Thank You Judge. That;s the advice my Dad would of given me. You and him are lot alike in the advice you give. God i miss him at times like this. I will be as calm as i was at the first meeting and your right i will use my daily log to offer insight into the times they present. If anything they'll be impressed with my notes.
I know i can sleep at the end of the day knowing who i am and what i did for my company. I went to church last Saturday with my Mom and it happened to be the Priest first day at our parish and he came from Guinea,Africa and his first words before us were. I feel like a big chocolate chip in a bowl of ice cream.
So after church he gave everyone his personal blessing it being his first time as a Priest. I got that blessing and i appreciate everyone of your posts Judge and i will personally let you know the outcome of Fridays meeting. Thank you Again
You're welcome, and I'm still pulling for you.
Notice how greedily your union steals your money, but when you need them, they abandon you.
Yeah, they're in with the cool kids now, those union big shots, like politicians, living large on the backs of workers.
Man, things once were different in this country.
Now, everyone gets shafted, even by their friends.
The unions used to be The Lord protector of the working stiff.
Now, the unions are segregated and run by the cool kids, too.
Except every couple years, the cool kids need the nerds and oddballs to reelect them.
So, they go slumming.
Once reelected, screw you; they're playing golf with the cool kid bosses, the big shot royal politicos, and the millionaire owners.
These days they break you mostly, and never give you a break.
In the olden days when we were hunting dinosaurs and making rock iPads, the boss would lecture you, try to help you, not beat you down.
Yeah, the world has already gone there in a handbasket.