Pelosi Admits to pulling of the Coup to remove Biden.

If that's what you want, Trump isn't the person for the job. He's not ever been good at deescalation. It's just not his style. He has his strong points, but this isn't one of them.

Oh Tax-counsel, you have proved time and time again that you have no idea what you are talking about. Lets see how things were in 2020 with Trump? shall we

He went to North Korea and meet with the dictator there deescalating him
He had Russia in check and they would have not invaded Ukraine
Mortgage rates were at 3 percent
Gas prices where the lowest in a decade if not two
domestic energy production had us on a road to energy independence
Afghanistan, what a joke?

want me to continue? I realize that you are a never Trump but what about JD Vance? What about Ted Cruz? Win or lose this is Trump's last rodeo. I understand that there are BLUE voters here no matter what, and this will not reach any of them but your arguments hold no water and have no value.

Trump is about the only person who can bring some sort of value back to the white house and he is smart enough to have a VEEP like Vance to be the future of the Republicans. Harris is a danger to the whole free world for those who believe men are men, and women or women. A dog is a dog and a cat is a cat. How can you support a party that doesn't even know how to define a woman? what is a woman? The tribal racists that are the DNC need to realize that America is a single nation with a Flag and a way a life that others would love to have. It is not for sale to the highest bidder, and our enemies would love to have a Harris/ Walz in power. It makes us weaker while allowing our enemies to do whatever they want. I am not interested in arguing with you because the Republican party is bigger than Trump. Trump is done whether it is the end of this year or in 4 years. You really need to move off of Trump if you as you claim are a life long Republican.
lol assassination, sometimes autocorrect will correct to the wrong term. If Trump was no longer around then the DNC would have rolled with Biden in November not that wack O Harris.

Actually, had Trump been killed the Democrats would have had even more reason to do what they did, not less. Presumably the Republicans would have picked a younger, more energetic, and less bombastic candidate. Biden, given his age and signs decline, would have had had a harder time beating that kind of candidate than the very polarizing Trump.

IMO it didn't matter much who the Republican candidate was going to be, the Democrats knew Biden wasn't the right candidate and asked him to step aside because of it. Nothing sinister about wanting a candidate who isn't declining and whose ability to govern for another four years wasn't becoming increasingly in doubt.

If the Republicans had someone younger and less polarizing at the top of their ticket, I think they'd do a lot better too. I absolutely believe that the nation would be better without either Biden or Trump in the White House the next years. Their time has passed. It's time to move past the 80+ year old politicians whose time on this earth is short and elect younger people who have a bigger stake in what happens in the future.
Actually, had Trump been killed the Democrats would have had even more reason to do what they did, not less. Presumably the Republicans would have picked a younger, more energetic, and less bombastic candidate. Biden, given his age and signs decline, would have had had a harder time beating that kind of candidate than the very polarizing Trump.

IMO it didn't matter much who the Republican candidate was going to be, the Democrats knew Biden wasn't the right candidate and asked him to step aside because of it. Nothing sinister about wanting a candidate who isn't declining and whose ability to govern for another four years wasn't becoming increasingly in doubt.

If the Republicans had someone younger and less polarizing at the top of their ticket, I think they'd do a lot better too. I absolutely believe that the nation would be better without either Biden or Trump in the White House the next years. Their time has passed. It's time to move past the 80+ year old politicians whose time on this earth is short and elect younger people who have a bigger stake in what happens in the future.

Okay again your argument doesn't hold water, I would imagine you would have an issue with JD Vance as well? I would imagine you are not a Republican as such which you claim and more or less a independent non partisan voter. Which I am as well, I can not vote for an O'Bama democrat for the Blue Dogs are something they killed off with the cluster that is O'Bama. When you give the terrorists and third world a voice at the table don't be surprised when they cut your head off.
Oh Tax-counsel, you have proved time and time again that you have no idea what you are talking about. Lets see how things were in 2020 with Trump? shall we

He went to North Korea and meet with the dictator there deescalating him
He went there to buddy up with Kim. Not engage in any deescalation. And throughout the rest of Trump's term after that meeting Kim continued on just as before.

He had Russia in check and they would have not invaded Ukraine
Really? Sure Putin had Trump wrapped around his finger. He idolizes Putin. He wants to be America's Putin. That's not keeping Putin in check, that's giving him a green light to do as he pleases. Had Trump still been in office Putin would have still invaded Ukraine. He made that invasion due to internal political pressures, and those pressures would've been the same regardless of who was president.

Mortgage rates were at 3 percent
Gas prices where the lowest in a decade if not two
domestic energy production had us on a road to energy independence
Nothing in any of those shows a tendency to deescalate anything. While presidents have little power to directly affect any of those things, I give credit where credit is due and that those occurred on his watch is certainly a plus for him.

Afghanistan, what a joke?

It was a joke because of Trump, not Biden. You may have forgotten that it was TRUMP who made the deal with the Taliban to pull our troops and who agreed to the time line for doing it. Biden was stuck with the deal Trump made. It was a bad deal. Art of the Deal? I'm not seeing his supposed dealing strength in his deal with the Taliban.

want me to continue?
No need. I have a pretty good recollection of the Trump years. Trump did do some things well. I've said the man was a total failure. But because of his choatic way of running the White House no one could ever really Trust to follow through with what he claimed he'd do. He sometimes changed his mind in as little a day. After the poll numbers came out, of course.

I realize that you are a never Trump but what about JD Vance?

You're right, I'm a never Trumper and happy about it. JD Vance has been less than impressive himself. Saying that people who have never had kids are more likely to be sociopaths was one of the dumbest things I've heard a politician say in a long time. There are Republicans I can support, but none the MAGA crowd.
What about Ted Cruz? Win or lose this is Trump's last rodeo. I understand that there are BLUE voters here no matter what, and this will not reach any of them but your arguments hold no water and have no value.
That's your opinion, my views have no value for YOU. I never expected they would because you appear to firmly in the Trump camp.

I'm not supporting the Democratic party. I'm simply opposing Trump and MAGA followers. There is a difference.

You really need to move off of Trump if you as you claim are a life long Republican.
Then why do you keep coming back to argue for Trump if you think he's done? If you think it's time to "move off of Trump" then I'd think you'd heed your own advice and stop talking about him. You're doing exactly what you claim I'm doing.
By the way, do you think you're insulting Obama or making some kind of point about him by spelling his name as if he were Irish? You're doing neither. You're only making yourself look foolish.
I am surprised that they are debating anyway especially on ABC. I wish JD Vance could do both debates but I am confident that if Trump doesn't get rattled by the Veep then he will succeed.

It is a misnomer to call those ARGUMENTS debates.

I've watched what many people call presidential debates only to view arguments, word fights or brawls, but I've never once seen anything that approaches what I know to be debates.

I was on my high school and college debate team.

I know a debate, if and when I'm allowed to see one. I suspect I'll pass to glory, never having watched a REAL presidential debate.

(a) serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part:
Education is the current focus of public debate.
for debate How we proceed from here is a matter for debate.
debate about Over the years we have had several debates about future policy.
[ C ]
a competition in which teams of people, often students, discuss a subject and the team that is judged to make the best arguments wins:
The team won their Round 3 debate against Mitcham Girls High School.
The students were taking part in a debate contest.

to discuss a subject in a formal way:
In Parliament today, MPs debated the Finance Bill.
They had been debating for several hours without reaching a conclusion.

[ + question word ] The authorities debated whether to build a new car park.

By the way, do you think you're insulting Obama or making some kind of point about him by spelling his name as if he were Irish? You're doing neither. You're only making yourself look foolish.

Not sure how it makes me appear foolish as Obama has himself declared himself Irish and has some ancestry there. I am sure on his mother's side. It is a whole thing out there so whether it was intentional or not there are spellings like that. As far as the rest, I will let Tax Counsel to dwell on that one. He is the hated Trump person who for whatever reason. Obama is to you whatever he wants you to be, he ultimately is a cult of personality.

I believe it was god looking over our country and Trump to protect him from being killed by a bullet from mere millimeters. Hopefully, he will lead the country in the right direction and be blessed for last 4 years of his Presidency. Unlike the Biden/ Harris fiasco -- remember you really can not blame the last president for mistakes and inaction taken under your watch. You really need to take responsibility your own self,
Our former president's name is NOT spelled with an apostrophe, whether there are others whose are, or not, and regardless of his ancestry. You're spelling it wrong. That makes you look foolish, whether it is or is not intentional on your part.
Our former president's name is NOT spelled with an apostrophe, whether there are others whose are, or not, and regardless of his ancestry. You're spelling it wrong. That makes you look foolish, whether it is or is not intentional on your part.

what do you want me to use? Barrack Hussein Obama or Barry Soetoro or maybe you could enlighten me, and the rest of America to who this person actually was since his classmate nor teachers could not remember having an Obama as a student when asked about his time at Columbia.
what do you want me to use? Barrack Hussein Obama or Barry Soetoro or maybe you could enlighten me, and the rest of America to who this person actually was since his classmate nor teachers could not remember having an Obama as a student when asked about his time at Columbia.
That's a long-debunked claim.

That's a long-debunked claim.

From the Snopes link: "Wayne Allyn Root was, like Obama, a political science major at Columbia who also graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root says of Obama, "I don't know a single person at Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. "

I graduated CU in '81 (so Root would've been a sophomore), and I don't know anyone who knew Root. And no, I didn't know Obama, since he only came to CU in '81. But us Lions proudly claim him!

ETA: BUT... I did know both Stephanopolous' (George & Fr. Robert).
That part still applies. Biden isn't in the race anymore, and Biden released all his delegates. So they aren't pledged to Biden anymore. They are supposed to reflect the sentiments of those who elected them, and presumably they will do just that at the convention. As has been the case for decades, the candidates are selected at the convention and they are free to pick any Democrat willing to run. So no, the voters sentiments aren't being ignored. The delegates they elected (and in the primary it is actually the delegates who are elected, not the candidates themselves) will still be there representing them. Just like in the past elections, those delegates will choose the nominee. It's not so unusual nor nefarious as you make it out to be. Of course Trump doesn't like it. That's too bad for him but he doesn't get to pick the Democratic nominee.
I think Trump is happy they picked Harris and Walz. Two of the most unqualified persons to run the country since I'm on this earth. That is seven and a half decades.

If the American people can be dupped into voting for these two lying clowns that now run from their records, then we deserve what we get if the election is honest. That remains to be seen. But you can kiss the Constitution and the Republic goodbye if they get elected. Just imagine Harris as the Commander and Chief in a war! Yikes. According to news outlets, that may be as early as this evening our time.

And, I will say that your post is another very nice parse of the rules, but you keep missing the point. The people never voted for her. Remember what Democracy means.
If that's what you want, Trump isn't the person for the job. He's not ever been good at deescalation. It's just not his style. He has his strong points, but this isn't one of them.
But his policies nearly bankrupted Iran and Russa. That in contrast to Biden giving Iran billions of dollars to the Iranian war machine. We fund the enemy and then spend billions defending our allies. Do you want to do the cost-effective analysis of that?
believe what you want, I have voted for Democrats and Republicans. Just the democrats left me after BLM, ANTIFA, and the socialist communist crap they spout all the time especially when it comes to an Anti White agenda.

Never have I, nor ever will I consider voting Donkey, much less actually voting for a DONKEY.

One only has to recall the perverse, destructive, demeaning, dehumanizing THING donkeys created, SLAVERY.

Even after our Civil War ended, donkeys resurrected SLAVERY as JIM CROW.

Yet, donkeys eagerly point their crooked fingers at others for the sins they vested upon the continent of Africa, and the United States of America.

I suspect, sooner or later, some Donkey will deceive millions of our voters into believing slavery was created by Elephants.
Trying to watch Trump interview on X should tell you all you need to know about this EVIL cabal which has taken control of nations. A huge DDOS attack to silence more people watching Trump than who watch all the other corrupt media combined. This ideology has taken a grip on the world and when it blows it is going to be the worst that has ever been known to the history of man.

The EVIL lives and it has full control of the DNC and is using them as an extension of the evil that exists in the world.

IRAN- TURKEY- Palestine and the DNC are all equal terrorists in work together.
One only has to recall the perverse, destructive, demeaning, dehumanizing THING donkeys created, SLAVERY.

One small problem with that: Democrats did not create slavery. I'll summarize the history to give some context as to how and when our two main parties today came out. You may know much or all of this already, but I think it's sometimes helpful to revisit it anyway to refresh our minds. Anyone who doesn't want to read it is free to skip it.

The TL;DR version of it is this: the Democratic party wasn't around in 1619 when the first slaves were brought to the American colonies nor was it around when the Constitution was created and allowed the practice to be continued. It's fair to say that the Democratic was largely responsible for perpetuating the practice and bitterly opposed ending slavery.

If you want more details, read on:

As it relates the British colonies in the New World, Britain created slavey. The British brought slavery to the American colonies in 1619 when the first slave was brought to the Jamestown, VA colony. Neither the Democratic or Republican Party were around then nor more than a century and half later when our Constitution was adopted. That document, though espousing freedom for everyone else, preserved slavery for Black persons. The Constitution is otherwise a well crafted document for setting up working government, but that continuation of slavery in the Constitution is the one big stain on it. It took a civil war and the adoption of the 13th Amendment to end that vile practice. About the only positive thing to say about it is the original Constitution did set a deadline after which no more new slaves could brought to the U.S. from Africa.

The Democratic party was created out of the ashes of the collapsed Democratic Republican Party in the late 1820s led Martin Van Buren, who promoted Andrew Jackson to voters to establish the party. Andrew Jackson was its first president. The Whig Party arose soon after formed by opponents of Jackson. The Whigs favored developing industry, a weak presidency and a strong Congress, and the rule of law. The Whigs also rejected manifest destiny and the westward expansion of the U.S. The Democrats, with Andrew Jackson at the helm, favored a very strong presidency (as the history of the Jackson amply demonstrates, favored expansion but also favored an agrarian society, resisting the rise of industrialization. One of the biggest stains on Jackson's presidency was in his vigorous pursuit of the cruel practice of "removal" of Native Americans from lands that White settlers wanted. The removal of Native Americans resulted in such tragedies as the famous Trail of Tears.

The current Republican Party arose to in 1854 in opposition to the Whigs and short-lived Know Nothing Party. Abraham Lincoln was its first candidate to win the White House, which was a seminal event in the South rebelling and starting the Civil War. Lincoln took the first step of ending slavery through his Emancipation Proclamation that freed all slaves in the Confederate states. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution after the Civil War finally put an end to slavery nationwide.

It is absolutely the case that the Democratic Party opposed the abolition of slavery and did everything it could to perpetuate that evil institution. So while it didn't create it, the Party's opposition to ending slavery prolonged slavery and helped spark the war that finally ended it. After the war, the southern states, controlled by Democrats enacted the Jim Crow laws to keep African Americans as close to slavery as it could.

Parties, like people, can and do change. The Democratic Party, for all its faults, is not the same party it was before and during the Civil War. Neither is the Republican Party the same as it was when Lincoln was its president. I'm not a big fan of the Democratic party, but I'm not going to pin the evil of slavery on its current members. None of them had anything to do with slavery.
IRAN- TURKEY- Palestine and the DNC are all equal terrorists in work together.

That's taking a big leap off the deep end. There is absolutely no evidence all four of those groups "working together" to commit terrorism. That's just nuts. There are many things one may blame the Democratic Party for, but running around committing terrorist acts isn't one of them.

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