Mental Health Thread #9 - Spring is Coming!

When I sent around the schedule for tomorrow, I included the announcement that the National Weather Service put on their Facebook page, and I labeled it, "A dubious honor at best".
Right, LOL .............................
We're very sad here...we lost our dog to complications of her diabetes yesterday. They just couldn't get it under control and she went into metabolic acidosis and after two days in the hospital with the vet trying everything in her power to pull her out of it, she reached the point where there was nothing else they could do. We got to go say goodbye to her but she was so sick she didn't even know we were there.

We are heartbroken at the loss of our "fur girl"...even though we only had her for five years, she was such a big part of our family and life and right now we both have a great big Zoey-shaped hole in our hearts. :(
Thanks everybody. We went for a drive for over an hour last night and spent the whole time reminiscing and sharing funny/sweet doggy stories. It seems like everyplace we drove by has a Zoey memory attached to it...the lake, the beach, our favorite spot to park and watch the ocean, the areas where we used to take her for walks. Even WalMart - if we ever stopped there when she was in the car she'd insist on getting out and sniffing around the outer edges of the parking lot to catch up on the latest "news".

We're doing better today but I think it'll be a while before we stop thinking we see her out of the corner of our eyes or hear her walking around the house.
Happy April Fool's Day! :) Change your calendars to April.
It was opening day for the Cardinals in Chicago yesterday; Cards 3, Cubs 0. Yay! :) Home opener not until next week.
I don't follow baseball at all, Betty, but I did read in the news about the horrible conditions for the fans (re: the restrooms) at Wrigley Field in Chicago. So for their team to get beaten 3 - 0 just added insult to injury! :)
Yep - 45 min. to use the restroom for some fans per TV news. They are going to install some portable toilets for tomorrow's game they said.
They are remodeling some things at Wrigley. No bleacher seats currently - weren't finished for opening day.
We are having an "opening day" party on Friday at work. I think I may be the only one in the office who would rather work than watch the game :) This also means I have to wear orange. Or at least not wear whatever the team they are playing's color happens to be. Should probably try to determine that.
The Cubs equal Blue also so I am currently avoiding Blue. The Cards Wainwright won against Lester on Sunday - cbg, I think Lester pitched for Boston at one time, didn't he? I heard Boston won their 1st game yesterday.
Go Cards!!
Spring is here with warm sunny days and cool nights. Those warm sunny days make the pool hard to ignore but the water is still icy cold. My niece just couldn't resist and ended up with her feet in it Sunday. Of course if the heater didn't have busted pipes we could play in the hot tub already.
Yep, Lester came up through our farm system too, if I recall, and pitched for us until last year. Sox won their first game (against the Phillies) quite handily. Grand Slam Ramirez!

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