Neighbor using FBI Van for WiFi


Is my neighbor using the name FBI VAN as username on WiFi?

I read people do that to annoy people. I don't see that often on WiFi so was curious
Is my neighbor using the name FBI VAN as username on WiFi?

Ask your neighbor. He or she is the only one who can tell you the name of his/her WiFi network. But I'll tell you that it is much more likely that a neighbor used that name to be funny rather than it being an actual FBI network. The FBI would not be so obvious in choosing a name for a network being used in the field. One of my neighbors has a network called NSA monitoring. It has nothing to do with the NSA, of course, but the neighbor thought it amusing.
Ask your neighbor. He or she is the only one who can tell you the name of his/her WiFi network. But I'll tell you that it is much more likely that a neighbor used that name to be funny rather than it being an actual FBI network. The FBI would not be so obvious in choosing a name for a network being used in the field. One of my neighbors has a network called NSA monitoring. It has nothing to do with the NSA, of course, but the neighbor thought it amusing.

I bet its my neighbors that do pot. I knew neighbors at my other apt complex that were big into drugs . Their friends would come by and knock on their door across the hall way, saying "this is the FBI open up" . lol
I wish paralegals could act as lawyers but in my state was told they can only work for attorneys directly.

If paralegals could "act as lawyers" then they would be essentially practicing law, hence lawyers,

It is more likely that one of your neighbors who dislikes the potheads is using "FBI Van" as a name for their WiFi.
I wish paralegals could act as lawyers but in my state was told they can only work for attorneys directly.

Paralegals don't have the same legal education, training and experience as lawyers have, hence the reason why they are not allowed to act as a lawyer. It's no different than why nurses are not allowed to act as doctors. They don't have the same education, training and experience that doctors have.

In many states there is no required licensing or certification required for a paralegal nor even any standard definition of even what skills are needed to be called a paralegal. Some paralegals are really not much more than secretaries while others handle a great deal of responsibility in a law firm, from doing research and writing, organizing case files, handling some client contact, etc. How much or how little a paralegal does is largely up to the lawyer that hires the paralegal. It is ultimately the lawyer, though, that is responsible for the work the paralegal does.

As for the paralegal in that ad you linked, it certainly appears that he or she is practicing law without a license and, unfortunately, given the way the ad is written does not appear to have the kind of writing skills that lawyer should have. As a result, clients are likely not getting a service anywhere near what a lawyer could provide, but the rates charged are cheap. Like with anything, you tend to get what you pay for.
It didn't matter what phone service I had used. This older guy with a Indian accent would call me out of the blue saying " did you call me?" Was weird. His area code was same as mine and had similar digits to my number Wonder if dude is a spy? Lol
Is my neighbor using the name FBI VAN as username on WiFi?

How the F would anyone here know? Also, what does "username on WiFi" mean? Are you referring to the name of a WiFi network?

Isn't that a crime like impersonating a police officer?

Putting "FBI" as part of your WiFi network name? Of course not.

"FBI" is an acronym that can mean many things other than "Federal Bureau of Investigations."

Are most of the Ads that claim to be girls on Craig's a robot or LEO?

Why don't you go troll elsewhere?

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