because take to long.
> > If you agree my terms, is ok, we can finish this
> > deal.
> > Let me know.
> >
> > assim khan wrote:
> > Ok mate i lagree with your terms but i would much
> > appreciate it if you would use escrow i will also
> > give
> > you $15 extra if you use escrow because at least
> > this
> > way i am sure my money is safe and escrow will not
> > pay
> > you till they receives the goods, noone can lose
> out
> > in this way as escrow is the middle man your goods
> > are safe till i have paid and vice versa
> > > > i live in the UK
> >
> > thank you
> >
> > asim
> >
> >
> > --- Toma Florin
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > About the shipping i can tell you that i am
> using
> > > UPS Airship express, the fastest shipping
> service
> > > that offer me the oportunity to shipp the goods
> to
> > > the buyer in less than 24 hours, also i offer a
> > > return policy of 3 days with a total refund if
> you
> > > are not satisfaid.
> > > Also i offer insurance for all my shippments so
> if
> > > something happens with the package you will get
> > this
> > > full insurance (phones value + shipping
> charges).
> > > About the payment i am using the fastest service
> > for
> > > this also
> > > Western Union represented in more than 880
> > > countryes, like this i can check the payment
> > on-line
> > > so i can shipp the goods imediatly.
> > > If you agree please send me your personal
> > (shipping)
> > > details in this format:
> > >
> > > First Name:
> > > Last Name:
> > > Address:
> > > City:
> > > County/State:
> > > Postal Code:
> > > Country:
> > > Contact phone # :
> > >
> > > And your final order so i can prepare you the
> > > shipping, and so i can give you the payment
> > details
> > > for Western Union.
> > >
> > > I wait your reply,
> > >
> > > Thank you
> > >
> > > assim khan wrote:
> > > Hiya mate
> > > i would like to buy a phone from you but do you
> > > except
> > > payment through escrow as it is the sefest metho
> > of
> > > payment according to ebay safety
> > >
> > > thank you
> > >
> > > asim
> > > --- Toma Florin
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello,
> > > >
> > > > I have only 3 pieces Sony Ericsson P910i for
> > sale.
> > > > The price for 1 piece is $300 USD including
> the
> > > > shipping fees and insurance.
> > > > Reply me a.s.a.p. and tell me how many pieces
> > you
> > > > want to buy.
> > > > Thank You !
> > > > Best regards,
> > > >
> > > > assim khan wrote:
> > > > Hi i see that someone has biddid for your
> phones
> > a
> > > > price i cannot compete with i was wondering if
> > you
> > > > could tell me if you have any p910i's for sell
> > > > this is the new version of the p900 also how
> > much
> > > > you
> > > > charge for shipping if you are not in the uk
> > > >
> > > > thanks
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > asim
Thank you

His just sent me this email

Ok sir,
Now you must go at Western Union and send $300 USD at this name and address:

First Name: TOMA
Last Name: FLORIN
Postal Code: 245700
Country: ROMANIA

After you make the payment you must send me the scanned paper at Western Union for i can see if you really are sent the money. If the all is ok i will give you the tracking number for you can pick up your phone (with the all accesories and the all papers for warranty).
I wait your reply with the scanned paper at Western Union.
P.S. I hope in the future we will make others deals.

Bloody scammer lol
From reading that (thanks for sharing), it appears that you were going to deal with the individual outside of eBay trading anyway, correct?

I would personally never encourage that, matey!

JJ. :)
Still deciding

I havn't sent him a reply yet still wondering how to curse him best lol any suggestions?

By the way that person who lives on 119 millfield avenue, Daniel levinson i think this house is literally a 5 minute walk from my house!!!! i live 2 roads away!!! scary
Fake escrow used for eBay Western Union fraud


will you please edit your previous post to remove the recommendation of the fraudulent escrow site.

The site also resolves to a server in China and offers no positive address, having a hotmail.com address for contacts.


please keep your posts informative and to a minimum - this is a very serious matter and this is not a chat line message board.



ninjaSmoke said:
People, I have sense checked out that 'escrowstd.com' site and it to is a fraud!!! So everyone ... Always check the WHOis registrar of a site before doing anything and make sure the site agrees with what information is being provided to you by the scamer!

As to the Romania scam issue!! NEVER EVER USE MONEYGRAM OR WESTERN UNION TO SEND MONEY TO NON-FAMILY MEMBERS!!! Use it only to send money to bail out your drunken uncle! ;)

Is it worth me sending the full header, from the email the person trying to scam me? also cant he be traced to the very computer his using??

The person who said he is near david levinson, dont go there, he isnt there they use fake id. A innocent person lives there. millfield
new fraudster - new fraud tactic tnt-information.com


just to report a new but typical Romanian style eBay Westen Union fraud scam;

Name: Rita Clarck
Address : 136 West Ham Lane
Zipp/Code: E15-4PT
City: London
Country: United Kingdom

also using fake TNT shipping details from bogus domain


Be aware,

New news about Viorel...

I've posted a rather similar message in another thread about this Viorel fella, as I'm currently talking to him via e-mail supposedly striking a deal with him for 18 Motorolla MPX300's (I just want to make sure EVERYONE knows the goings on). Actually, he thinks he's getting NZD$8500 out of me! haha as if I have that amount of money. Anyway, here's how the story goes...

My mate was surfing www.trademe.co.nz (we're both flatmates actually) and he found the deal of a lifetime - a Motorolla PDA phone (brand new) for $250. How the hell could you resist? And he didn't resist, the auction contained Mr. Popescu's e-mail so e-mail him he did.
It didn't take long for a reply, which contained the Western Union number to transfer the money to along with some details about himself (like his name) so my mate would think "yeah sweet, this is all legit". Once the money was transfered (total of NZD$292 including Western Union fee) and it was confirmed via e-mail, the fraudster then replied with an apology but he made a mistake and sent 2 of the phones and another $250 had to be transfered before he would let UPS let the parcel go.
This, of course, angered my mate and he refused to pay another $250 (luckily) and hasn't heard from Mr. Popescu since. Myself, on the other hand...
We were sitting there discussing how angry he was over this whole deal going bad, and we devised a plan - he wouldn't talk to my flatmate again because my flatmate already knew about the fraudster, but as far as the fraudster was concerned, I'm just another sucker.

So at present I'm conversing with him via e-mail, it's the weekend over here and my last e-mail to him was -
Hey there

It's the weekend over here now so there aren't any Western Union branches open until Monday. I hope it's ok to wait for the money until Monday. In the meantime, perhaps you could tell me a bit more about yourself, like how you got into the PDA phone business and things like that. I will tell you a bit more about myself also if you would like, just let me know.
You didn't answer the question in my previous e-mail, can we have contact via Telephone? I just want to know that my $8500 isn't going to a fraudster or anything like that, it's a lot of money to be dealing in, I'm sure you understand this. And hey, you get $8500 in the end!

Hope to hear from you soon.


Brett Collins

And, the reply -

Phone: 0040746825116
But my englis is not good.

Best regards!

Damn right your 'englis' isn't good, my friend!
Anyway, I haven't replied to that e-mail yet, I haven't long received it so what does everyone think I should say next? this guy ideally needs the crap beaten out of him, myself and my friend would love to do that...so if someone can con him into coming over to New Zealand, we'll gladly take care of him :)
Seriously though, my mate is going to call the NZ Police on Monday, and follow all instructions given so far on the threads about Viorel Mihail Popescu, this guy is going down.

Reply soon everyone!

Romanian eBay Western Union Mobile Phone Fraud

Where does he want to pick up the money?

You need to catch the bag man that collects the cash. Be aware than even if you did, they are using teenagers who will fall underneath the law of prosecution and escape justice.


Hello everyone. Found this site by google. I found out a too little late since I've scammed already. Pretty much my story is much like a lot of you guys/gals stories. I was looking to buy a kit for my car. So I decided to look at ebay. I came across on what I thought was a good deal, especially since it was a used kit. I got in touch with the guy selling the kit and then it pretty much follows everyone else's story. Can't use paypal, I'm not a scammer, etc. etc.. "Oh, the one that really pisses me off is I'm not a scammer I have a family and child and I don't need any problems", something to that extent. Well I decided that I wanted to buy kit for my car, I sent the money via western union and haven't heard anything else. It's been around month now, still waiting.....
Anyway I decided to trace the emails. The only that came up was an account with AOL in the UK. But I can't get a screen name because they won't give that out due to privacy. OK, so after that I decided to look up the person's name. Took a while but I got his phone number. I gave him a call, talked to the guys wife for abut 5 minutes, she was surprized. Finally she gave me her husband and I talked to him for 30 minutes. He claimed that his ebay account got hijacked. Took my things to the German police (I'm stationed in Germany) and they couldn't do a thing. So now I'm here. Thanks for listening.


do you have details? name, auction number and ID?



pedro said:
Hello everyone. Found this site by google. I found out a too little late since I've scammed already. Pretty much my story is much like a lot of you guys/gals stories. I was looking to buy a kit for my car.
Have this address as a fraudlant ebay activity address as well:

First name: Richard
Last name: Morgan
Address: 5 Lambeth Road
city: London
zip code: SE17DQ
Country : United Kingdom

The Email was coming from another person:
Wayne Palmer

She called me and wanted me to send her money through Wertern Union. I searched and they use several different eBay IDs, probably all hijacked.

Be careful!
How eBay UK scams work

Beware, Romanian eBay Western Union Fraud auctineers still active. see thread at ;

How eBay UK scams work

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