Fear is the left's favorite weapon.

Another successful ransomware/cyber attack is far more likely. Larger companies and hospitals can get hit over a million times per month and while most attempts are thwarted, only one has to work.

Phishing schemes are also getting more sophisticated with greater use of social engineering. As an example, a phisherman might mass email employees of a company a notice to "Verify your address for your flower delivery" on Valentine's Day. An employee clicks the link, inadvertently loading the malware, and that's all she wrote.

Also the people using ransom attacks let the malware sit for months, ensuring backups also become contaminated, before stealing and/or encrypting corporate data and demanding the ransom.
Please forgive me. I can't control myself. I just have to do this.

Fear is also the favorite weapon of the Spanish Inquisition. Fear. And surprise. Fear and surprise. Surprise and fear. The two favorite weapons of the Spanish Inquisition are surprise and fear and ruthless efficiency. The three favorite weapons of the Spanish Inquisition are fear, surprise and ruthless efficiency and ... (goes on from there.) :D

(Thank you Monty Python.)
Please forgive me. I can't control myself. I just have to do this.

Fear is also the favorite weapon of the Spanish Inquisition. Fear. And surprise. Fear and surprise. Surprise and fear. The two favorite weapons of the Spanish Inquisition are surprise and fear and ruthless efficiency. The three favorite weapons of the Spanish Inquisition are fear, surprise and ruthless efficiency and ... (goes on from there.) :D

(Thank you Monty Python.)

Ahh, Jack. You really are a lovable guy.

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