National Recovery Group (George Dodd)

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You're right that it makes finding proof easier, but Dodd doesn't seem to care and nothing people provide seems good enough. I haven't sent them copies of anything,(I don't want to give them ANY personal info they can use against me such as ssn or work address) just told them that I have it. I sent my second letter with stronger threats of lawsuit and let them know that I've discussed this with one of our Senators here and they're going to help me. I still haven't heard anything back yet (I have to wait 15 days, which will be up after one more week) then I'll send a cease and desist letter with a deposition. If they don't remove me from their list and send me proof that they've done it, I'll talk to my lawyer about bringing lawsuit for not validating/verifying the debt and defamation of character.

Good luck - don't give in fight them with everything you've got!
I Pd the money and now another letter

I paid this for my husband who argued with Dodd about it and now we received another letter 5 months later.

I just got done chewing out New Milford for this. I can't reach Dodd at any numbers give.

When I looked back at the transaction from the payment....strangely there is no info on that line item. I'm calling my bank now to get copies of the documentation and then I'm going after him.

I need advice. What is the 1st thing I should do????
One more example

I also received a fun letter from Mr. Dodd! But for me, this all started one year ago when the town of Branford, CT claimed my wife owed $2,300 in auto taxes from 1998 and 1999. We've been out of the state since 1998, but they claim we never returned our license plates on time and have been accumulating interest ever since. Before the town gave our info to Dodd, the CT State Marshal's office sent us a letter threatening to arrest us. We're living in GA now and successfully living on the lam!

We called the town a number of times to settle this as soon as we got the letter in 2007, but we were met with the same answers that everyone else got, 1.) it's our fault even though it took the town 9 years to send us a bill, 2.) they won't negotiate with us on any of the accumulated interest, 3.) it was up to us to prove the fact that we left the state and mailed back the plates, they didn't have any other details to give us. After several calls in to the marshal with no response, I dropped it.

Now Dodd's inherited our case I guess. If we owe something, and they can document it, I'll happily pay it, but I'm not paying the 18% interest over 10 years because they couldn't reach us during the Clinton administration! I put a call into the number on Dodd's letter, which turned out to be a wrong number. I checked the web to ensure he was legit, which is when I found y'all.

Not sure what to do next. I suppose I'll sit on it until I hit the magic 15-year, statute of limitations mark (or they throw my wife in the clink)! Wish her luck!

I started all this

Well, I started all this and I am so glad to hear from all of you. I just got the second letter with the final statement that Dodd has to hear from me in 20 days or else. I am going to do what some of you said to do - send a reply denying the debt and just forget about it.

The reason I am upset about this is that I am afraid it will be reported to the credit agencies and I cannot have that happen. I am at the end of a personal bankruptcy that within a year will come off my credit reports and that is why I am concerned. The letter I just got says "we may feel obligated to recommend to our client" (the Town of Greenwich) "that they report your long past due debt to the appropriate credit bureau."

So it seems that he is saying that only the Town of Greenwich can report it to the credit bureaus - Dodd told me that they would report it (meaning the American National Recovery Group).

So I guess we all agree just to ignore it? Can't we contact, as I said in my first communication, "Shame on You" or something like that to stop this ridiculous situation?

I can't prove anything since it is so long ago.

Thank you all for your responses and communications.

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George Dodd goes international

I lived in Greenwich CT for 2 years, I left in 1999 to return to the UK. I've just had a wonderful letter, like all of you, from the friendly George Dodd. He couldn't even get my name right, he's called my by our house name!!.

He claims I owe $33.60 from 1st of July 2000.

I will be asking him for verification of the debt or a copy of the judgement - I'm curious what he'll send. I guess my concern is arriving at immigration in JFK only to be refused entry because George claims I owe $33.60.
nhbound - thanks for your reply. Should I at least send a letter as the others have saying basically XX@@### or however you say "go to hell"?

Brenda, at this point I wouldn't bother. Dodd isn't worth the cost of a stamp. I looked back in the history of this thread and you say you left CT in 1995. Let's say you owed the money as of fiscal year 1996. In a couple of years, the statute of limitations kicks in and the alleged debt is no longer collectible.

The CT AG has affirmed that the communities themselves are the only ones who can actively pursue collection of an alleged debt. They can hire a collection agency to find you and tell you what a lowdown fink you are. However, collection agencies cannot sue you and they cannot garnish your wages.

Also, from some other research that has been done, it appears the communities themselves can only report the alleged debt to a credit reporting agency within 7 years of the due date.

In Dodd's last communication with me, it used the words may and might a lot. It's a bluff.

So, Brenda, go out and enjoy the day and sweat nothing.
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This is a link to a law from Ct regarding the situs of a motor vehicle for tax purposes. Can someone tell me if this apply to the situation that I have right now with George Dodd?
My story: I have received a letter on April 21, 2008 with debts from 2003 and 2004, but I have moved from CT since sept 2003. Acording to the act above they can tax a motor vehicle if the state of CT is the location when the vehicle leaves and returnes more often. I have moved to Chicago in sept 2003, but I did not register the car in Illinois, then I have returned briefly in Ct in feb2004 to sell the old car and buy a new one, I have kept the same plate number(the dealer's ideea) for the new car and move for good in Chicago. They said the tax period is usually from october to october, so I probably own some $40 for 2003, but not the amount($370) for after oct 2003. I have a lease that I have moved to Chicago, I can get a letter from work stating that I was in Chicago working etc.
I have called the Town Of Wincester and spoke to a lady and she said that only the tax assessor can erase this debt if I present a lease, a registration , a bill on my name. I have also spoken with George Dodd himself and after he praised his company about collection he said that I should call him back and tell him what the outcome is with the tax. The lady found me in some files(accounts) that are also in George Dodd's letter. Would that made my debt certified?
What can I do? How do I know if this is going to go away after is settled(2005,2006, 2007 year)? Did anyone get his/her credit hit by collection from this agency? Is it right to ask for a certified debt letter? What about the law that I sent above? Does it apply to my case? Any ideas what to do?
Thank you.
American National Recovery Group

I have been contacted by the ANRG regarding a so called debt that I owe to the TOWN OF NEW MILFORD. The letters have started just this year of 2008! We moved from the TOWN OF NEW MILFORD in the 1993 and never recieved any bill or notice of anything owed by them. Secret service did not hide us nor did we move out of the country. We sold a truck before we left and returned the tags to the DMV. Because they do not keep records from that long ago we do not have proof to them that the tags were returned. Each time that we get a letter we also get a different amount due. Sometimes higher/sometimes lower. We have good credit and never had an issue come up such as this. We really thought we were done with Connecticut. Any thoughts?
Dodd's threat

I just received Mr. Dodd's "20-day credit bureau" letter following his "sovereign fee" letter. I called my credit monitoring service and they said taxes are collected by tax liens, not collection agencies. This guy has no discernible connection to the Town of Greenwich, no apparent legal authority to collect taxes, and apparently no original documentation of the amount owed. Therefore, I have no bill, no notice from the government entity that I owe anything, and no indication that this collection agency can validate the receipt or adequacy of any payment I might make. For all I know, this guy went dumpster diving outside Greenwich Town Hall, came up with an old computer printout, and started dialing for dollars. Therefore, as much as I would like to accommodate Mr. Dodd in his purported efforts to help the poor, impoverished Town of Greenwich collect its superannuated taxes, I feel I must refrain until I receive valid documentation that I owe any.
OK, so the 15 days has passed on my second request for debt validation/verification and not a peep from Dodd, now I'll send a cease and desist letter demanding that they remove me from their files and send proof that they've done it. Has anyone ever been reported to credit agencies over this crap? Their window of opportunity to report me closes this July 7th and I'll be watching like a hawk because I intend to bring lawsuit if they do without sending the information I asked for.
I was told by the Town of Greenwich that the original due date can be up to 15 years, not 7. I'm on 14 years so far on Dodd's claim. The Town of Greenwich said that they turned their files over to Dodd, so I don't think he found it in the trash (which is where it should be). Can we all get together and file some sort of class action lawsuit?
Connecticut's statute of limitations to attempt collection is 15 years, but they can no longer report against your credit after 7 years. That is what I meant - I don't owe them a dime, I had moved out of the state and didn't live there in 2001 (Town if Seymour is trying to collect for 2000 and 2001.) I have found old bank statements that show payments to the town just prior to moving and also shows payments to the Oregon DMV and the high school I registered my son at. Just because this collection agency says that this isn't good enough proof for a judge in civil court doesn't mean its true, my lawyer and I beg to differ.

Also, I contacted an Oregon Senator about this matter and he is going to help me if necessary. When I wrote my last letter (second notice requesting validation/verification of the tax debt, I informed the collection agency of that. I told them the laws say that if they or their client report this on my credit without sending the information I've requested twice, I can and will bring lawsuit.
I have no intention of paying it - they can sit on it and rotate as far as I'm concerned.
Branford, CT vehicle taxes

I too received a letter from American National Recovery Group, Inc. stating that I owed hundreds of dollars in fees for a car which I registered in Florida a year before these were assessed. I thought we dealt with this with the town but evidently this company has somehow figured out how to get hold of the records and send out these notices. I can't believe this is actually legal. It seems like a good one for the NY Attorney general to investigate.
I received my first letter April 24. I immediately wrote back requesting a copy of the judgement and today I received a letter with a photocopy of the information sheet from the CT tax office which states the statute of limitations, waiving of interest, and failure to send/receive bill.
I lived in the town of Branford, CT for a short time and then moved to Guilford. I find it difficult that they could not find me until 13 years later when I am living in Texas.
Any advice would be great.
Well, I just got another letter from our favorite collection agency. The letter says as per my request this is the documentation related to tax charges. This time giving me 15 days to pay or send details of my dispute. What they've sent is not what I requested. It basically looks like a deliquent statement the agency printed up dated April 28th, 2008. The total says $1,105.54, but the agency is asking me to pay $1,269.15. The cover letter from them says the tax bill is $100.25, but the "statement" shows different amounts due plus the handwriting on the "statement" is the same as the handwriting on the letter from the agency. Time to talk to my lawyer?
I have a thought for you guys on this issue. Isn't a 15 year statue of limitations unconstitutional? Consider Article 4 section 2 para. 1.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities
of Citizens in the several States.

State laws are supposed to be uniform. A 15 year statue of limitations when the civilian statue is 7 would be unconstitutional wouldn't it?
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