National Recovery Group (George Dodd)

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14 Years and counting

Hi All, I received one of these letters about a month ago. I threw it in the garbage. It came in my maiden name. I just received another one yesterday. This time I did do some research...The state of CT has a statute of limitations on debt of 6 years. My "debt" is 14 years old. I called the Federal Trade Commission - no help there. They told me to call the attorney general in CT. I called the town of Bristol and these bills that we all are receiving have been sitting in an archive all this time. CT just decided to clean house. This is a form of "Zombie Debt".
I didn't live in CT or own the car in question

I received a notice from this collection firm for taxes owed to Ridgefield, CT for Oct 1, 1998 through Oct 1, 1999. I moved to VA in March 1997 and sold the car that April. I probably can find some proof, but it will take time and money. I don't think that the burden of proof should be on me when I handled all transactions and moves appropriately. If they had managed to not screw up just one point-of-fact then I wouldn't need to get involved. I have an idea. Let's get government involved in healthcare. Maybe they can take out my spleen a decade after I die, and try to transplant it to my great-grandfather.
American Con Job Recovery

I just got one in the mail today from American Con Job Recovery. These guys are crooks.

In Connecticut if you don't pay your auto taxes for the previous year they will not allow you to register your vehicle the following year no matter where in the state you live because you must bring a proof of receipt that your taxes are current.

These guys had best beware because some dogs bite harder than others.
American National Scammer

Yesterday we received couple of letters from this group claiming I owe them monies due from 1999. Also this was the first one we ever got. We moved out of CT in 1998 and we turned in our plates which automatically de-registers you per CT DOT and I have long got rid of the cars! From the looks of it, they seem to be targeting folks who have moved out of CT? Perhaps this is the price we all ex-residents have to pay for moving out. Well, this is on reason not to move back in!

We can't find records greater than 7 yrs with any govt agency.

I am glad to research on this issue and read this thread.

I plan to ignore.

I also recommend each and everyone of us spread the word around.


Just received one of these letters. I moved out of Groton, CT in 1998 but am expected to pay taxes for the year 2000. The person I spoke to in Groton was very helpful. Fortunately I was in the Navy at the time and all I have to do is fill a Soldiers/Sailors exemption form and send a copy of my DD-214 to prove I was still in the military at the time. This will wipe my name off the books and I'm OK with that, however, this will not solve the issue of not having even been in Groton that year or the one before. Must be too tough an issue to tackle from that angle.

P.S. Does anyone else find it interesting that this guy has the same last name as the disgraced Senator from CT?
New Sample Letter

May 12, 2009

Attn: George Dodd – Collections Coordinator
American National Recovery Group, Inc.
261 Mountainview Avenue Suite 2
West Nyack, NY 10960

Re: Account #??????????????????? - City of Idiots, CT

Dear Mr. Dodd,

The purpose of this letter is to dispute the validity of the debt listed in your recent collection letter.

I fully dispute the debt of $1,234.56, claimed by the City of Idiots, or any portion thereof.
No portion of the debt listed is valid.

I left Connecticut in 1996 and all taxes due were paid in full prior to my change in residence.
The vehicle in question was sold in 1998.

I have lived in several states since I left Connecticut.
With each change of residence I have had a valid Driver's License issued by that State.
I also submitted changes of address forms with the United States Postal Service.
At no time in the past 14 years has the City of Idiots made any attempt to contact me,
claiming a debt was owed.

Clearly, the City of Idiots could have found me, if they chose to collect a valid debt.
They have not filed a lawsuit or tax lien regarding this invalid debt in the past 14 years.
I have not received any notice of lien or judgment regarding this invalid debt in the past 14 years.
The time limit for them to do either has long passed.
They have not reported this debt to any credit reporting agency in the past 14 years.
The time limit for them to do so has also long passed.

Your attempt to collect an invalid debt is a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Any attempt to report this invalid debt to any Credit Reporting Agency is a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
Any further violations of these Acts by American National Recovery Group will result in my seeking legal remedy against you,
American National Recovery Group, and the City of Idiots.

Most Sincerely,

John Q. Public

cc: Federal Trade Commission – Consumer Response Center – FDCPA, FCRA
cc: Your State Attorney General
cc: Experian – NCAC
cc: Equifax
cc: TransUnion
Received a letter yesterday

Thank you for the sample letter. I cannot believe the audacity of this. I received my bogus claim yesterday from the city of Middletown for the year 1997. I moved from there in 97 and sent my plates back. I did received a bill from them after I moved claiming I owed personal property taxes for that year, but I replied with sending my tags back and informed them that I no longer live there. That was the last I heard of that. Of course, it's been over 12 years now. This is beyond ridiculous.
Thanks for the sample letter.

I received a letter yesterday from "Mr." Dodd addressed to myself and my ex. I have been out of state for 12 years.

Should I ignore or send a similar letter to the above sample?
Thanks for the sample letter.

I received a letter yesterday from "Mr." Dodd addressed to myself and my ex. I have been out of state for 12 years.

Should I ignore or send a similar letter to the above sample?

They have 7 years from the time the debt is verified to report it to a credit reporting agency.

After 7 years, they can't do anything to your credit.

They are also limited in the time they have to file a suit or lien.
In Connecticut I'm not sure of that time frame but it's less than the 7 years.

Once this time has expired, they can't do either.

At this stage it's safe to send a modified copy of the sample letter, politely tell Mr. Dodd to go pound sand and then ignore him.

The fact that a collection agency is involved at all mean that the municipality has already charged off the tax debt, regardless of whether or not it's a valid debt.

They're just trying to increase revenue by culling old records.
They have 7 years from the time the debt is verified to report it to a credit reporting agency.

After 7 years, they can't do anything to your credit.

They are also limited in the time they have to file a suit or lien.
In Connecticut I'm not sure of that time frame but it's less than the 7 years.

Once this time has expired, they can't do either.

At this stage it's safe to send a modified copy of the sample letter, politely tell Mr. Dodd to go pound sand and then ignore him.

The fact that a collection agency is involved at all mean that the municipality has already charged off the tax debt, regardless of whether or not it's a valid debt.

They're just trying to increase revenue by culling old records.

Thank you so much for your reply. I will start work on my letter tomorrow.

I tried to Google for information regarding tax amnesty, etc. and found this on a legal firm's web site (in CT). CT recently enacted legislation to allow municipalities to enact a one-time tax amnesty before December 31, 2009. The timing of these letters is interesting, eh?

Public Act No. 08-2 (November 24 special session) authorizes Connecticut municipalities (including any town, consolidated town and city, consolidated town and borough, special district, or any unconsolidated city) to establish a one-time amnesty program that may be in effect until December 31, 2009. Municipalities may allow full or partial forgiveness of interest, penalties, fines, costs or other fees due on any municipal taxes or other delinquent payments. The maximum duration of any municipal amnesty program is 90 days, and such program may only apply to periods before the program was instituted. Taxpayers should contact a municipality directly to determine if the municipality is conducting a local amnesty program.

If you have you any questions regarding either the Connecticut or municipal amnesty programs, or would like additional information, please call (860) 251-5000 to speak to any member of the Tax Practice Group.
They have 7 years from the time the debt is verified to report it to a credit reporting agency.

After 7 years, they can't do anything to your credit.

They are also limited in the time they have to file a suit or lien.
In Connecticut I'm not sure of that time frame but it's less than the 7 years.

What date is that? The original date of the tax bill?
I received a letter today addressed to my maiden name (it has changed twice since this supposed 'debt' was created), about taxes I never owed in the Town of Middletown, CT from Mr. "Dodd". I'm sending a dispute letter and hope this will be the last of it.

I moved out of Middletown in 1999 and scrapped the car by the end of the year, after the taxes were paid in full. They're claiming I owe for 1999 and 2000.

I would be interested in any action against these fools.
What date is that? The original date of the tax bill?

Typically it is from the date the account is classified as delinquent.

As a practical matter the city would have to either file suit and/or file a lien.
If a suit results in a judgment against you, you'll have no choice but to pay it.

However, if no suit or lien has been filed after 7 years, you are in the clear in terms of a lien, judgment or credit reporting.
You would technically still owe the debt but if you have no intention of residing there before the 15 year statute of limitations kicks in, you're in the clear as there's really nothing they can do.
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Typically it is from the date the account is classified as delinquent.

As a practical matter the city would have to either file suit and/or file a lien.
If a suit results in a judgment against you, you'll have no choice but to pay it.

However, if no suit or lien has been filed after 7 years, you are in the clear in terms of a lien, judgment or credit reporting.
You would technically still owe the debt but if you have no intention of residing there before the 15 year statute of limitations kicks in, you're in the clear as there's really nothing they can do.

Thanks for the clarification. I'm about 12 years then from the date of delinquency which means no lien, judgment or credit reporting. :)

My ex still lives there and I'm assuming has avoided this thus far by not having any vehicles in his name. ??

I'm so glad I found this site. I wasn't sure how to proceed. Thank you for all of your help!
Collection letters dated: May 12, 2009

Representing Middletown, CT, collection letters have been sent for taxes on a vehicle; stating they were due on 7/01/95 and 7/01/96 w/o any explanation and this is the first we are hearing about this. No bills were received prior to this letter on any year. Do not know where this is coming from and why. What were the outcomes?
Dodd and Middletown: back taxes

My wife recently received a letter from Dodd and his cronies. The date posted on the "Tax" was 1995, years after she left CT. After reading here and elsewhere on the internet, I sent them a letter via registered mail that their attempt to collect was in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and that any attempt to report the bill as outstanding would be in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I requested that they purge their records of this item and send me proof that this has been done, and I also requested the name and address of the original creditor, verification of the debt, and a copy of the judgment. I also informed them that further attempts to collect would be considered harassment and would subject them to legal actions by myself and to my reporting them to the appropriate authorities.

For future reference, who would be the "appropriate authorities" to whom I should report these guys and the CT town? I'm thinking of the Better Business Bureau, but the town isn't really a business. Also the Attorney General, but as I understand it, the Attorney General doesn't have jurisdiction here (does it?) What steps have anyone else taken?

I hope this goes away soon. Good luck to all.
Addendum to previous post

Also, if I have to send another letter, I intend to also provide them with a bill for shipping and handling, research into this matter, drafting and printing of the response letters, and anything else I can come up with, for about $60/hr. I know they won't pay it but sometimes I can't resist being a smart aleck. Would I be breaking any laws here?
Path to Resolution

I, too, just received this stupid form letter and it greatly aggravated me for all the reasons people have discussed: why didn't they just send me a bill? I pay my bills on time, why the *#$% is a collection agency after me, etc.

So after pounding my head against the proverbial brick wall for a day, I finally just called the tax assessor's office in Middletown, CT. They pulled up my bill and told me all they wanted was proof that the vehicle was registered elsewhere on or before October 1 of the year before the tax was due (so, if your notice is for July 2002, you need proof that the vehicle was registered elsewhere on or before October 1, 2001).

As I now reside in Illinois, the answer was as close as the Illinois Secretary of State. For those of you in the same boat, go to

(I apologize for the munging---I just wanted to post a resolution but it looks like I have to fight the forum rules as well. Replace underscores with dots and pipes with slashes.)

And fill out the "VSD 375 Secretary of State Information Request Form" The request code is "K" ("For use by an individual...") and send them $5 for a Title search. Attach a letter stating the issue (when I called the Sec'y of State, they already knew about the CT problem) so that you'll get the right title.

Middletown just wants me to fax them the title. I'll probably also send it registered/return-receipt. But your town may want something different. It pays to ask.

Then send a nice little note to Mr. Dodd telling him that the issue is being resolved between you and the town of <where-ever> and he can stop pestering you (otherwise, with a possible 12-week waiting time for the title, he could get testy). With reports of over 200,000 people on his list, I'm sure he's more than willing to let a few drop to lighten his load.

Important: Be nice when you call the tax assessor's office. I got a very cold response when I first called, but when I stayed calm and just told them I wanted to know how to prove that I wasn't liable for the tax, they became quite friendly. Understandably, these people have been getting very ugly calls and it just makes their job harder and it gets nobody anywhere. The person you get on the phone was not the one who made the decision to do this, but now they have to handle the consequences.

I understand that a number of people are not in my boat. Either (a) the inquiry is so long ago that nobody has records (although, seriously, check out the Sec'y of State in the state you moved to---they very well may have the record you need) or (b) they just didn't bother finding you for the tax you owe and now they've decided to use a collection agency to go hunting you down for something you might as well have done in a past life.

I don't have answers for either of those classes of people, but I wish you luck in your fight for a fairer taxation scheme that doesn't involve the moral equivalent of persecution of wrongs done in past millennia.

I hope this helps and I'll post my results as the various jurisdictions slowly ooze into their new positions.

If it was worth spending the time and money to be done with them, more power to you.

It should be noted that the very fact that people have been contacted by a collection agency indicates that the City has already classified the 'tax' as a charge-off.

For the laymen out there, this means they have already given up on collecting the tax.
If it was worth spending the time and money to be done with them, more power to you.

It should be noted that the very fact that people have been contacted by a collection agency indicates that the City has already classified the 'tax' as a charge-off.

For the laymen out there, this means they have already given up on collecting the tax.

You know what? It was worth the ~15 minutes of phone calls and $6 to know that I'm clear. But everyone has their own comfort level.

If you're outside the 15-year statute of limitations (I'm not) or outside the 7-year smudge on your credit record (I'm not) then maybe you can ride out a possible George Dodd legal temper-tantrum. The less you owe, the more probable this becomes.

But for less than 5% of what I supposedly owed them, I just firmly shut the lid on this nonsense and didn't pay George or the town of Middletown a red cent.

And that includes postage.

I can't solve everybody's problems, but if you can determine that you're not liable and be rid of the prolonged silliness in the amount of time it takes to get some paper pushed, I think that's time well spent.

As always, De gustibus non est disputandum / Juu nin to iro
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