National Recovery Group (George Dodd)

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I just refinanced my home a couple of months ago and there was no hint of any of this mess on my credit report. My 15 years (CT statute of limitations on vehicle tax) is almost up, so I plan to continue to ignore any future attempts to collect on this bogus debt.
Me too.
I politely told Mr. Dodd in a letter that I disputed the entire claim of a debt.

This is all about the fact that the State of Connecticut is run by politicians who are financially irresponsible.

For a State the size of Connecticut to have a $1 BILLION deficit is inexcusable.
The size of the state budget is a travesty and it trickles down to every municipality in the state.
The State is run by C- students and those who want to be the recipients of their largess stand at the ready, with their hands out, helping to re-elect these yahoos time and time again.

I am so glad I voted with my wallet and left that State.
So,I'm guessing they just started hitting credit reports now? I went to my credit reports and its now down 200+ points because of a tax I have with these guys. I took into consideration a year ago from what others on this forum suggested and ignore them and I guess I have to deal with them now. Ill let ya'll know how it turns out....
When I got my first letter from a collection agency, it had been about 13 1/2 years since I left CT. I'm no expert, but I believe that debts older than 7 years cannot be put on your credit report and that's why it didn't happen to me.
mine is from 2001, called my lawyer and its legit....we will see how we can approach this

You need to challenge it completely.

Do not acknowledge ANY of it and demand proof of what they are claiming.
Just because it's on your credit report does NOT mean that it is there legally.
If it is on your report from a collection agency, it most likely is NOT there legally.

You should probably think about getting another lawyer as well.
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TaxServ letter

I just got a letter from TaxServ with a warrant issues in my name signed by some CT judge, stating I owe $1400 of taxes.

Like everyone else, it s 7+ years and never heard about this before because they did not have my address.
Also in that case, the tax is incorrect in the first place because they were not able to get their act together with the DMV when I returned my plates.
So they charged me 90% over what I really owed, and let 7+ years of interest running on the wrong amount.
I called them up and they said that even though they made a mistake, they can't fix it because under state law they can only fix mistakes within 2 years of the tax being issued.
Totally ridiculous, but well.... Anyone had a warrant issued from this TaxServ company ? seems they replaced old Dodd with some new company.
Wondering if I should even bother replying to them or just ignore it.
Spend a few hundred dollars and have a good tax attorney advise you.

I suspect that you have a collection agency using a fraudulent means to attempt collection.

The first thing you need to do is verify that a bench warrant exists in your name.

If it does not, you need to go after this collection agency will everything you have.

What you have stated here doesn't pass the smell test.

Fight it all the way.
This is what my latest Mr. Dodd letter says:

"Unless we receive either communication from you or your payment within 20 days we may feel obligated to begin a review that can result in a recommendation to our client that they protect their taxpayers from potential loss of tax revenues." Blah blah blah!

This is from the town of Bristol CT from the year 2000 claiming I owe $636.89. I did not live in the town of Bristol in 2000, 1999 or even 1998. I only lived there one year from 1996-1997. I sent them proof that I did not live there and Mr. Dodd did not approve of my proof. Not sure what else I can do at this point. I really do not owe them money. How do you prove anything after so many years?
I just got a letter from TaxServ with a warrant issues in my name signed by some CT judge, stating I owe $1400 of taxes.

Like everyone else, it s 7+ years and never heard about this before because they did not have my address.
Also in that case, the tax is incorrect in the first place because they were not able to get their act together with the DMV when I returned my plates.
So they charged me 90% over what I really owed, and let 7+ years of interest running on the wrong amount.
I called them up and they said that even though they made a mistake, they can't fix it because under state law they can only fix mistakes within 2 years of the tax being issued.
Totally ridiculous, but well.... Anyone had a warrant issued from this TaxServ company ? seems they replaced old Dodd with some new company.
Wondering if I should even bother replying to them or just ignore it.

TaxServ is simply another collection agency.
It does not have any more power than any other collection agency and is bound by the same federal laws as every other agency.

There is no way a warrant is issued and then presented through a 3rd private party.
All warrants are produced and executed by the courts and law enforcement.
A private company has ZERO standing.

This is simply another gimmick being used to scare people into paying bills they don't owe.
Please Help!!

I have received letters from this group asking me to pay taxes from 99' I moved out of CT in 97'. They have so far sent me 4 letters asking for this money. I have just gotten my credit on the right track. Will not paying this affect my credit?
Mr Dodd

I too have been receiving these letters, from George Dodd. I've been reading in this forum how this can/cannot affect your credit. I finally called them to dispute the debt. I spoke to a lady who was actually quit nice. My first question to her was to verify my identity by reading back to me the last 4 digits of my social security number. She stated that they do not go by social's, which means they didn't have it. If they don't have it how can this affect your credit? Plus the taxes they listed are over 10 years old.

Anybody have any feedback?
Mr. Dodd

I too have been receiving these letters, from George Dodd. I've been reading in this forum how this can/cannot affect your credit. I finally called them to dispute the debt. I spoke to a lady who was actually quit nice. My first question to her was to verify my identity by reading back to me the last 4 digits of my social security number. She stated that they do not go by social's, which means they didn't have it. If they don't have it how can this affect your credit? Plus the taxes they listed are over 10 years old.

Anybody have any feedback?

My husband got one two weeks ago. We sent a certified letter telling him not to contact us and his response was that taxes are not subject to the FDPCA. So, I called Clark Howard and they actually advised me to pay the debt because we would have to prove that my husband did not live in Groton in 1997. Well, who keeps anything over 10 years? Not us. But the statute for property taxes is 15 years. The lady did say that we could just let it go until legal action was brought but then we would have to go to court to appeal it (and the burden of proof is on us).
My husband got one two weeks ago. We sent a certified letter telling him not to contact us and his response was that taxes are not subject to the FDPCA. So, I called Clark Howard and they actually advised me to pay the debt because we would have to prove that my husband did not live in Groton in 1997. Well, who keeps anything over 10 years? Not us. But the statute for property taxes is 15 years. The lady did say that we could just let it go until legal action was brought but then we would have to go to court to appeal it (and the burden of proof is on us).

Clark Howard generally gives good advice.
In this case he is wrong.

The fact that a collection agency sent you the letter indicates that the "debt" was already charged off.

You will not be sued by the Town of Groton.

My husband got one two weeks ago. We sent a certified letter telling him not to contact us and his response was that taxes are not subject to the FDPCA. So, I called Clark Howard and they actually advised me to pay the debt because we would have to prove that my husband did not live in Groton in 1997. Well, who keeps anything over 10 years? Not us. But the statute for property taxes is 15 years. The lady did say that we could just let it go until legal action was brought but then we would have to go to court to appeal it (and the burden of proof is on us).

This is what I am doing that IS legal. I am returning thier crude shake down letter with something weighty like an old phone book. However... I only put .44 postage and their own address as the return address. The letters from them have dropped from every other week to once or twice a year. They have to pay about $5.00 every time they receive this. The next one from me will be a brick at about $18.00. Grow a spine, they don't do anything but shake people down for money.
Why you may be getting tax bills.

I was doing some research and came across this information on the website:

Why did I get a property tax bill for a vehicle I no longer own? Keep in mind that you will receive a tax bill in July for any vehicle that was on the grand list of registered vehicles for the previous October 1st.

So if you moved out of your Connecticut town between October 1st and the end of the year, you may very well owe taxes for the period you were a resident, until the time you returned your plates to the CT DMV.
George Dodd

I just recieved my letter today. really screwed up my weekend. I have read all the posts, but bottom line, has anyone paid these taxes or everyone blown them off? My bill was from 2000 and 2001, I did live in CT for 8 months in 2000, but paid property tax on vehichles, I did not live in CT in 2001. Should'nt they have know this when I mailed plates back to them??

I was doing some research and came across this information on the website:

Why did I get a property tax bill for a vehicle I no longer own? Keep in mind that you will receive a tax bill in July for any vehicle that was on the grand list of registered vehicles for the previous October 1st.

So if you moved out of your Connecticut town between October 1st and the end of the year, you may very well owe taxes for the period you were a resident, until the time you returned your plates to the CT DMV.
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