Mental Health Thread #2 - Spring Forward

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It is a mess. However, MGH is now open again and except that Copley Station is still closed (and will be closed all day tomorrow) the MBTA is running normally.
One can only wonder what point is supposed to be made by targeting innocent people.
Time will tell who is responsible. Someone who pulls this off doesn't stay under the radar long.
I suspect it is domestic- some local loon.
Since the post I posted yesterday when they were saying 2 deaths & at least 28 injuries, they changed it to 3 deaths & something like 179 injuries - some critical. Geez, how sad.
Yay - I'm rich - 10.5 million per an e-mail from a Nigerian organization. They found out I was on a list that some African scammers were sending me spam/scam e-mails and, therefore, I'm entitled to compensation. All I need to do is send them some personal information (including my bank acct. #) & they will immediately deposit the money into my account.

When will they ever give up - surely no one still falls for these but I guess you never know.
I was just on the phone with a rep from our WC carrier regarding a collection letter an employee received. Of all the years I've been doing this and all the differnt WC companies I've dealt with this one is the first who said they don't cover all of the medical bills. I am quit frankly........... in shock. Just anyone elses WC carrier like this one? I have dnever heard of employees being on the hook for a work related injury.
Have seen W/C carriers deny claims for various reasons, but partial paymentis are a new one.
1) perhaps it was a re-occurence of an old injury due to current work duties
2) maybe they have reduced coverage time limits (example: 50% after 90 days of treatment etc)
3) Carrier doesn't cover certain types of treatments for common injuries ( massage therapist etc)
4) I bet they just took a page out of the med ins carriers notebook and set limits of coverage to manage costs.
Ida- Sounds exactly like #4. The employee that came to me about the collection notice he recevied was treated for a very sever cut on his finger from a broken drinking glass he was clearing from a restaurant table. He received something like 15 stiches and had to be out of work for a week. I need to go to the owner about this. its just not fair to the employees.
Good thinking hrforme. I have many times had to field regular HMO billing problems for employees that were miscoded by the Dr's office. Seems like the providers do not care where the money comes from, they just bill and hope someone pays. No offence to any medical profession HR folks here of course!
The night before last I was watching TV when the house shook and the fireplace damper rattled like a strong gust of wind had hit us. I commented on it at the time, but thought little of it as we were expecting a cold front to pass through. The next day I realize the timing coincided with the fertilizer plant explosion in West, TX...over 50 miles away.
Holy Hannah, Ida01 - what a mess.

We've got quite the mess up here, too. I'm home, we're closed, DH's school is closed, pretty much the whole greater Boston area is on lockdown.
When I got up & turned on the TV, I heard one suspect shot dead & still looking for one. I heard most of Boston on lockdown, transit lines closed down...... - you're right, what a mess. I thought you might be home.

They closed down a whole major city!
Two - Boston and Cambridge function as one city but they're literally two - they're not even in the same county if you want to get specific. Several suburbs immediately west of them are also closed down. I'm south so I'm okay but I'm scared for friends who live in the affected area.
Governor Patrick is about to speak...

ETA - nothing new. Mostly a reiteration to stay indoors, don't open the door to anyone who doesn't show ID and we'll update you later.

Mayor Menino, much the same.

State Police - there will be a controlled explosion this afternoon in a house they are investigating; we'll be back in an hour with an update.
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cbg, I live in Rozzie and am at work in Norwood. I've got family across the river too; let's believe that everyone will be OK and this ends today.
They said just now on the TV shots have been fired & they may be closing in on other suspect - details later (but who knows what the shots were about yet).
It seems 2nd suspect now captured alive though probably injured. Thank goodness they got him.
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