For the first time in my life i filed for unemployment!!!! started working a paper route at age 12 on my bike with the basket on the handle bars and 2 back baskets on the sides od the rear wheels. Graduated to McDonald's at age 16. Work in Construction full time while working part time at night and at age 30 took a 10 an hour job that i held until yesterday. Now am filing for unemployment. Bet your bottom dollar my company deny's that from me. Hey you never knew all you need is a little bit of luck

Oh yea just bought my first lottery ticket for tonight lol Am smiling and have some ideas of where my life is headed from changing course. Hey i can get a lawn mower and start my own business

I live in a community where know one cuts there own grass so maybe i'll under price a few neighbors and still small and work my way up like i always have. Lol just getting the judge to smile and appreciate the out look am taking. Your the reason people come here Judge... Cause i dam well wouldn'r be posting if you weren't offering your wisdom and knowledge.