National Recovery Group (George Dodd)

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Ignore these letters

I've also received a number of letters from the National Recovery Group about a car that I never owned from over 11 years ago.

I spoke with my lawyer and she assured me that no debt older than 7 years can be reported to the credit agencies and that they cannot legally collect. I sent a certified letter telling them that the debt was not mine and that they needed to provide a proof of the debt, which was more than I needed to do, according to my lawyer, but I figured it was a good measure.

Basically NRG bought old debts from towns in CT and they're trying to scare people into paying.

Here's the bottom line:

Do not send them ANY information that they don't already have (ss#, credit card numbers, car information, etc.).

If the debt is over 7 years old (whether it's really yours or not), there is NOTHING they can do except send threatening letters.

I hope that helps someone. I continue to get letters and continue to turn them into paper mache. Maybe someday I'll make a paper mache statue of a middle finger and send it to them.
Yes, they can legally collect--- but they can not legally obtain a judgment if the defendant asserts the statute of limitations in defense.
I received the first of these letters April 16 2011, the letter said I owe $342.54 for 1997 car registration fee. Then second letter, dated May 16 2011, $352.62 for 1996. My brother and his roomate live there for 2 year 1996 & 1997, his roomate had the car. He junk the car Auguest 1997.

I spoke with tax assessor, It wasn't my car, she advise me to call DWV and file a illegal registration, with that illegal registration record, they will removed me from collection. I called DMV— they told me, in order to prove I am not the owner, they advise me to call Hemden policy and file a fraudulent registration. With that policy record, I can obtain a copy of registration from 1996 from DMV copy record division. They will varify the record and decide if I didn't authorized the registration. I called Hemden policy and talk to Surgen En— I live in NY in facts I never live in Hamden, they can't take complain from NY resident over the phone . I have to file policy report in NY policy department. The NY policy will fill complaint and send the investigation to Hemden ploicy.

I never recived any bills from Hamden have no way to obtain a registration, so I turn the responsibility to the collecting agent. I request they send me validation—
• What the money you say I owe is for;
• Explain and show me how you calculated what you say I owe;
• Provide me with copies of any papers that show I agreed to pay what you say I owe;
• Provide a verification or copy of any judgment if applicable;
• Identify the original creditor;
• Prove the Statute of Limitations has not expired on this account
• Show me that you are licensed to collect in my state
• Provide me with your license numbers and Registered Agent

They only send me 2 bills for 1996 and 1997 print on normal letter, demand I paid in 15days. I just about mail back another letter remind them my request of validation under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b). I don't know what is going to happen next. I may contact Senators from my State of residence (New Yrok) and told his office about this tax scam too.
Here's the bottom line:

Do not send them ANY information that they don't already have (ss#, credit card numbers, car information, etc.).

If the debt is over 7 years old (whether it's really yours or not), there is NOTHING they can do except send threatening letters.

I hope that helps someone. I continue to get letters and continue to turn them into paper mache. Maybe someday I'll make a paper mache statue of a middle finger and send it to them.

This sums it up nicely.

George Dodd can go pound sand.

One of the years he was attempting to collect from me on has already passed the 15 year statutory limit.
The other will expire shortly.
I just attempted to register a car at DMV and was told I have tax lien, i remember calling this bozo at NR asking for proof which never came, i am now stuck between a rock and a hard place as i cant register the car
problem is, DMV now has a hold on my ability to register a new vehicle in CT, any ideas?

Move to another state or register the car in the name of a trusted relative or friend.
I just got my letter last night. Same situation. Westerly, RI is in on the act now, too, looking for what appears to be taxes on a motor vehicle from 1994 and 1995. I've lived in Florida since 1994 and this is the first I've heard of this debt. 17/18 years later? Outrageous! While my research shows that this scheme that's been cooked up may be legal, it's just another example that our legal system is certainly no justice system. I think I'm willing to take a dent in my nearly impeccable credit than give this George Dodd character a dime.
I'm with you! I just got a letter last night from this baboon. Westerly, RI is on the act now, too, looking for taxes from 1994/1995. At first I freaked, but common sense took over, and realized a 17 and 18 year old debt seemed ridiculous. I decided to do some research because the whole thing began to reek of a scam. Anyway, I agree with you. I'll write them my &%^&$ off letter and use any others that come for toilet paper!
I just received my letter from George Dodd. I moved from Ct. in 2004. I called today and was told that if I provide them with a copy of my vehicle registration from Colorado, he can remove the last debt. I told him that he needs to remove all the debts because they aren't mine. I moved from Ct in Feb. 2004 and all of my supposed debts were from 2004/2005. Then he told me that I should have contacted Connecticut and told them that I was leaving the State. Since when do we contact a State to get permission to leave. How is that right? I told the man that the debt isn't mine and why is he contacting me now after 8 years. He told me to have my attorney call him next and he will explain it to him.

I will send a certified letter and go from there. I moved in Feb. 2004. I don't understand how I can be charged for a vehicle that wasn't even in State. How is that possible? This is almost like changing insurance companies and being penalized for doing it. How is this legal?
I did return the plates. I sent them back when I registered my car here. I believe it cost a little under $5 to send them back, with the added return receipt charge. I suspect even if I give confirmation that I sent something back, they would tell me that that doesn't prove a thing.
Hi everyone,
I see the dates from this forum seem to be from a couple years ago.. we just started to recieve these letters, but it is actually on behalf of Westerly, RI. Letter is claiming "Carries Inc" from our address owes about $1000 to Town of Westerly from 1994 and 1995. There is no way these debts are our own, as I was only 10 years old at the time! Thank you to whoever explained the statute of limitations is 15 years. Rather than go through the hassle of proving that these debts are not ours - and I'm so not impressed with whoever is earning a living trying to collect back money for towns, that he cannot even look up basic information as to who lives where - I'm going to send them a letter explaining statute of limitations has expired and we have no interest in conversing further. We had tried to call George Dodd, and how sketchy is his answering machine?? Thank you everyone
Pawcatuck, CT
These collection houses are machines that attempt to collect debts by first asking (demanding) and seeing if they receive payment. It's an old business that recently become a very hot industry. Many of the people you speak to are just hired hands. The problems arise when they have incentives to collect and then hope to bully people into paying off when they should not just to make them go away or, e.g. in fear of having something reported on your credit report. Some are legitimate, some are not. If you don't owe, send a written letter via a certified method - that is the best way to prevent these calls from reoccuring.
I have read all these posts. Bottom line: Did anyone have any negative consequences by ignoring these letters?

I got my first letter and might just ignore. I am past the seven years and no longer live in CT.
I have rec'd 4 of these letters now in 2012...I left the state in 7/05 and they are trying to collect for 05/06. I have read many threads over a few years. I have not seen one post where something negative has happened. I responded to the first letter with a registered letter stating I wanted the debt verified and stating they couldn't not report this to the credit agencies. I threw in some other comments in about cease and desist, not licensed in my state to collect and informing my State Attorney. They continue to send letters each time waving their finger a little stronger but the end of the day they cannot take you to court. I have not seen one thread indicating anything harsher than letters...they do not read your letters they are sending responses based on lack of response. My position is if you do not respond to my request do not expect me to respond to yours. They have bought the debt from the Town of Hamden and are collecting pennies on the dollar...they are not following appropriate rules so it's hard to take them serious. Each time they have sent me a letter the amts have been slightly different ...tells me they are unprofessional and have some $5.00 an hr flunky typing these things up..
On top of that, even if you were registered in CT they have a tax exemption for active duty. They are trying to shake me down for taxes that were impossible for me to incur in the first place.
I received my second or third strange letter 8/8/12 asking for unpaid taxes on a car I owned in Greenwich. I moved to Maine for 12 years and have had 4 cars since the car in question. I love the idea of exposing these people.
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