Guiliani ordered by court to forfeit millions of dollars in assets to election workers he defamed

That is an obvious troll attempt, and so full of fail that everyone reading it is dumber for having done so. You added nothing of substance to conversation and everyone is a lot more dumb-er for having read it. May god have mercy on your soul.

The Democrat world globalist drug pushers who funneled them to all the inner-cities to try and destroy kill them (especially lots of minorities) not to mention the constant war machine that wants to depopulate the globe. I believe Trump is the only thing stopping them from a complete and utter take over. He keeps the corruption in hand while saving America.

Dark MAGA for the win!!!! You are an idiot for believing main stream lame media and they are LIARS. Why don't you go back and watch the VIEW (which you do anyway) from 2016 before he ran for President. They were loving all over him, they only hated him when he went against their pagan devil abomination of government.
I've never watched The View, unless watching SNL skits that have parodied it count.
The constant war machine? It ain't working. This planet is way overcrowded.
Trump keeps the corruption in hand while saving America? That is the funniest sentence I have heard in a long time. Trump is not the "savior of America" you think he is. It's really mind boggling that you could think that so highly of this man.
Can I assume you attend Trump rallies and that's where you are getting these ridiculous ideas? You certainly aren't getting these ideas from anyone with half an objective brain, my friend.
I have to ask, was the Capital really crowded that day? Which insurrectionist were you? Never mind. I don't want to know.
I'm happy with my level of dumb.
I've never watched The View, unless watching SNL skits that have parodied it count.
The constant war machine? It ain't working. This planet is way overcrowded.
Trump keeps the corruption in hand while saving America? That is the funniest sentence I have heard in a long time. Trump is not the "savior of America" you think he is. It's really mind boggling that you could think that so highly of this man.
Can I assume you attend Trump rallies and that's where you are getting these ridiculous ideas? You certainly aren't getting these ideas from anyone with half an objective brain, my friend.
I have to ask, was the Capital really crowded that day? Which insurrectionist were you? Never mind. I don't want to know.

I'm happy with my level of dumb.

well you know what they say, happy being dump is like Walz being a knuckle head. Trump dad left him a few, it is nothing compared to the Empire he built. If I inherent 10k and turn it into 100k does that me a rich kid? How about if I inherent a 1m and turn it into 100m, does that make me a rich kid? It makes me smart cause I didn't blow a million instead I invested it and made more.

You see there are winners and losers in this world and you sound like the later. I choose not to live off the government and I have every reason to do so. I choose to be happy in life and love my country. Trump rallies are full of USA chants and American's - Kamala's is full of paid actors and action committees telling us how racist we are.

Who freed the salves? a Republican
Who formed the KKK? a Democrat
Who wants modern salves while saying they are saving America but doing the exact opposite? Democrats

See the Democrats can't still this one, VA just got told that they need purge their roles of non citizens, felons and the likes. This will be a fair and just election and Trump wins BIG.
and actually I sort of like Harris better than I did Biden so I do not have the pure hatred for her like I did Biden. I think she could maybe work but Trump will have only 4 years. 4 years of Trump is better than the possible 8 years of Harris.
To think otherwise is ludicrous. Trump is too self-absorbed to be the President of the United States. Harris might not be the most qualified either, but I believe she has a great deal more integrity than Trump has.
What I think is ludicrous is that people like you would vote for Harris without actually knowing who she really is or you just don't care. And I don't mean what her policies might be if elected. She has already told us what those policies would be, and they haven't changed over entire career.

She lies about everything, her heritage, her parents, her upbringing, being black. All lies. Her book, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, is a complete fabrication. The pictures in that book of her relatives are all fake. She doesn't have a drop of black blood in her. She was raised by an aristocratic communist family whose roots go back to slave masters in Jamacia that owned one of the largest sugar plantations. She was not raised in a middle-class family. She went to expensive private schools in Canida, she and her sister went to expensive ballet dancing schools. She is at least a socialist and at worst, a communist. That is how she was brought up and that is who she will be if elected.

So be very careful about what you wish for.
What I think is ludicrous is that people like you would vote for Harris without actually knowing who she really is or you just don't care. And I don't mean what her policies might be if elected. She has already told us what those policies would be, and they haven't changed over entire career.

She lies about everything, her heritage, her parents, her upbringing, being black. All lies. Her book, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, is a complete fabrication. The pictures in that book of her relatives are all fake. She doesn't have a drop of black blood in her. She was raised by an aristocratic communist family whose roots go back to slave masters in Jamacia that owned one of the largest sugar plantations. She was not raised in a middle-class family. She went to expensive private schools in Canida, she and her sister went to expensive ballet dancing schools. She is at least a socialist and at worst, a communist. That is how she was brought up and that is who she will be if elected.

So be very careful about what you wish for.
Here's the problem. I all ready know what Trump is all about so it really doesn't matter who Kamala Harris is, she's a better choice than Trump. That must make you go crazy, that I'd vote for her. But my other choice is him and he is not the right man for the job. He showed us that in his last term and has done quite a bit to put an exclamation point on it with all the things he's said and done since out of office.

Your ridiculous conspiracy theories are incredibly vibrant and colorful but you have no actual proof to back up your claims. I suppose you believe that Haitians are eating people's pets, too. You think Michelle Obama is actually a man, right? You believe some seriously stupid stuff. All these dumb theories do not take away the fact that Donald Trump is not the person who should be running our country. He is not looking out for anyone's best interests but his own. How can you think he gives a damn about you and your community when he clearly does not?
@welkin … still waiting. (post# 31, if you need help finding it.

Aah, yes... Candace Owens. Another highly reliable source.
Not wasting an hour on her drivel.
I'm no fan of Owens but she does have all the document to prove what she says. You vote for a communist than you're a communist. It's that simple.
Your ridiculous conspiracy theories are incredibly vibrant and colorful but you have no actual proof to back up your claims.
That is not true. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is fact backed up by birth certificates, marriage licenses, newspaper articles, immigration documents, personal interviews with people that knew Harris's ancestors, and the list goes on.

Want to ignore it? The onus is on you.
I'm curious, Welkin. Do you consider Donald Trump to be a liar?
No more so than I would consider you to be a liar. A liar is someone that fabricates a story or narrative and then presents it as the truth. Something that never happened or is entirely false is presented as fact. All you have to do is look to is the mainstream media and what they say about Trump. Those are lies.

That is entirely different than someone exaggerating or embellishing the truth for real events which is something that all politicians do during an election and something that most humans do in the course of their lives probably every day to some extent. The white lie or an exaggeration? A white lie about a small or unimportant matter that someone tells to avoid hurting another person or to cast the teller in a better light. He told a (little) white lie as his excuse for missing the party. Or you may tell your wife a fib as to why you were really late for dinner or how many drinks you had at the bar after work. Are you a liar?

Trump exaggerates on the campaign trail, but they are not lies. On the other hand, Harris and Waltz do lie. Their entire campaign is a lie. Harris wrote a book that is nothing but lies. And Waltz has been caught in many lies.

You post what lie you think Trump has told that is a fabrication of the truth (not an exaggeration) that was not spread by the media to trash him, and I will tell you what I think.

So, if you can't vote for a liar, then you must vote for Trump. :)
I think you wouldn't know a Communist if one bit you. But still no response to my question… interesting.
Ouch, that hurt. You bite me in ass again and I'll bite you back. ;)

But seriously - you don't think that being threatened (with death by lynching, no less) and harassed caused any damage?
People with thin skin should not be working in government jobs. I have been threatened with death if I didn't vote a certain why back in the 1980's. My wife was told that she would find me in a ditch by the side of the road if I didn't vote the way I was told. That is nothing but hyperbole. I'm still here and no one was sued.

You issued a warning to someone that you would do something to physically harm or kill them. You made that threat with the intent that the statement be taken as true. Again, hyperbole. If this poll worker actually thought that she was in danger of being lynched, she needed some counseling. And she is still with us as a very rich lady.
How about we start with all the people he's "never met" or "doesn't know"... Here are just a few: Trump Keeps Saying He 'Never Met' People He Clearly Knows. Here's Why

How about graduating with honors from Wharton? Seeing Arab Americans cheering when the WTC collapsed? Watching people jump from the WTC? Or that he paid employees to search for victims?
You can keep Harpring on insignificant things in the distance past or you can come to reality. Either way, I don't give a dame. I think I stole that from a Few Good Men.
Welkin, you are wasting your time dealing with these peps on here. Find something better to do, you have voted your conscience and that is all you can do.

They have tried to kill President Trump at least 2 times, they manipulate the main stream media just like a third world country, they also use terms like equitable and anti- which are straight out of the socialist NAZI playbook. It is not a matter of IF the USA will collapse but when, and I really do not want to be around here when it does. So, you might ought to get your escape plan ready.

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