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So on Monday when i go see the union lawyer i should make sure i have a copy of the grievance that the union said they were gonna file? Is the grievance filed by me or the union? I don't want time to expire and then the union tells me that it was my responsabilty to file it. I guess by now you know i don't TRUST my union. I know i can get my job back if it is argued by someone who is looking to fight for my job rather then go through the motions and say sorry we did all we could do. Judge my union reps boss is who i spoke to yesterday at the union hall and when i brought up the premium pay i didn't get in prior pay checks she said am not even going there said did you complain when you got your paychecks that you didn't get your premium for that week, i said no because there direct deposited and i don't pick up my pay stubs weekly. Is the union obligated to file a grievance when its brought to there attention? They are not looking out for my best interest. You would think the premium pay i was entiled to would be reason enough to get a union lawyer to argue that in a grievance hearing.
premium definition according to my cba contract states. all full time employees who are assigned to work on a late shift shall be paid one dollar per shift premium in addition to there regular rate. So the weeks i didn't receive any premium should be paid because it was money they should of paid me regardless if its after i was terminated. It seems everything is in the company's favor rather then the employee.
Logic would say the union is required to file a grievance.
Educate your pals discretely.
Get there's to raise a rucks, organize to your advantage and their.
But, your contract details HOW the grievance is to be filed.
You need to understand the contract.
The contract will determine (or limit) the outcome of any lawsuit.
Follow the union's rules.
Document each and every step as you now go forward.
Keep copies of everything, and always be extra nice and extraordinarily polite.
Honey or maple syrup attracts and retains more ants than does salt, pickle juice, or vinegar.
Your distrust is well founded, but you must follow the process.
Any attempt to short circuit it hurts your case.
Once the union sees the store is cheating other members, they'll want a piece of that action, too.
But, start inquiring of other employees DISCRETELY, QUIETLY to determine if just your paycheck was shorted, or if everyone's paycheck was shorted.

As to whether you complained, smile and say, "No, I never complained, I inquired! I inquired each time I observed a shortage. I never got an answer."

You're smarter than they are, just take a deep breath, relax, keep your head, this is business, NOT war.
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grievance procedure and arbitration as stated in the CBA is......all disputes, differences or grievances arising out of interpretation, application,breach or claim of breach of the agreement shall be settled in the following manner.

Within 2 calendar weeks of the occurrence of such dispute , difference or grievance, authorized representatives of the union and the employer shall, in good, endeavor to adjust such dispute, difference or grievance.

in the event that the matter is not adjusted in the above step, a representative of the employer charged with the responsibility for labor relations and a duly designed representative of the union shall attempt to adjust the same.

in the event the dispute, difference or grievance still remains unadjusted after compliance with the above step then such dispute difference or grievance may be submitted to arbitration by either party not later then 30 days after the occurrence to an arbitration mutually selected by the parties. for an expedited arbitration or to the american arbitration association for its designation of an arbitrator , in accordance with its rules, to hear and determine the matter. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. The expense shall be borne equally between the parties.

the arbitrator shall not have the authority or power to arbitrate new provisions to this agreement or to arbitrate away either in whole or in part any provision of this agreement, nor shall the arbitrator have the power to add to, delete from or modify any of the provisions of this agreement
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Now Monday will be the 29th day since the occurrence and it states i have 30 days to file a grievance so if i wait till Monday and they say we will let you know if there gonna go forward and then tell me 3 days after Monday that there not gonna fight my termination i would have been past the 30 days to file the grievance so i have to have a copy in my hand on Monday in order for that not happen to me. I know there trying to let the clock tick down and expire and then they'll say sorry there's nothing that can be done. Should i go tomorrow to the union hall and demand a copy of the grievance just to make sure i have it before Mondays meeting with the union lawyer?
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OMG am getting obama care emails lol I can't believe the way your world came be turned upside down just because someone has it in for you. People suck. But so does Karma and when it hits them i won't smile but i wont feel sorry for them lol
Can anyone tell me how to go about filing my grievance without having to wait for my union to file it for me? Am afraid that if i wait to see if they file it my time will expire. Can i file the grievance without my union? Am know longer a union worker since my company terminated me Aug 23... Time is running out to file so any information on who or how to go about it would be greatly appreciated...
Can anyone tell me how to go about filing my grievance without having to wait for my union to file it for me? Am afraid that if i wait to see if they file it my time will expire. Can i file the grievance without my union? Am know longer a union worker since my company terminated me Aug 23... Time is running out to file so any information on who or how to go about it would be greatly appreciated..

CBG can you give me any info on how to file a grievance by myself?
I'm not familiar with your CBA and the union's rues, but I think your answer you discovered already, buddy.

Within 2 calendar weeks of the occurrence of such dispute , difference or grievance, authorized representatives of the union and the employer shall, in good, endeavor to adjust such dispute, difference or grievance.

in the event that the matter is not adjusted in the above step, a representative of the employer charged with the responsibility for labor relations and a duly designed representative of the union shall attempt to adjust the same.

Simply put, it looks like it takes two, you and the union rep.
Ask a friendly old timer down at the union hall.
Yes Judge but what am afraid is my union will say they filed the grievance but then i find out they didn't and then there isn;t anything to do. The meeting with the union lawyer on Monday is to see if they the union will go forward with it or not and am not gonna settle for that being the end. I will pay my own lawyer to fight for me. The more i look at there evidence the more angry i get. My union should of had this settled at the first meeting 3 days after i was suspended instead od then waiting two more weeks and now am down to 4 days. I will file it with whomever i can. I will go down to my companys human resource personal and write a letter saying i want to file a grievance if that is what it will take to get the grievance filed. There's got to be a way to file it without counting on my union to do it. And i should have it in writing if my union says they filed it. I will be on the phone all day to get whatever i need to do to make sure i can be sure its done. HELP
in the event the dispute, difference or grievance still remains unadjusted after compliance with the above step then such dispute difference or grievance may be submitted to arbitration by either party not later then 30 days after the occurrence to an arbitration mutually selected by the parties. for an expedited arbitration or to the american arbitration association for its designation of an arbitrator , in accordance with its rules, to hear and determine the matter. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. The expense shall be borne equally between the parties.

this is where am lost? how do i do rgis step without counting on my union to do it??????
They seem to place barriers everywhere you turn.

You'll never get a fair deal inside that den of thieves and thugs.

Just be sure you document your actions and retain proof.
I'm sure your remedy awaits you in a courtroom.
Nevertheless, it can't hurt to dot all the "I"s and cross all the "T"s.
in the event the dispute, difference or grievance still remains unadjusted after compliance with the above step then such dispute difference or grievance may be submitted to arbitration by either party not later then 30 days after the occurrence to an arbitration mutually selected by the parties. for an expedited arbitration or to the american arbitration association for its designation of an arbitrator , in accordance with its rules, to hear and determine the matter. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. The expense shall be borne equally between the parties.

this is where am lost? how do i do rgis step without counting on my union to do it??????

That's for your lawyer to pursue.
That's how he or she will get paid.
the lawyer i went to see told me to go to my union hall after i left him and i did and the union firld director who is my union reps boss took some info on a piece of paper and i still didnt get a yes or no if the grievance has been filed or not. I will be able to sleep once i know for sure that grievance is filed and am not gonna be told that my 30 days expired. There's got to be info or number for me to call and do it all myself. The lawyer i went the other day told me to get a copy of the grievances and i don't know who or where or how to get that grievance filed. Can i do it myself? or do i need a lawyer to file it? am desperate and would be crushed if i lost my job because some piece of paper wasn't filed on time/
Can anyone tell me where or how to get this grievance filed by the deadline which is Tuesday. That will be the last day to file because its the 30 day limit and know one has given me where or how to go about the filing.. There's got to be one person who can tell me how to do that on my own
How do you expect random people on a message board to know your union procedures or where it should be filed? It's not a universal answer that is always the same everywhere.
If i knew any of the procedures of my questions i'd be following them. I feel like the bottoms gonna fall out without meeting the deadline of the 23rd. My union has said they got a extension of another 30 days and when i asked for a copy of that extension i was told no it was sent through email and i have to TRUST them! Really? TRUST a union who hasn't fought this termination and hasn't returned my calls and waited till the 29th day to get a meeting with the union lawyer and then tell my that there not gonna fight the case because that was there intention all along. I know the company i worked for doesn't have a case from the evidence they showed at the termination meeting. They want this to end with a time limit for me to file a grievance. And i been calling my union and the head of human resources today with no reply back. I wrote a letter stating i went to my union hall on the 17th and wanted to file a grievance and wasn't allowed and i sent it cerfied mail to the president of the union so i would have proof that i want to fight this termination and need a grievance to be filed.
None of which changes the fact that we have no way of knowing what your union's procedures for filing a grievance are or where you would present it.
Sorry that there is nothing more we can tell you/help you with. It's just not possible.
I was offered severance pay to settle. Not settling for a buy out. I retained a Lawyer, I drop 10,000 cash at his office this evening and told him to fight this case and get my dignity returned to me. He said he will file my grievance 9 am Monday and start with letting my union there no longer defending me. I;ll take care of the union after the case is settle. Going to dinner for a night of relaxation with family and friends and putting this behind me until i have to get into it again. God Bless America and i feel sorry for anyone who isn't able to pay for there name.
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