Trump to cut taxes on Social Security

You could Google that story and find many reports of what Trump said about cutting military spending that were not behind a paywall.
Gotta agree with that.

I routinely look up stuff when I hit a paywall. Takes a few seconds and avoids the time and hassle it takes to post a gripe about hitting a paywall and then have to wait until another source is posted.

I did happen to Google this and found more information.

See how easy that was.
Gotta agree with that.

I routinely look up stuff when I hit a paywall. Takes a few seconds and avoids the time and hassle it takes to post a gripe about hitting a paywall and then have to wait until another source is posted.

See how easy that was.
I agree that it's not hard to do, but I also agree that it's not my job to do. I may choose to do it, but I may not. In either case, it's still the responsibility of the posting party to make sure their backup data is accessible.

Just my 2¢
I agree that it's not hard to do, but I also agree that it's not my job to do. I may choose to do it, but I may not. In either case, it's still the responsibility of the posting party to make sure their backup data is accessible.
Can you provide a link to the statutory law or case law to support that claim?
I thought this was a legal forum. If the opinion was about a legal matter that would be OK, but I don't think that is the case.
Ahh, you can't even tell what forum you're posting in. What a shame.
I wish we could issue a recall vote, Trump is a moron of the highest order and should not have been reelected. I should have taken notice of all the warning signs. Mainly Elon the IDIOT Muck, the autistic dipchit is trying to make all Federal employees welfare recipients. Awesome agenda you have there, how about not letting Legislators and Senators not to benefit economically from the laws they pass or throw out. It is going to get a lot worse. How about Tesla which is all about the only survivor of the EV game and thanks to Musk's 250 million dollar campaign contribution.

That is what it cost to cut millions of middle class federal jobs, awesome job creep. I hope those affected sue them for back pay and ruin this cabal of corruption.
I wish we could issue a recall vote, Trump is a moron of the highest order and should not have been reelected. I should have taken notice of all the warning signs. Mainly Elon the IDIOT Muck, the autistic dipchit is trying to make all Federal employees welfare recipients. Awesome agenda you have there, how about not letting Legislators and Senators not to benefit economically from the laws they pass or throw out. It is going to get a lot worse. How about Tesla which is all about the only survivor of the EV game and thanks to Musk's 250 million dollar campaign contribution.

That is what it cost to cut millions of middle class federal jobs, awesome job creep. I hope those affected sue them for back pay and ruin this cabal of corruption.
So you think the Federal government should employ people for no good reason other than they need a job? Given that there are 2.4 million Federal jobs (plus an equal number of military personnel), I don't think Trump will be eliminating millions of them, even if he says he would like to.

According to Elaine Karmarck, the director of President Bill Clinton's National Performance Review., that organization eliminated 426,200 federal roles between January 1993 and September 2000. Somehow I don't hear any Democrats who are complaining about that.
So you think the Federal government should employ people for no good reason other than they need a job? Given that there are 2.4 million Federal jobs (plus an equal number of military personnel), I don't think Trump will be eliminating millions of them, even if he says he would like to.

According to Elaine Karmarck, the director of President Bill Clinton's National Performance Review., that organization eliminated 426,200 federal roles between January 1993 and September 2000. Somehow I don't hear any Democrats who are complaining about that.

You do not know what you are talking about, these are hard working people. No one deserves a federal job that isn't what I am saying. However, those in federal jobs work hard and do not deserve this. I have family members who are having to let people go because they are 2 months sort of their probation period. This is effecting a lot of agencies, FAA, USDA, IRS, and US park services just to name a few. You may think it is funny or do not care since your lively hood does not depend on a government job. Putting people out of work to go on government assistance as some sort of offset is as stupid as Trump is. I and everyone who voted for this infantile idiot should have their heads examined.
You do not know what you are talking about, these are hard working people. No one deserves a federal job that isn't what I am saying. However, those in federal jobs work hard and do not deserve this. I have family members who are having to let people go because they are 2 months sort of their probation period. This is effecting a lot of agencies, FAA, USDA, IRS, and US park services just to name a few. You may think it is funny or do not care since your lively hood does not depend on a government job. Putting people out of work to go on government assistance as some sort of offset is as stupid as Trump is. I and everyone who voted for this infantile idiot should have their heads examined.

oh yeah the VA is affected as well, Doctors and Nurses who treat veterans. What a chit show this truly is
You do not know what you are talking about, these are hard working people. No one deserves a federal job that isn't what I am saying. However, those in federal jobs work hard and do not deserve this. I have family members who are having to let people go because they are 2 months sort of their probation period. This is effecting a lot of agencies, FAA, USDA, IRS, and US park services just to name a few. You may think it is funny or do not care since your lively hood does not depend on a government job. Putting people out of work to go on government assistance as some sort of offset is as stupid as Trump is. I and everyone who voted for this infantile idiot should have their heads examined.
I don't think it is funny. But the Federal government cannot keep people employed if their jobs are not needed. The US has $36.5 Trillion national debt, which is $109,000 for every adult and child in the US. So a family of four is in debt for $436,000 not counting their personal debt. Just paying the interest on the national debt is going to overwhelm our economic system.

It is unfortunate that past government officials (Presidents and Congress) have ignored the national debt and government spending has been out of control, which has led to the need to cut these jobs. Having worked in the private sector my whole career (retired now) I can tell you that layoffs are not unusual and almost everyone has worked at a company that had at least one major layoff, if not many layoffs. I was laid off one job, and was lucky to survive at least five other major layoffs. Most of those people didn't deserve to lose their jobs either. I am not sure why government employees think they should be immune from the economic realities that almost everyone in the private sector has faced.
How about the nuked nuclear safety guys. Who they're trying to rehire, but can't find them - because they already deleted their email addresses. Dumb leading dumber.
Any time someone leaves a company, they lose access to the private company/government network, so they lose access to the private email also, even if the email account is not deleted. They don't use public email like gmail, hotmail, etc. Access to the private network is taken away on the last day of employment, even if one resigns. This is standard procedure in all companies, including government agencies. But you are correct it was not smart to fire them in the first place if they are actually needed.

I worked at one company where 40% of our department got laid off, but right after that 3 other people resigned (including me) so they tried to hire back one of the people who got laid off, but he refused to come back because his severance package was about 8 months pay.

They can still find those people who got laid off, because those former employees still have to deal with government HR department for various reasons related to their severance or Cobra health benefits, or whatever. But it may just take a little longer. The media hates Trump and Musk and just like to exaggerate stuff.
Any time someone leaves a company, they lose access to the private company/government network, so they lose access to the private email also, even if the email account is not deleted. They don't use public email like gmail, hotmail, etc. Access to the private network is taken away on the last day of employment, even if one resigns. This is standard procedure in all companies, including government agencies. But you are correct it was not smart to fire them in the first place if they are actually needed.

I worked at one company where 40% of our department got laid off, but right after that 3 other people resigned (including me) so they tried to hire back one of the people who got laid off, but he refused to come back because his severance package was about 8 months pay.

They can still find those people who got laid off, because those former employees still have to deal with government HR department for various reasons related to their severance or Cobra health benefits, or whatever. But it may just take a little longer. The media hates Trump and Musk and just like to exaggerate stuff.

Again, you do not know what you are talking about. The affected federal employees have been let go for performance issues in most cases they all have or had great performance reviews. This makes them ineligible for workforce service unemployment and regardless of what you have heard. They are not getting severance in most cases and are limited to two weeks pay. They have in most cases been severed without pay of any kind. There is a class action suit pending and they could have a judge rule that they all should be reinstated. Again, the MSM has been if anything easy on the Donald. He and Musk should not been cutting federal employees they should be limiting congress and house members corruption. Those numbers you just spouted off are the result of corrupt politicians and pay offs not due to an over abundance of federal employees.

Read the face book posts from the federal parks employees, and others who have been caught up in this fiasco.
Again, you do not know what you are talking about. The affected federal employees have been let go for performance issues in most cases they all have or had great performance reviews. This makes them ineligible for workforce service unemployment and regardless of what you have heard. They are not getting severance in most cases and are limited to two weeks pay. They have in most cases been severed without pay of any kind. There is a class action suit pending and they could have a judge rule that they all should be reinstated. Again, the MSM has been if anything easy on the Donald. He and Musk should not been cutting federal employees they should be limiting congress and house members corruption. Those numbers you just spouted off are the result of corrupt politicians and pay offs not due to an over abundance of federal employees.

Read the face book posts from the federal parks employees, and others who have been caught up in this fiasco.
There are some senior level federal employees who were dismissed for cause (failure to follow instructions on various matters). These are senior level people like government prosecutors, not middle class employees. If they don't obey orders from the new administration then it doesn't matter how many great performance reviews they received in the past. Some of them resigned instead of getting fired. No packages for people who resign or fired for cause. But almost all of these high level government employees can easily get jobs in the private sector, because most of them are lawyers.

Rank and file career civil service employees (middle class workers) who are let go to cut costs are eligible for unemployment benefits through the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program, very similar to like in the private sector, unless they are fired for cause. They also get severance packages.

Due to the separation of powers in the US Constitution, the Executive Branch (President) has no jurisdiction over the ethics rules for members of Congress. A constitutional amendment could change that or voters could take that into consideration when they vote for their members of the House and Senate.

President Bill Clinton eliminated 426,200 federal roles during his two terms in office. I don't recall hearing any Democrats who complained about those job eliminations back then, or complain about it now. This makes me think all this criticism of Musk and Trump about DOGE is really because some are embarrassed that all of fraud and waste exists in our Federal government is being exposed and making them look bad, and they are trying to change to subject.
They can still find those people who got laid off, because those former employees still have to deal with government HR department for various reasons related to their severance or Cobra health benefits, or whatever. But it may just take a little longer. The media hates Trump and Musk and just like to exaggerate stuff.
Then they shouldn't publicize that they can't "find" them. As I said - dumb leading dumber.
Then they shouldn't publicize that they can't "find" them. As I said - dumb leading dumber.
There are a lot of Democrats in the Executive Branch bureaucracy (probably at least 75% of the 2.4 million Federal Employees are Democrats), and a lot of left-leaning journalists, so that is why it gets publicized that way. Technically the story may be correct that these employees cannot immediately be contacted by their old managers using their company email address, but access to internal computers (and internal email) has to be immediately shut off any time an employee leaves a company or a government job.

The problem is that I am not sure if all of them want their jobs back. My experience is that when large layoffs occur, organizations end up losing some employees they didn't want to lose, because once word of an impending layoff gets out, everyone gets their resume updated and many have started looking for jobs just in case they get laid off. The better employees may find better jobs they didn't know they could get.
I don't know why the are focusing on Elon Musk, as he is just one of 2.4 million government employees at this point (although not sure if he is even getting paid).
Because Musk doesn't know what the hell he's doing and doesn't the proper way to get things done. He talks about "deleting" whole departments and agencies, something neither he nor Trump have the power to doCorporate CEOs and boards can cut their company budgets however they like. They only have to answer to the shareholders. But the President of the United States (and those working for him) don't have that same degree of freedom. The Constitution and federal statutes set limits on what they can and establish the processes to follow for what they can do. Musk has a lot of learning to do if he wants to be truly effective.

Musk's appointment is not as a civil service employee, as you suggest in your post. Although his exact status and authority are currently being litigated there isn't anyone claiming he's a civil service employee. Trump claims Musk is simply one of his advisors and has no formal authority, a claim which a district court judge was highly skeptical of when the DOJ attorneys made that claim in a hearing. The dispute mattters in part because if he's not simply an advisor then as he's neither a civil servant nor an executive employee subject to Senate confirmation the law limits his time in the job to less than 150 days.

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