I've worked with worker's comp for years, and I've had times when I laughed to myself about how an employee was injured because it just seemed so ludicrous. Today I'm filing my own claim and laughing at myself...well, not really, because it hurts to laugh.
In the middle of the work day yesterday, I decided to get out the Christmas decorations for our office. I reached up to take a box down from an upper shelf, and as I lifted it down, a clipboard that somebody had put on top of it slid off and hit me - hard - right across my upper lip. Luckily, I had my mouth closed so it didn't break a tooth, but I have a cut across my lip and let's just say that if I wanted to take selfies, the swelling has given me the perfect duck-lips pout right now!
I will never again chuckle over how silly some accidents sound....