National Recovery Group (George Dodd)

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This is legit...

I have been receiving letters from Mr Dodd and Co for years. They were trying to stick me for taxes on two cars I registered in New Milford back in 1992.

I lived in New Milford for less than 1 year, and registered my cars in Iowa in November of 1993.

Fortunately for me, the first set of bills lapsed past the 15 year statue of limitations and I got off the hook for my first bill for over $500.

Unfortunately, because I did not register my cars 1 month earlier, I AM on the hook for the second bill for taxes due to New Milford. It kills me that these cars are dead and junk in a pile somewhere, but I still have to pay taxes on them.

I do not like Mr Dodd. I found him to be disagreeable on the phone. This is immaterial. His facts were accurate in my case and I found that even after I expressed some sincere frustration with this whole situation the facts still remain that
  • I did not register my cars soon enough in the new state after I moved, and
  • I did not submit a change of address card to the DMV.
I actually think we did register a change of address card, but there is absolutley no way to prove it. Do you know of ANYBODY who can prove almost anything as semmingly inconsequential as a change of address form 15 years later? If they lose the card, thats it - gone. Zero proof that you submitted it.

The bits of information I wanted to pass along was that there is a 15 year limit of limitations for the collection of these back taxes. He is just working with the information that New Milford (and whatever other towns) are feeding him, and its old info.

I personally find it reprehensible that the towns are doing this. THEY are being lazy about collecting these money's and are taking the easy way out and selling these uncollected debts to lawyers (for pennies on the dollar). Its a dirty business in my opinion. They are also selling their responsibilities
short by not collecting these debts earlier and settling for pennies on the dollar. It took Mr Dodd moments to find me online. It took New Milford years to even try.

But like I said, I made my mistakes and I have to pay. 14 years later but I still have to pay.
They are after us as well

We were first contacted four years ago ,we sent proof we were not in Fairfield CT at the time the taxes were due, now Mr Dodd has returned asking for thousands more starting more then a year after we left the state. I would like to know if a class action suit is started, count me in.
Dodd, hmmm any relation to the senator?????'
George Dodd

Has anyone actually had their credit impacted by George Dodd? My letter refers to an invalid debt that is over 7 years old so I assume (based on the earlier posts) that my credit is safe....
write to them

Why dont you write directly to the tax department in CT ? perhaps you will get a better response.
American National Recovery Group

THE SAME EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME! I then spoke to GEORGE who is a total ASS HOLE. I AM PAYING THIS, however, I feel this is a FRAUD somehow-unfortunately, the state says I have to pay! I have great credit as well and now I have to pay PLUS I have to pay ALL OF THE PENALTIES AND TAXES since 1995. I too never received a bill of any kind-no notice, etc., something must be wrong with this situation here but I feel like there is no where to turn--HELP
American National Recovery Group

These people sent me a correspondence just like these others above, trying to collect taxes for a car registered in Bristol Connecticut. The collection was for the period of 1998 and 1999. The thing is: I only stayed in Connecticut from October 1997 to February 1998 and then I moved out. I never knew that Connecticut does not grant the right of come and go, and for this reason I never reported that I intended to leave the City ( Bristol).

I do not owe anything. I understand that any property tax is good for a period of one year. I was covered during the time I lived there, then I moved to other State,I immediately got a new driver's license and returned the Connecticut driver's license to the DMV of this new state. This old driver's license supposedly was going to be returned to Connecticut State. The car was sold, end of story.

I do not owe anything. I do not feel like replying to this people. I also feel harassed. What shall I do? I did not do anything wrong, why should I be spending time to clear myself of something that I did not do? I work hard, a lot and many hours per day, I do not have the time or the resources to be fighting wind mills.

How should I proceed and what can I expect from this? The alleged collection is for 1998 and 1999.

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I have been receiving letters from Mr Dodd and Co for years. They were trying to stick me for taxes on two cars I registered in New Milford back in 1992.

I lived in New Milford for less than 1 year, and registered my cars in Iowa in November of 1993.

Fortunately for me, the first set of bills lapsed past the 15 year statue of limitations and I got off the hook for my first bill for over $500.

Unfortunately, because I did not register my cars 1 month earlier, I AM on the hook for the second bill for taxes due to New Milford. It kills me that these cars are dead and junk in a pile somewhere, but I still have to pay taxes on them.

I do not like Mr Dodd. I found him to be disagreeable on the phone. This is immaterial. His facts were accurate in my case and I found that even after I expressed some sincere frustration with this whole situation the facts still remain that
  • I did not register my cars soon enough in the new state after I moved, and
  • I did not submit a change of address card to the DMV.
I actually think we did register a change of address card, but there is absolutley no way to prove it. Do you know of ANYBODY who can prove almost anything as semmingly inconsequential as a change of address form 15 years later? If they lose the card, thats it - gone. Zero proof that you submitted it.

The bits of information I wanted to pass along was that there is a 15 year limit of limitations for the collection of these back taxes. He is just working with the information that New Milford (and whatever other towns) are feeding him, and its old info.

I personally find it reprehensible that the towns are doing this. THEY are being lazy about collecting these money's and are taking the easy way out and selling these uncollected debts to lawyers (for pennies on the dollar). Its a dirty business in my opinion. They are also selling their responsibilities
short by not collecting these debts earlier and settling for pennies on the dollar. It took Mr Dodd moments to find me online. It took New Milford years to even try.

But like I said, I made my mistakes and I have to pay. 14 years later but I still have to pay.
I do not think you owe them anything. The constitution grants you the right of come and go, I do not think that people has the obligation to inform the DMV about heir plans. You owe taxes if you are domiciled in a place, if you are not you do not owe. The new address in the new Driver's license shouls be enough to prove that you were domiciled somewhere else.
Shouldn't my credit have been affected already?

I got my letter from George Dodd today!

Though I'll be spending my weekend digging records to see if I did indeed move out and re-register my car in time (the Due Date on my letter says 7/01/01, and I moved from Bristol, CT to MA sometime in 07/2000), I do have a question:

If I did not pay my dues on time, shouldn't that have shown up on my credit report as an unpaid bill?
I monitor my credit report every 4 months (one free one from each agency each year), and I have not seen any negative activity on it!

I thought things go on your credit report (as a late/unpaid bill) BEFORE it even goes to collection. Am I wrong?
I also got one of these notices today, this one from South Windsor for alleged unpaid taxes. Hey, George >I NEVER LIVED IN SOUTH WINDSOR!< Further, my name is spelled wrong. I think they are taking a blunderbuss mentality here!

Called my lawyer who looked into it (what a great guy). He's telling me not to worry about it. I am supposed to meet with him tomorrow about how to proceed. My guess is he will want a retainer and will send some letters, blah, blah, blah...but maybe lawyering up works best against these people...from what he said it tends to shut all but the most tenacious of them up!

I'll keep you all posted. IM me if you have any questions!

I just got my letter today...YIPPE!
I guess I owe taxes from 1995 on a car I had in Bristol CT....but I sold the car in 1993 and also moved to Seattle Washington in 1993...any advice?
I personally find it reprehensible that the towns are doing this. THEY are being lazy about collecting these money's and are taking the easy way out and selling these uncollected debts to lawyers (for pennies on the dollar). Its a dirty business in my opinion. They are also selling their responsibilities
short by not collecting these debts earlier and settling for pennies on the dollar. It took Mr Dodd moments to find me online. It took New Milford years to even try.

It is my understanding that this debt is non-negotiable by the towns, so the debt collectors are not actually buying or holding the debt. If the debt collectors and/or lawyers can't but if for pennies on the dollar, they won't buy it. They must be paid on a contactual basis somehow.

If you live in a town where they are doing this, go to your next town council meeting and complain, LOUDLY. When the next election come around (which should be next year) vote to have these clowns taken out of office who authorized this. Work to have these people removed from office; be it on the local or state level. We, the people, don't have to stand for this.
Check the address on the letters

Hi All, I just found this forum after also receiving a letter from American National Recovery Group. The address on my letter is from 261 Mountainside Avenue in West Nyack. I noticed in another post that the address (a couple of months ago) was from an address in Suffern, NY. I contacted an attorney today who unfortunately did not do this type of work. His response was that it sounds like a shake down. The bill they are trying to collect from me is 14 years old. I never received any notice that this was due. I spoke to the tax assessor in Bristol who told me it was my responsibility to contact them when I left the state. Okay, so I have contacted Arnold Diaz at Fox 5 New York. I left a message. I think the only way this is going to get resolved is through the media. Contact your local TV stations consumer reporter. Many stations have a web site where you can post your story. If enough people start asking questions it will force the state of CT to acknowledge that they 1. did not do their due diligence -contacting folks in a timely manner and 2. that ANRG is trying to profit from this. Most importantly...send a written response back with a return receipt request. Check you credit report to make sure they have not posted anything negative there.
Another Letter

I have just received my letter on November 5th about how I also owe taxes to the city of Bristol for a due date where I was no longer living in CT. It also has the new address on there of Wesst Nyack, New York like someone else previously mentioned.

I was living in Bristol more recently than some of the others. My due date was for 7/1/04 when I actually moved out of Bristol in November of 2003. But the cost of the tax makes no sense. It's almost $700 dollars when I paid a previous years tax of just over $300 for 2002. I jumped around from Ohio and then to New Jersey where my car was finally registered there in September of 2004. The only proof I can show of my move to Ohio is that I had the auto insurance changed to an Ohio Policy. I may also be able to pull up some bank statements, state tax information, etc to prove my move.

Any advice? It seems like some people are thinking it's a scam while others are saying it's real. Would contacting the Bristol Tax office be the best move?
1. did not do their due diligence -contacting folks in a timely manner and 2. that ANRG is trying to profit from this. Most importantly...send a written response back with a return receipt request. Check you credit report to make sure they have not posted anything negative there.

According to what my lawyer told me Monday, the State doesn't have to look for you, you need to go to them! :eek: Its statutory. They don't have to contact you, its your responsiblity.

My lawyer is going to take a few cases like this...he said he has some ideas on how to put a stop to this. He's a nice guy who gets riled up about this sort of thing...

My advice to anyone is if you decide to pay the tax, bypass ANRG and pay the town directly. The town will tell ANRG the account is in good standing but doubtfully will send ANRG anything for their trouble.

Contact the media. If you live in Connecticut, contact your state rep and your state senator and complain about this law. There is supposed to be one in the works to change this. If enough of us who live in state push, maybe the sol-ons will change it.
Anyone who makes payments...

...for any old tax bills in this regard is the biggest sucker known to mankind.

Ignore the letters and call it a night. I did and, a year later, the letters ended. Credit report unmarred.

Over and out.
Motor Vehicle Taxes From 1999???

OMG....With having to deal w/ just making end's meet on CURRENT bills, I open a bill from freakin' 1999, from the oh sooooooo poverty stricken town of Greenwich, CT , saying I owe past due taxes on a car I sold that year prior to moving out of state??? And, the joke of a collectioin agency, ANRGRUOP, says they couldn't find me. Funny, my family still lived(s) there, all my other mail got to me. In nine, almost ten years, they could've found me. Andbthey put interest on this supposed bill of all the years. Now, THAT'S just precious !! LOL....Oprah is goingbto LOOOVE this story !! George Dodd picked the WRONG name out of his fishbowl with mine. I'm Italian, Female with CT/New York roots. NOT a good one to play this kind of game with. :)

***LORI :)
I got a follow up letter from Charles Anderson. This is after I sent them a registered letter saying that I do not owe them or the City of Bristol anything since I moved out almost a year and a half before the mentioned date.
Here's what he writes:

Thank you for your recent communication regarding the debt referenced above and the FDPCA. It is our understanding that debts covered by act are defined by Section 803 Part #5 as stated below:
"The term 'debt' means any obligation or alleged obligation of a consumer to pay money arising out of a transaction in which the money, property, insurance or services which are the subject of the transaction are primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, whether or not such obligation has been reduced to judgement."
Taxes, a soverign fee, created by Federal and State entities are not related to goods or services for the individual, but to the communal need and as such do not fit this definition.
As such, we would appreciate your immediate attention to the above referenced matter. If you feel that there is a reason that this tax levy is not due, please let us know. We will use our best efforts to help you resolve it.
Very truly yours,
Collection Coordinator.

What do I do now???
I have BOGUS New Milford taxes from 1999 also...

I have also received these letters form George Dodd regarding a tax in New Milford, from 1999... I have tried to get the town to send a bill, and nothing.. I didn't live in new milford in 1999 0r 1998... we bought a home the next town over... And they couldn't find me either...I tried to get painfo, but can't go back that far.. I thought this was all bogus also, but finding this site proves it.. There needs to be a class action suit.. Please keep me posted if anyone has any ideas.. I am going to try my local tv stations.. Someone has to be able to do something.. I can not register a car because the town of New milford reported this to DMV last year.. Funny how it took 8 or 9 years for this.. I have registered cars AND NEVER had a problem til now, this is all ridiculous.. I do not want to pay them, but is there any advice on how to get them to remove it at dmv???? in the meantime??? Or should I just keep waiting it out???Cars are in my other half's name...

I keep getting calls from the NRG (Dodd). I mean 3-4 calls per day saying i owe $2000 for an old computer from '99. I don't recall this crap. BUT these fools not only call me non-stop but they DID ruin my credit. See, thay checked my credit 8 times (8 inquires) in a two week period....that dropped my score 50 points. I KNOW this is harassment. I am contacting the FTC to file a compliant. Anybody else have this problem???
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