I was fired from a job that disability said I could do, does that strength my case to re-apply.


New Member
Several years ago I applied for SSD (and later SSI) benefits, I was declined and took them to court but I lost because they said that there were a few (I believe 3) jobs they thought I could do. One of those jobs was a packer, well I recently took a job as a packer but was told this morning via phone that I was being let go after only 2 assignments (following a week or so of training). In light of that I wonder if I would have a better case to re-apply for benefits. I think another job they said I could do would be to clean houses but since my people skills are so bad I could never see myself lasting in that job.
It might be time for you to discuss all of your concerns with lawyers practicing in the area of social security disability.

Don't worry about paying the lawyer you select out of pocket.

Your lawyer will explain everything you need to know.
It might be time for you to discuss all of your concerns with lawyers practicing in the area of social security disability.

Don't worry about paying the lawyer you select out of pocket.

Your lawyer will explain everything you need to know.
I would try to go back to the lawyer I had but I'm not sure if she is still practicing or not. She would be about 75 years old now. However there was someone else who referred me to her and if she is still actively working (which she may be) I may try to contact her to see if she knows anyone else who may be able to take my case.
I'm not following this. SSD is not unemployment insurance. What was the reason for your firing?
Well I don't know why I was fired, but here is a little backstory. Back in 2010 after failing miserable at a job as a satellite installer I decided to apply for SSD, I was declined but was referred to a lawyer by someone who agreed to take my case. In 2012 I had an appeal hearing but was turned down because they thought I could work as a packer (which is the job I recently attempted) as well as 2 other jobs (I believe one was a house cleaner and don't remember what the other one was). In 2014 I applied for SSI and was declined, the lawyer again took my case and even got a hearing date scheduled but when I got there (to the surprise of my lawyer) they were not going to give me another hearing and were reverting back to the results and findings of the last hearing. At that point we decided to withdraw. However in light of my recent employment termination at a job they said I could perform I am wondering if I now have a strengthened case to reapply.
Several years ago I applied for SSD (and later SSI) benefits

"SSD" stands for solid-state device. I assume you meant SSDI, which is social security disability income. What is your disability and how old are you? What is the highest level of education you completed?

Well I don't know why I was fired

Didn't occur to you to ask?

In 2012 I had an appeal hearing but was turned down because they thought I could work as a packer (which is the job I recently attempted)

So...what did you do in the decade since this happened?
I am 38 years old and I have suffered from ADHD, Asperger syndrome, among other things. Honestly I could have been fired for any reason and they had every rite to do that for whatever reason they wanted to, I am not questioning that or saying that I was unjustly fired, what I am trying to point out is that since it was a job that disability said I could do and that I got fired from it, that it may strengthen my case to re-apply for disability. From June 2009 to September 2021 I worked a few hours a week (usually around 5 or do but many weeks none at all due to lack of work) at a council hall. But I think the only reason why I had that job was because my Dad owned the place and I didn't work with anyone else. In fact at my 2012 hearing my lawyer specifically mentioned that it was not a significant source of income. After the place was sold I decided to look for other work, I decided to apply for a job as a packer after being reminded that it was a job that disability said I could do and if the job didn't last that it would strengthen my case to get disability.
IMO being fired from one job as a packer is not going to strengthen your claim for disability benefits.

Get fired from six jobs as a packer, and maybe (I said maybe, not definitely) you might have something.
what I am trying to point out is that since it was a job that disability said I could do and that I got fired from it, that it may strengthen my case to re-apply for disability.

I understand. If it was your disability that effected your job performance then, yes, do reapply. Make sure you have up to date medical information and do talk to a social security attorney.

Social security attorneys work on a contingency so it doesn't cost you anything to reapply.

Find a new lawyer who can look at your history with fresh eyes.
There are plenty of people with these disorders who function in society, hold jobs - even succeed and become rich.

Maybe your problem is that you're lazy and have a bad attitude - neither of which is a legally recognized "disability".
I've tried many jobs over the years and have failed at all of them. The fact that a lawyer (who has a fairly good reputation) agreed to take my case years ago should say something.
I've tried many jobs over the years and have failed at all of them. The fact that a lawyer (who has a fairly good reputation) agreed to take my case years ago should say something.
There is nothing that this forum (or any other) is going to be able to help you with. You need the assistance of an attorney.

Best of luck to you.
To give everyone an update, I have formally re-applied for SSDI, I have a phone interview scheduled for August 23rd, I will see what happens than.

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