Political Humor and Satire - Guaranteed to Offend Somebody

Enjoy Kamala GIFTING her followers and believers with oodles, of sweet, gooey, sticky, happy inducing JOY!!!!!!

To ensure your safety from her "gooey joy", viewers might wish to ensure their face is at least 2 feet or more away from their screen. Safety first, friends, safety first!!!!

Joy can be highly toxic and/or mood altering to some humans, and on occasion has neen known to cause an intoxicating effect on children, babies, and seniors suffering from various age related maladies.

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Seriously, you do not know Biden's department of energy nominee when you see IT? I thought you voted straight BLUE. You are worried about Gaetz when this thing ran the department of Energy.
I'm not interested in discourse with someone who can't refer to people with even an ounce of civility or humanity.

I do think we should all be concerned about a nominee for our country's top lawyer who wants to hide alleged illegalities in his past.
I'm not interested in discourse with someone who can't refer to people with even an ounce of civility or humanity.

I do think we should all be concerned about a nominee for our country's top lawyer who wants to hide alleged illegalities in his past.

I agree too bad that your ignore your parties issues and focus on the other side. If Matt Gaetz gets confirmed then good for him. I think he would like to prosecute the other side like they have been doing to Trump for the past 4 years. It would suck to be a Clinton, Biden or Obama
I think he would like to prosecute the other side like they have been doing to Trump for the past 4 years. It would suck to be a Clinton, Biden or Obama

That's exactly what we don't need. The AG should not be using the office to exact petty revenge. The job of the AG is to oversee the DOJ and ensure that enforcement of the law is fair and applied equally for all. That's the hallmark of a great AG. I don't think Gaetz would do a good job in that role because being fair isn't in his makeup, but revenge is. Trump could find other Republicans much better suited for the job if he can get past his vindictive bent and focus on actually doing what's right for the country. As things stand now it doesn't look like Gaetz will clear the Senate which will give Trump another opportunity to get it right.
That's exactly what we don't need. The AG should not be using the office to exact petty revenge. The job of the AG is to oversee the DOJ and ensure that enforcement of the law is fair and applied equally for all. That's the hallmark of a great AG. I don't think Gaetz would do a good job in that role because being fair isn't in his makeup, but revenge is. Trump could find other Republicans much better suited for the job if he can get past his vindictive bent and focus on actually doing what's right for the country. As things stand now it doesn't look like Gaetz will clear the Senate which will give Trump another opportunity to get it right.

LOL, the democrats plotted to kill Trump, they plotted to put him behind bars, they plotted to have him locked up.

Them DEMs deserve everything they have coming their way, and whomever in the Biden administration order to give Ukraine long range missiles should be tried as a war criminal.
LOL, the democrats plotted to kill Trump, they plotted to put him behind bars, they plotted to have him locked up.
LOL, you are again trotting what the far right talking heads say with out the evidence to back it up. So long as the prosecutions against Trump were supported by sufficient evidence to get past a motion to dismiss there wasn't anything wrong with prosecuting it. If there wasn't the evidence then they should never pursued it in the first place. If they did that, the proper response is do the same thing back. If what the other side did was wrong, committing the same wrong back to get vengence is also wrong. That's the rationale behind the long standing truth that "two wrongs do not make a right." Trump and his team accomplish nothing for the public by wasting time and public resources pursuing petty revenge. Trump will come out much better if he can rise above that kind of nonesense and instead ensure that the DOJ does the job it is supposed to do rather than being political hitmen for him. I have my doubts that Trump can do that, but I'll applaud him if he actually comes through and decides to focus on governing the country fairly and not occupy himself pursuing individuals he thinks have slighted him. Sure, people get some measure of delight thinking about pursuing revenge, but the good ones get past that and move on to better things. Can Trump do that? I'll know for sure four years from now when I can review what he actually did while in office.

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